Myriad Worlds
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ISBN 1-55939-033-6
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Bibliography of Works Cited Scriptures Beyond the Limits of Sound Root Tantra sGra thaI 'gyur rtsa ba'i rgyud NG vol. Tha, ff. 193-265 Blossomed Wisdom Scripture Nis thagata-bhagavajjñana-vaipul yasutra bCom ldan 'das kyi ye shes rgyas pa'i mdo Dg.K. mDo sde, vol. Ga, ff. 1-275 (Toh. 99) Brahmana Vyhasa Scripture gNas 'jog pa'i mdo Dg.K. mDo sde, vol. Sa, ff. 263-268 (Toh. 333) Cluster of Jewels Tantra Nor bu phra bkod pa'i rgyud NG vol. Ta, ff. 234-262 Condensed Transcendent Wisdom Scripture Arya-prajñaparamita-sañca yagatha 'Phags pa shes rab kyi pha roI tu phyin pa sdud pa tshigs su bead pa In: Collection of Scriptures and Dharani (gZungs bsdus/ mDo sngags gsung rab rgya mtsho'i snying po sdud pa), two vols. Dharamsala: 1976. Vol. sMad eha, ff. 1-30 Descent into Lanka Scripture Lankavatarasutra Lang kar gshegs pa'i mdo Dg.K. mDo sde, vol. Ca, ff. 56-191 (Toh. 107) Translated by D.T. Suzuki, The Lankavatara Sutra (London: Routledge, 1932) Flower Ornament Scripture (FOS) Buddha-a va taI11saka-nama -maha vaipulyasutra Sangs rgyas phal po che zhes bya ba shin tu rgyas pa chen po'i mdo Dg.K. Phal chen, vol. Ka, Kha, Ga, A (Toh. 44) Trans. from Chinese by Thomas Cleary, The Flower Ornament Scripture, 3 vols. (Boulder: Shambhala, 1984, 1986, 1987)
Fundamental Tantra of Mañjusri MañjuSrimulatantra 'Jam dpal gyi rtsa ba'i rgyud Dg.K. rGyud 'bum, vol. Na, ff. 105-351 (Toh. 543) Garland of Pearls Tantra Mu tig rin po ehe'i phreng ba'i rgyud NG vol. Ta, ff. 234-289 Glorious Tantra (see Great King of Tantras Issued from the Sacred Primordial Buddha, the Glorious Wheel of Time) Great Array: The Tantra of Supreme Wish-Fulfillment bKod pa chen po yid bzhin mchog gi rgyud NG Great King of Tantras Issued from the Sacred Primordial Buddha, the Glorious Wheel of Time (GKT) Paramadibuddhoddhrta-srikalaeakra-tantraraja mChog gi dang po'i sangs rgyas las phyung ba rgyud kyi rgyal po dpal dus kyi 'khor lo Dg.K. rGyud 'bum, vol. Ka, ff. 22-128 (Toh. 362) Great Mindfulness Scripture (GMS) Saddharmasmrityupasthana Dam pa'i ehos dran pa nye bar gzhag pa Dg.K. mDo sde, vol. Ya, Ra, La, Sha (Toh. 287) Inconceivable King Scripture Aeintyarajasutra bSam gyis mi khyab pa'i rgyal po'i mdo Dg.K. mDo sde, vol. Ya, ff. 5-7 (Toh. 268) Inconceivable Secrets of the Transcendent Ones Scripture Tathagatacintyaguhya-nirdeSa-sutra De bzhin gshegs pa'i gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pa bstan pa'i mdo Dg.K. dKon brtsegs, vol. Ka, ff. 100-203 (Toh. 47) Intrinsically Free Awareness Tantra Rig pa rang grol ba'i rgyud NG vol. Tha, ff. 167-193 Majestic Creative Energy of the Universe Kun byed rgyal po NG vol. Ka, ff. 1-110 Marvellous Life of the Buddha Scripture Lalitavistarasutra rGya cher rol pa'i mdo Dg.K. mDo sde, vol. Kha, ff. 1-216 (Toh. 95) Translated from French by Gwendolyn Bays, The Voice of Buddha: The Beauty of Compassion. Berkeley: Dharma Publishing, 1983
Phenomenology Scripture Abhidharmasutra Chos mngon pa'i mdo unidentified Pure Golden Light Scripture Suvarnaprabhasottama-sutrendrarajasutra gSer 'od dam pa mdo sde'i dbang po'i rgyal po'i mdo Dg.K. rGyud 'bum, vol. Pa, ff. 151-273 (Toh. 556) Questions of Gaganaganja Scripture Gaganagañja-pariprcchasutra Nam mkha' mdzod kyis zhus pa'i mdo Dg.K. mDo sde, vol. Pa, ff. 243-330 (Toh. 148) Reunion of Father and Son Scripture Pitaputra-samagamanasutra Yab dang sras mjal ba'i mdo Dg.K. dKon brtsegs, vol. Nga, ff. 1-168 (Toh. 60) Scripture Revealing Dharma and its Meaning Dharmartha-vibhangasutra Chos dang don rnam par 'byed pa'i mdo Dg.K. mDo sde, vol. Za, ff. 42-46 (Toh. 247) Sixth Expanse Tantra Kun tu bzang po klong drug pa'i rgyud