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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Elaborate Mandala Clarifying the Levels of Names.  +
The Five Tantras As One Practice; Offering to the Mandala, Self-entry With Empowerment and Instructions.  +
The Instructions on the Co-Emergent Practice of Dombhi Heruka Called "The Auspicious Giwang Medicine".  +
Co-Emergent Practice Written by Dombhi Heruka.  +
The Sadhana and Empowerment of Chakrasamvara According to the Oral Lineage of Gampopa Called "Binding of Great Bliss".  +
The Sadhana of Chakrasamvara from the Oral Teachings of Gampopa Called "The Net of Great Bliss".  +
The Ngam Zong Tradition of the Chakrasamvara Dakinis Oral Tradition Root Text Called "The Three Circles of Long Life".  +
The Sadhana and Empowerment of Chakrasamvara of Rechungpa's Tradition Called "The Blissful Vigour".  +
The Sadhana of Chakrasamvara of Rechungpa's Tradition Called "The Blissful Wisdom Essence".  +
The Root Text of the Pith Instructions of the Dakpo Tradition Oral Instructions Called "The Reminder".  +
Chakrasamvara Domjung Sadhana Called "Barley Beer".  +
The Rituals of the Higher Empowerments of Kalachakra.  +
The Necessary Offering Rituals of Kalachakra  +
The Lineage Prayer of Kalachakra from the Dro Tradition Called "The Great Vajra Shower".  +
The Commentary of the Six Yogas of Kalachakra Called "The Essence in Brief".  +
The Prayer Book of the Ngondro Practice for the Six Yogas of Kalachakra Called "The Steps of the Union".  +
Instructions on the Six Yogas in the Tradition of Drikung Kagyu.  +
The Four Session Guru Yoga Based on the Glorious Karmapa.  +
The Empowerment Manual of Hevajra of Pith Instructions Tradition Called "The Concise Essence of Teaching and Instructions".  +
The Empowerment of Hevajra Called "Glorifying the Great River of Empowerment".  +