Person:Mkhan po gang shar
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- mkhan po gang shar
- gang shar dbang po
- gang shar dbang po 'jigs med phyogs las rnam rgyal
Other Transliterations in use:
- Khenpo Gangshar
- Khenpo Gangshar Wangpo
Born: 1925 at bai phug
Died: 1958/1959
He was the root teacher of both Chögyam Trungpa and Thrangu Rinpoche, and also one of Dezhung Rinpoche's teachers.
Other Biographical Information
From TBRC:
- biography of mkhan po gang shar
- student (not recorded): smin gling gdung sras rin po che tsha ba sprul sku
- student (not recorded): 'bru 'jam dbyangs grags pa'i sprul sku
- he was recognized by padma rnam rgyal as the dpal sprul dbon rgan sprul sku and given the name byang chub rdo rje; recognized as the incarnation of seng phrug padma bkra shis by the 5th rdzogs chen; recognized the incarnation of gnas gsar bkra 'phel by the kar sras kong sprul; recognized as incarnation of dpal khang chos mdzad lo tsa ba karma phrin las by gter sprul dri med 'od zer
- dpal he ru ka kun bzang gang shar dbang po 'jigs med phyogs las rnam par rgyal ba'i rtogs brjod nor bu rin po che yid bzhin dbang gi rgyal po
Main Students
Main Teachers
Writings About Mkhan po gang shar
- Kathmandu, Nepal: Thrangu Tashi Choling, 2008. TBRC LINK W2CZ6597