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The Instructions Received by Drogmi Lotsawa From the Six Great Panditas Called "The Teachings from the Six Doors". +
Instructions on the Eight Brief Instructions from the Drukpa Kagyu Tradition not Found Elsewhere. +
The Main Dharma Protector Dod Kam Wangchukma Practice and Empowerment Called "The Banner of the Kagyu Teachings". +
The Vinaya Rituals and Activities Called "Meaningful to Behold" +
Some instructions on the meditation of Dupa-mdo called "The Crystal Rosary". +
Meditation Instructions Written by Phakmo Drupa. +
The Guru Yoga Practice of Sukha Siddhi Called "Wish-Fulfilling Jewel". +
The Instructions on the Jambeyang Practice to Increase Wisdom Called: "The Wheel Ornament of Wisdom" (Rupa instructions) by Eupa Dorje. +
The Jataka Prayer of Jamgon Kongtrul the Great Called "The Melody of the Heavenly Drum". +
From the Oral Teachings of Chakrasamvara, the Instructions on How to Practice Karmamudra Called "The Lamp Illuminating the Wisdom". +
'phags ma sgrol ma la rtsa sngags dang sbyar ba'i sgo nas gsol ba 'debs pa don kun grub pa'i dbyangs snyan +
Based on the Guru Yoga of Three Deities of Long Life, a Ritual to Generate the Two Accumulations Called "The Celebration of Attaining Deathlessness". +
The Instructions on Nagajurna's Text "Found Near the Stupa" Called "Auspiciuos Bilwa Tree". +
The Instructions on the Three Purities of the Tantra Dorje Gur. +
The Chod Practice (Cutting the Maras), the Profound Meaning of the Prajnaparamita. +
The Practice of Chenrezik Called: "The Stream of Nectar" +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid yongs su sdud pa bdud rtsi'i dga' ston +
The Instructions on the Graded Path of Chenrezik Practice Called: 'The Festival of Nectar". +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi dbang chog rin chen 'od 'phro'i mchod bsgrig dkyil 'khor ston pa bcas +
Empowerment and Showing the Mandala Rituals of Chenrezik. +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi lam gyi rim pa'i mngon rtogs dbang bskur thugs rje chen po'i chu rgyun +
The Practice of Chenrezik with the Practice and Empowerment Manuals Called: "The Stream Of Great Compassion" By Naljorpa Eupa Dorje. +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid kyi cha lag man ngag gser gyi thur ma rin po che'i sgron me +
The Graded Path to Enlightenment on Chenrezik Practice, Some Branch Instructions Called: "Golden Scalpel Jewel Lamp". +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyis grub chen mi tra dzo ki la gsungs pa'i phyag rgya chen po sems nyid ngal gso'i gzhung 'grel snying po bsdus pa +
The Commentary to the Resting the Mind Mahamudra Instructions Given by Chenrezik to Mitra Yogi by Khyentse Wangpo. +