chos drug rdo rje'i tshig rkang zhes bya ba rdzogs so/_/ye shes kyi DA ki ma'i zhal snga nas/_lo tsA ba glan dar ma blo gros kyis bsgyur ba'o/_/bdag khyung po rnal 'byor pas gser srang lnga brgya phul nas zhus te nyams su myong bar byas pa'o/_/phyis tho ling du lo tsA ba rin chen bzang pos kyang gtan la phab pa'o/_/rdo rje'i tshig rkang la/_khyung po'i mtshan dkyus su shor ba/_bud+d+ha shris gzhung mchan so sor phye zhing mchan bu cung zad gnang ba la/_slar yang skad gnyis smra ba 'gyur med bde chen gyis/_blo gros kyis zhib tu dpyad cing /_rgyas par bkod pa 'dis kyang /_bstan pa dang sems can la phan pa rgya che bar gyur cig_(see note) sarba sid+dhi m+me pra ya ts+chan+tu/
↑interlinear scribal note: །འདིའི་ཚིགས་བཅད་རྣམས་རྡོ་རྗེའི་ཚིག་རྐང་དངོས་དང་། བར་གྱི་ལྟུག་པ་རྣམས་ཁྱུང་པོས་མཁའ་འགྲོ་མའི་ཞལ་ཤེས་ཡི་གེར་བཀོད་པར་སྣང་། འདི་ལ་ལོ་ཆེན་འགྱུར་མེད་འདེ་ཆེན་གྱི་རྒྱས་འགྲེལ་ཡོད་དོ། / /'di'i tshigs bcad rnams rdo rje'i tshig rkang dngos dang /_bar gyi ltug pa rnams khyung pos mkha' 'gro ma'i zhal shes yi ger bkod par snang /_'di la lo chen 'gyur med 'de chen gyi rgyas 'grel yod do/
Further Cataloging data:
Title Page (ཁ་ཤོག་):
No title page
First Page Title(s):
རྒྱ་གར་སྐད་དུ། དྷརྨ་ཥ་ཊ་བཛྲ་གཱ་ཐ་ནཱ་མ།
d+harma Sha Ta badz+ra gA tha nA ma/
བོད་སྐད་དུ། ཆོས་དྲུག་རྡོ་རྗེའི་ཚིག་རྐང་ཞེས་བྱ་བ།
chos drug rdo rje'i tshig rkang zhes bya ba/
Description of pages:
Side A:
གཡོན་: ད རྩ་ (གྲངས་ཀ་) ཚིག་
Left: da rtsa (tibfolio#) tshig
གཡས་: གདམས་མཛོད་ཤངས་ཆོས།
Right: gdams mdzod shangs chos/
Side B:
གཡོན་: ནི་གུའི་གསེར་ཆོས་ལྔ།
Left: ni gu'i gser chos lnga/
གཡས་: #
Right: #
Volume #: 11 (ད་)
Begin-End Pages (Western): 2-6
Begin Tibetan page and line #: 1b1
End Tibetan page and line #: 3b6
Total # of pages (Western): 5
Total # of pages (Tibetan): 3 folios
Number of lines per page: 7 (2 pages of 5, 1 page of 6)
Property "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.Property "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Vajra verses for the six teachings of the wisdom dakini Niguma
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Information about Unicode Tibetan and the digitization of this text
As the only available unicode Tibetan text at the time, Nitartha International's version of the Paro Edition of the gdams ngag mdzod is provided here. However, note that it has not been thoroughly edited and that there may also be mistakes introduced through the conversion process. Eventually we will provide a fully edited version of the entire Shechen Edition, entered and edited multiple times by Pulahari Monastery in Nepal, but as of fall 2017 that project has not been finished. Note that the folio numbers that appear throughout were added by Nitartha Input Center at the time of input.