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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Root Text and Instructions on the Four-Armed Mahakala Called "The Two Wheels".  +
The Instructions on Mahamudra Lhenchig Chejor, the Small Text Vajra Words Called "Wishfulfilling Jewel".  +
The Instructions on the Five Points (Nga Den) Mahamudra Teachings by Situ Chokyi Jungne.  +
The Elaborate Torma Offering Practice to Wisdom Protector Six-Armed Mahakala with Additions and Instructions Called "Spontaneously Accomplishing Four Activities".  +
The Collection of Initiations and Blessings of the Six-Armed Mahakala called "The String of Cintamanis".  +
The Practice of Six-Armed Mahakala with Torma Offering Called "The Treasury House of Accomplishments".  +
The General Outline of the Instructions of the Mahamudra (Sahajayoga).  +
Instructions on the Mahamudra Called Mahamudra Lhenchig Chejor (Sahajayoga).  +
Dan Martin notes that this text may be incomplete.'"`UNIQ--ref-00000605-QINU`"' The Meditation Empowerment of Mahamudra Lenchig Chejor.  +
The Meditation Empowerment of Mahamudra Lenchig Chejor.  +
The Mahamudra Meditation Preliminaries and the Main Instructions Written by Zhang Rinpoche.  +
The Instructions on Introducing the Secret of the Mahamudra Called "Clarifying the Wisdom" from the Ngam Zong Tradition of Chakrasamvara  +
Instructions on the Four Letter Mahamudra.  +
An important Word By Word Commentary on the Four Letter Mahamudra Instructions by Primordial Buddha Vajradhara Called "The Lord of the Day".  +