de ltar na 'di rnams ye she mkha' 'gro ni gu'i zhal gyi gdams pa/_rlung sems dbu mar thim pa dang /_rtsa mdud 'gro ba'i man ngag rang lus thabs ldan gtso bor gyur pa/_grol lam mchog sgrub kyi man ngag_/lus sbyong bco brgyad pa zhes bya ba yin te/_'di'i rtsa ba'i gzhung ni/_zhal shes cung zad gab pa dang /_tshig mang po'i gseb tu 'thor bas sdud mi shes pa dag mang du yod la/_mi mkhas pas sbyar ba'i sdom than thun yod srid na'ang /_lag len gsal por thon pa med dpar mngon pas/_'di'i lag len nub tu nye bar mthong ba'i phyir/_mi nub cing rgyas par bya ba'i don du dpal ldan shangs pa'i bka' brgyud la mos pa cung zad thob pa/_tA ra nA thas ma sbas shing gsal bara bkod pa'o//
Information about Unicode Tibetan and the digitization of this text
As the only available unicode Tibetan text at the time, Nitartha International's version of the Paro Edition of the gdams ngag mdzod is provided here. However, note that it has not been thoroughly edited and that there may also be mistakes introduced through the conversion process. Eventually we will provide a fully edited version of the entire Shechen Edition, entered and edited multiple times by Pulahari Monastery in Nepal, but as of fall 2017 that project has not been finished. Note that the folio numbers that appear throughout were added by Nitartha Input Center at the time of input.