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Tibetan: ཀློང་ཆེན་པ་ (ཀློང་ཆེན་རབ་འབྱམས་) (ཀློང་ཆེན་པ་དྲི་མེད་འོད་ཟེར་)<br> | Tibetan: ཀློང་ཆེན་པ་ (ཀློང་ཆེན་རབ་འབྱམས་) (ཀློང་ཆེན་པ་དྲི་མེད་འོད་ཟེར་)<br> |
Revision as of 00:49, 30 July 2009
Tibetan: ཀློང་ཆེན་པ་ (ཀློང་ཆེན་རབ་འབྱམས་) (ཀློང་ཆེན་པ་དྲི་མེད་འོད་ཟེར་)
Chinese: traditional: 隆欽然絳巴 simplified: 隆钦然绛巴 Pinyin: Lóngqīn Ránjiàngbā
klong chen rab 'byams
klong chen pa dri med 'od zer
Other Transliterations in use:
Honorary title "Second Buddha" (Tib. rgyal ba gnyis)
Longchen Rabjam (klong chen rab 'byams; realization of vast knowledge)
Longchen Rabjampa (klong chen rab 'byams pa)
Longchenpa Drimey Özer (klong chen pa dri med 'od zer)
Künkhyen Longchenpa (kun mkhyen klong chen pa; the omniscient Longchenpa)
Künkhyen Longchen Rabjam (kun mkhyen klong chen rab 'byams)
Künkhyen Chenpo (kun mkhyen chen po; Omniscient Great One)
Künkhyen Chenpo Drimey Özer (kun mkhyen chen po dri med 'od zer)
Künkhyen Chökyi (kun mkhyen chos kyi rgyal po; All-knowing Dharma King)
Gyalwa Longchen Rabjam (rgyal ba klong chen rab 'byams)
Gyalwa Longchen Rabjam Drimey Özer (rgyal ba klong chen rab 'byams dri med 'od zer)
1308 – 1364 or possibly 1369
Nyingma School - School of the Ancients
Other Biographical Information
- Dzogchen Project Extensive bibliography with information regarding available translations
Main Students
Main Teachers
sbyor ba sems bskyed dngos gzhi dmigs pa med//
rjes la bsngo bas yong su zin pa ni//
thar lam bsgrod pa'i gces pa rnam gsum yin//
Begin with bodhicitta, do the main practice without concepts,
Conclude by dedicating the merit. These, together and complete,
Are the three vital supports for progressing on the path to liberation.
thams cad mnyam rdzogs sgyu ma'i rang bzhin la//
bzang ngan blang dor med pas dgod re bro//
Since everything is but an illusion,
Perfect in being what it is,
Having nothing to do with good or bad,
Acceptance or rejection,
One might as well burst out laughing!
The Great Perfection’s Self-Liberation in the Nature of Mind, chapter 1
shes bya nam mkha'i gza' skar 'dra//
bslab dgos gnas la zad pa med//
da res chos sku'i snying po'i don//
'gyur med btsan sa bzung na legs//
Knowledge is as infinite as the stars in the sky;
There is no end to all the subjects one could study.
It is better to grasp straight away their very essence—
The unchanging fortress of the dharmakaya.
'gro ba'i dus babs mgron po lam zhugs bzhin//
'chi bas dga' ba'i rnyed pa legs grub pa//
rgya mtsho'i don yongs grub pa'i tshod la dar//
g.yul las rnam par rgyal ba'i lha dbang dang//
bsam gtan grub pa'i bde bas ches lhag go//
da ni mi sdod padma las 'brel rtsal//
'chi med bde chen btsan sa zin du 'gro//
My delight in death is far, far greater than
The delight of traders at making vast fortunes at sea,
Or the lords of the gods who vaunt their victory in battle;
Or of those sages who have entered the rapture of perfect absorption.
So just as a traveller who sets out on the road when it is time,
I, Pema Ledrel Tsal, will not remain in this world any longer,
But will go to dwell in the stronghold of the great bliss of deathlessness.
Last Testament entitled ‘Immaculate Radiance’
Writings About Klong chen pa
- Dzogchen Project Extensive bibliography with information regarding available translations
- Lotsawa House - Featuring translations of several texts by Longchenpa.