NG vol. Tha, ff. 305-335 Tantra of Great Beauty and Auspiciousness bKra shis mdzes ldan chen po'i rgyud NG vol. Tha, ff. 335-343 Tantra of Self-Manifestation [of Awareness] (SMA) Rig pa rang shar chen po'i rgyud NG vol. Tha, ff. 1-167 Transcendent Wisdom in One Hundred Thousand Lines Sa tasahasrika-prajñaparamita Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa stong phrag brgya pa Dg.K. Shes phyin, vol. Ka through vol. A (Toh. 8) Vajra Daka Sri-vajradaka-mahatantraraja rGyud kyi rgyal po chen po dpal rdo rje mkha' 'gro Dg.K. rGyud 'bum, vol. Ka, ff. 1-125 (Toh. 370) Vajrasattva, Mirror of the Heart Tantra rDo rje sems dpa'i snying gi me long gi rgyud NG vol. Tha, ff. 265-291 White Lotus of Compassion Scripture Karunapundarikasutra sNying rje pad ma dkar po'i mdo Dg.K. mDo sde, vol. Cha, ff. 129-297 (Toh. 112)
Treatises Asanga Compendium of Determinations Viniseayasamgraha /N irnayasammgraha rNam par gtan la dbab pa bsdu ba Dg.T. Sems tsam, vol. Shi, ff. 1-289 (Toh. 4038) Compendium of Enumerations Paryayasamgraha rNam grangs bsdu ba Dg.T. Sems tsam, vol. Hi, ff. 22-47 (Toh. 4041) Compendium of Explanations Vivaranasamgraha rNam par bshad pa bsdu ba Dg.T. Sems tsam, vol. Hi, ff. 47-68 (Toh. 4042) Compendium of Facts Vastusamgraha gZhi bsdu ba Dg.T. Sems tsam, vol. Zi, ff. 127-335 (Toh. 4039) Compendium of the Universal Way MahayanasaI11graha Theg pa chen po bsdus pa Dg.K. Sems tsam, vol. Ri, ff. 1-43 (Toh. 4048) Facts of the Stages Bhumivastu/Yogaearabhumi Sa'i dngos gzhi/rNal 'byor spyod pa'i sa Dg.T. Sems tsam, vol. Tshi, Dzi, Wi (Toh. 4035-37) Includes BahubhUmika, Sravakabhumi, and BodhisattvabhUmi Synthesis of Phenomenology (Syn) Abhidharmasamueeaya Chos mngon pa kun las btus pa Dg.T. Sems tsam, vol. Ri, ff. 44-120 (Toh. 4049) Translated from Sanskrit, Tibetan, and Chinese by Walpola Rahula, Le Compendium de la Super-Doctrine d'Asanga (Paris: Ecole Française d'Extrême-Orient,1980) Candrakirti Introduction to the Central Way Madhyamakavatara dBu ma la 'jug pa Dg.T. dBu ma, vol. Ha, ff. 201-219 (Toh. 3861) DamstraSena Commentary to the Large, Medium and Small Transcendent Wisdom Scriptures Sa tasahasrika - p añ ea vimsa tisahasrika -as tadasasahasrika-prajñaparamita-brhattika 'Phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa 'bum pa dang nyi khri lnga
stong pa dang khri brgyad stong pa'i rgya cher bshad pa Dg.K. Shes phyin, vol. Pha, ff. 1-292 (Toh. 3808) Dharmakirti Treatise on Valid Cognition Pramanavarttika Tshad ma rnam 'grel Dg.T. Tshad ma, vol. Ce, ff. 94-151 (Toh. 4210) Dharmamitra Treatise on the Transcendent Wisdom Pith Instructions, Commentary on the Ornament of Realizations Abhisamayalamkarakarika-prajñaparami topadesa-sastra tikaprasphutapada Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gi bstan beos mngon rtogs rgyan gyi tshig le'ur byas pa'i 'grel bshad tshig rab tu gsal ba Dg.T. Shes phyin, vol. Nga, ff. 1-110 (Toh. 3796) Haribhadra Discussion on the Scripture of Transcendent Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines Astasahasrika-prajñaparamitavyakhya-abhisamayalamkaraloka Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa'i bshad pa mngon par rtogs pa'i rgyan gyi snang ba Dg.T. Shes phyin, vol. Cha, ff. 1-341 (Toh. 3791) Maitreya Scripture Ornament/Ornament of the Scriptures of the Universal Way Maha yanasutralamkara Theg pa chen po'i mdo sde'i rgyan Dg.T. Sems tsam, vol. Phi, ff. 1-39 (Toh. 4020) Nagarjuna Disclosure of the Awakening Mind (DAM) Bodhicittavivarana Byang chub sems kyi ' grel pa Dg.T. rGyud, vol. Ngi, ff. 38-42 (Toh. 1800) Pundarika Stainless Commentary to the Kalacakra Tantra Vimala prabha-nama -m ulatantranusarini-d vadasasahasrikalaghukalaeakratantraraja-tika bDus pa'i rgyud kyi rgyal po dus kyi 'khor lo'i 'grel bshad rtsa ba'i rgyud kyi rjes su 'jug pa stong phrag bcu gnyis pa dri ma med pa'i , od ees bya ba Dg.K. rGyud, vol. Tha, ff. 107-277 and vol. Da, ff. 1-297 (Toh. 1347) Purnavardhana Commentary to the Treasury of Phenomenology Abhidharmakosa tika-Iaksananusarini Chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi 'grel bshad mtshan nyid kyi rjes su 'brangba Dg.T. mNgon pa, vol. Cu, ff. 1-347 and vol. Chu, ff. 1-322 (Toh. 4093)
