Part Seven: Concluding Ritual Texts

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This section comprises two texts both composed by Jamgön Kongtrul. The first is a very long sādhana of homage to the forty lineage holders of The Heart Essence of Vimalamitra, from Samantabhadra until Kongtrul’s own teacher, Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo. It concludes with a gaṇacakra offering.

The second text is a sādhana of Ekajaṭī and the six protectors belonging to her retinue. As specified in the colophon, Ekajaṭī is the main guardian of the Heart Essence teaching—her single tress, her one eye, one tooth, one breast, and (sometimes) one leg are emblematic of the one sole sphere of the dharmakāya. She is regarded as a transmundane protector, Samantabhadrī herself manifesting in the form of a wisdom mamo. The sādhana concludes with an empowerment of the dharma protectors, thereby rounding off in the traditional way the collection of extraordinary texts contained in this volume.