[[Image: DNZ Shechen Tsadra Scan Cover Volume {{{VolumeNumber}}}.jpg|2000px|link=|Click the picture above to view the original manuscript.]]
Damngak Rinpoché Dzö, Volume {{{VolumeNumber}}} ({{{VolumeLetterTib}}})
Shechen Printing >
Volumes List > Volume {{{VolumeNumber}}} ([[#Volume {{{VolumeNumber}}} Karchak|Karchak]]) ([[Tibetan:{{{VolumeTitleTib}}}|Search Volume {{{VolumeNumber}}} in Tibetan]])
Volume Information:
- Name of Volume (Tibetan): {{{VolumeTitleTib}}}
- Name of Volume (Wylie): {{{VolumeTitleWylie}}}
- Name of Volume (Translation): {{{VolumeTitleTrans}}}
- Volume Number: {{{VolumeNumber}}}
- Volume Number (Tibetan): {{{VolumeNumberTib}}}
- Volume Letter (Tibetan): {{{VolumeLetterTib}}}
- Volume Letter (Wylie): {{{VolumeLetterWylie}}}
- Karchag Name (Tibetan): [[Tibetan:{{{KarchagTitleTib}}}|{{{KarchagTitleTib}}}]]
- Karchag Name (Wylie): [[Wylie:{{{KarchagTitleWylie}}}|{{{KarchagTitleWylie}}}]]
- Relative size of volume: {{{RelativeVolumeSize}}}
- Number of texts in volume: {{{numoftexts}}}
- Total number of pecha folios: {{{TotalFolios}}}
- Total number of Western pages: {{{TotalPages}}}
- Largest text: {{{LargestTextInVol}}}
- Smallest text: {{{SmallestTextInVol}}}
First Volume"strong class="error">Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{"." is not a number.
Last Volume"strong class="error">Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{"." is not a number.
[[Category: Gdams ngag mdzod Volume {{{VolumeNumber}}}]]