Person:Bai ro tsa na
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Tibetan: བཻ་རོ་ཙ་ན་
- bai ro tsa na
- bai ro tsa na rak+Shi ta
- pa gor bai ro tsa na
- ga 'jag stangs
- pa gor be ro tsa na
- rnam par snang mdzad lo tsa ba
Other Transliterations in use:
Born: birth 8th cent.
Other Biographical Information
Main Students
Main Teachers
Writings About Bai ro tsa na
- byang chub kyi sems kun byed rgyal po'i don khrid rin chen gru bo (1, pp 249-274)
- rdzogs chen sems sde brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs byin rlabs kyi dga' ston (1, pp 301-309)
- rdzogs pa chen po'i sems sde'i rgyud lung gi rtsa ba gces par btus pa rnams (1, pp 163-190)
- sems sde'i dbang chog bla ma'i zhal gdams (1, pp 191-247)
- The Cuckoo of Awareness (Le Coucou de l'Éveil) (rig pa'i khu byug) -
- The Cuckoo of Awareness at Transcription and translation by Karen Liljenberg of the root text along with the commentary found at Dunhuang
- The Cuckoo's Song of Total Presence from Keith Dowman
- 1 of 5 earlier translated sems sde tantras, 1 of man ngag lung chen bco brgyad, earlier translated sems sde tantra, 1 of snga 'gyur lnga [JV] (Source)