Longchenpa is widely considered the single most important writer on the Dzogchen teachings. He is credited with more than 250 works, both as author and compiler, among which are the famous Seven Treasures (mdzod bdun), the Trilogy of Natural Freedom (rang grol skor gsum), the Trilogy of Natural Ease (ngal gso skor gsum), his Trilogy of Dispelling Darkness, and his compilation - plus commentaries - of the Nyingtig Yabshi. He is also a commentator of the Kunyed Gyalpo Tantra (Tib., kun byed rgyal po'i rgyud; "The King Who Creates Everything"), a text belonging to the Mind Class (Tib., sems sde) of the Ati Yoga Inner Tantras.
Longchenpa combined the teachings of the Vima Nyingtig lineage with those of the Khandro Nyingtig, thus preparing the ground for the fully unified system of teachings that became known as the Longchen Nyingthig (by Jigme Lingpa).
Translations in English
- Dowman, Keith, Old Man Basking In the Sun: Longchenpa's Treasury of Natural Perfection, Vajra Publications, 2006
- Guenther, H.V., Kindly Bent to Ease Us, vols. 1-3, Dharma Publishing, 1975-6
- Klong-chen rab-'byams-pa, Looking Deeper: A Swan's Questions and Answers, translated by Herbert V. Guenther, Timeless Books, 1983
- Rabjam, Longchen (Longchenpa) (2000). You Are the Eyes of the World. (trans of kun byed rgyal po by Kennard Lipman & Merrill Peterson and with an introduction by Namkhai Norbu). Snow Lion Publications; Revised Edition. ISBN 1559391405; ISBN 978-1559391405
- Longchen Rabjampa, 'The Four-Themed Precious Garland: An Introduction to Dzogchen, with commentaries by Dudjom Rinpoche and Beru Khyentse Rinpoche; translated by Alexander Berzin, LTWA, 1978
- Longchen Rabjam (author), Richard Barron (trans): The Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena (Chöying Dzöd). Padma Publishing
- Longchen Rabjam (author), Richard Barron (trans): A Treasure Trove of Scriptural Transmission: A Commentary on the Precious Treasury of the Basic Space of Phenomena. Padma Publishing (2001) ISBN 1881847306
- Longchen Rabjam (author), Richard Barron (trans): Precious Treasury of the Way of Abiding. Padma Publishing (1998) ISBN 1881847098
- Longchen Rabjam (author), Richard Barron (trans): The Precious Treasury of Philosophical Systems (Drupta Dzöd): Padma Publishing (2008) ISBN 1881847446
- Longchen Rabjam (author), Richard Barron (trans): The Precious Treasury of Pith Instructions (Man-ngak Dzöd): Padma Publishing (2007). ISBN 188184742X
- Longchen Rabjam, The Practice of Dzogchen, translated by Tulku Thondup, Snow Lion, 2002
- byang chub kyi sems kun byed rgyal po'i don khrid rin chen gru bo (1, pp 249-274)
- dkyil 'khor spros bcas ming gi rim pa gsal bar byed pa (2, pp 35-38)
- Dpal rdo rje sems dpa' sgyu 'phrul drwa ba'i grol byed lam gyi snying po'i don khrid (1, pp 95-104)
- Gling bzhi rgyan gyi maN+Da la (2, pp 81-86)
- lnga tshan lnga'i maN+Da la 'bul ba'i cho ga yid bzhin drwa ba (2, pp 101-102)
- mchog gsang lam khrid chen mo (2, pp 247-251)
- rab tu spros med kyi dbang chog 'od kyi dra ba (2, pp 87-99)
- rdzogs pa chen po chos nyid rang grol (2, pp 395-411)
- rdzogs pa chen po mnyam nyid rang grol (2, pp 413-436)
- rdzogs pa chen po sems nyid ngal gso'i gnas gsum dge ba gsum gyi don khrid byang chub lam bzang (2, pp 285-369)
- rdzogs pa chen po sems nyid rang grol gyi lam rim snying po'i don khrid (2, pp 375-393)
- sems nyid rang grol gyi gsol 'debs (2, pp 371-374)
- shin tu spros med kyi dbang chog pad+ma'i drwa ba (2, pp 63-79)
- snying thig ma bu'i khrid yig dri med zhal lung (2, pp 115-231)
- spros bcas kyi dbang chog tshangs pa'i dra ba (2, pp 17-34)
- spros med kyi dbang chog rin po che'i drwa ba (2, pp 39-57)
- tshogs mchod kyi rim pa yid bzhin rgya mtsho (2, pp 103-113)