Person:Karmapa, 3rd
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Other Transliterations in use:
Other Biographical Information
- Important master of the karma kaM tshang tradition; he is regarded as the first of the incarnation lamas in tibet, since he became widely recognized as the embodiment of kar+ma pak+Si
- he was installed first at karma dgon and then established at kam po gnas nang
- he is famed for the building of the iron bridge over the sog chu
- in 1331 he was invited to court by the yuan emperor and received by prince rat+na shrI
- after the prince's demise, his elder brother brought him to sman rtse
- according to the bod kyi gal che'i lo rgyus he died at 56
Main Students
Main Teachers
Writings About Karmapa, 3rd
- chos rje rang byung rdo rjes mdzad pa'i rlung sems gnyis med (9, pp 167-173)
- dpal mkha' spyod dbang pos mdzad pa'i ro snyoms skor drug gi khrid yig (10, pp 107-113)
- gcod bka' tshoms chen mo'i sa bcad (14, pp 53-79)
- gcod kyi lus sbyin gyi ngag 'don mu tig phreng ba (14, pp 279-296)
- gcod kyi tshogs las yon tan kun 'byung gsungs rgyun 'khrul med ltar bkod pa bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs (14, pp 297-334)
- phyag rgya chen po lhan cig skyes sbyor gyi khrid yig (9, pp 1-16)
- rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas dpal karma pa'i zab chos sku gsum ngo sprod kyi gdams pa (9, pp 247-253)
- sku gsum ngo sprod (9, pp 231-245)
- zab lam nA ro chos drug gi gsal byed spyi chings khrid yig dang bcas pa (9, pp 17-37)
- zab mo bdud kyi gcod yul gyi khrid yig (14, pp 173-184)
rang 'byung rdo rje
kar ma pa rang 'byung rdo rje
Other Transliterations in use:
Karmapa, 3rd
Rangjung Dorje
Karmapa Rangjung Dorje
The 3rd Karmapa
( b. 1284 d. 1339 )
Main Students
dar ma rgyal mtshan
grags pa seng+ge
rdo rje dpal ba
kun dga' rgyal mtshan
rin chen bzang po
bsod nams grags pa
gzhon nu rgyal po
phun tshogs dpal
rgyal ba dpal
g.yag sde paN chen
kun dga' rdo rje
rgyal sras legs pa
dri med 'od zer
Main Teachers
rin chen dpal
shes rab
gzhon nu 'byung ba
shes rab dpal
kun dga' don grub
ye shes
gzhon nu rgyal po
Other Biographical Information
- Important master of the karma kaM tshang tradition; he is regarded as the first of the incarnation lamas in tibet, since he became widely recognized as the embodiment of kar+ma pak+Si
- he was installed first at karma dgon and then established at kam po gnas nang
- he is famed for the building of the iron bridge over the sog chu
- in 1331 he was invited to court by the yuan emperor and received by prince rat+na shrI
- after the prince's demise, his elder brother brought him to sman rtse
- according to the bod kyi gal che'i lo rgyus he died at 56 TBRC Source
Writings About Karmapa, 3rd
- chos rje rang byung rdo rjes mdzad pa'i rlung sems gnyis med (9, pp 167-173)
- dpal mkha' spyod dbang pos mdzad pa'i ro snyoms skor drug gi khrid yig (10, pp 107-113)
- gcod bka' tshoms chen mo'i sa bcad (14, pp 53-79)
- gcod kyi lus sbyin gyi ngag 'don mu tig phreng ba (14, pp 279-296)
- gcod kyi tshogs las yon tan kun 'byung gsungs rgyun 'khrul med ltar bkod pa bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs (14, pp 297-334)
- phyag rgya chen po lhan cig skyes sbyor gyi khrid yig (9, pp 1-16)
- rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas dpal karma pa'i zab chos sku gsum ngo sprod kyi gdams pa (9, pp 247-253)
- sku gsum ngo sprod (9, pp 231-245)
- zab lam nA ro chos drug gi gsal byed spyi chings khrid yig dang bcas pa (9, pp 17-37)
- zab mo bdud kyi gcod yul gyi khrid yig (14, pp 173-184)