Supreme Essence Commentary on the Transcendent Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines Astasahasrikaprajñaparamita-pañjikasarottama
Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa brgyad stong pa'i dka' 'grel snyingpo mchog
Dg.T. Shes phyin, vol. Tha, ff. 1-230 (Toh. 3803)
Wish-Fulfilling Scripture Amarakosatikakamadhenu
'Chi ba med pa'i mdzod kyi rgya cher 'grel pa 'dod 'jo'i ba mo Dg.T. sGra mdo, vol. Se, ff. 244-318 (Toh. 4300)
Commentary to the Treasury of Phenomenology Abhidharmakosabhasya
Chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi bshad pa
Dg.T. mNgon pa, vol. Ku, ff. 26-258 (Toh. 4090)
Principles of Elucidation -J
rNam par bshad pa'i rigs pa
Dg.T. Sems tsam, vol. Shi, ff. 29-134 (Toh. 4061)
Treasury of Phenomenology (TOP) Abhidharmakosakarika
Chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi tshig le'ur byas pa Dg.T. mNgon pa,vol. Ku, ff. 1-25 (Toh. 4089)
Tibetan Works
Kongtrul Lodrö Taye (Kong sprul 810 gros mtha' yas) Elucidation of the Philosophy of Rangjung Dorjé
Rang 'byung dgongs gsal
Elucidation of the Profound Meaning
rNal 'byor bla med pa'i rgyud sde rgya mtsho'i snying po bsdus pa zab mo gi don nyung ngu'i tshig gi mam par 'grol ba zab don snang byed
Mikyö Dorje (Mi bskyod rDo rje) Ocean of the Mind
Yid mtsho
Rangjung Dorje (Rang byung rDo rje) Profound Inner Meaning
Zab mo nang gi don
Showing the Essence of the Joyful Ones
bDe gshegs snying po bstan pa'i bstan bcos
Reference Bibliography Batchelor, Stephen, trans. A Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life, by Shantideva. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1987. Bays, Gwendolyn, trans. The Voice of Buddha: The Beauty of Compassion. 2 vols. Berkeley: Dharma Publishing, 1983. Bhatt, Govardhan P. The Basic Ways of Knowing: An In-depth Study of Kumarila's Contribution to Indian Epistemology. 2nd ed. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1989. Cleary, Thomas, trans. The Flower Ornament Scripture: The Avatamsaka SuUra. 3 vols. Boulder and London: Shambhala, 1984, 1986, 1987. Conze, Edward, trans. The Large Sutra on Perfect Wisdom. Berkeley: University of California, 1975. Dhargyey, Geshe Ngawang. A Commentary on the Kalacakra Tantra. Translated by Gelong Jhampa Kelsang (Alan Wallace), edited by Ivana Vana Jakic. Dharamsala: Library of Tibetan Works and Archives, 1985. Dudjom, Rinpoché. The Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism, Its Fundamentals and History. Translated by Gyurme Dorje with the collaboration of Matthew Kapstein. 2 vols. Boston: Wisdom, 1991. Dutt, Sukumar. Buddhist Monks and Monasteries of India: Their History and Their Contribution to Indian Culture. 1962. Reprint, Delhi: MotHal Banarsidass, 1988. Edgerton, Franklin. Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary. 2 vols. New Haven, 1953. Reprint, Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass, 1985. Gendun Drub (dGe 'dun grub pa, Dalai Lama I). Dam pa'i chos mngon pa'i mdzod kyi rnam par bshad pa thar lam gsal byed. Sarnath, India: Elegant Sayings Press, 1973. Grimes, John. A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy (Sanskrit-English). Madras University Philosophical Series, No. 48. Madras: Radhakrishnan Institute for Advanced Study in Philosophy, University of Madras, 1988.
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