Wylie:Khrid brgya'i sa 'grel ya mtshan 'phrul gyi lde mig

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{{Text Wylie |title = khrid brgya'i sa 'grel ya mtshan 'phrul gyi lde mig |collection = gdams ngag mdzod |associatedpeople = kun dga' grol mchog]],[[kun dga' legs rgyal |lineagedata = |author = kun dga' grol mchog |translator = |scribe = kun dga' legs rgyal. |editor = |redactor = |printer = Jayyed Press, Ballimaran, Delhi-6 |publisher = Shechen Publications |place = New Delhi |year = 1999 |tibvol = tsha |volnumber = 18 |mastertextnumber = |totalpages = 7 |totalfolios = 4 |pagesinvolume = 355-361 |beginfolioline = 1a1 |endfolioline = 4a2 |linesperpage = 7 (2 pages of 5, 1 page of 2) |tbrc = VolumeI1CZ3980 |notes = Dan Martin. A Catalog of the Gdams-ngag Mdzod, 1993. agrees with the author and scribe we have listed here, but Ringu Tulku Contents of the gdams ngag mdzod, 1999. still has a question mark next to kun dga' grol mchog in his outline. |keyword1 = |keyword2 = |topic = Instruction manual |tibtopic = |tibcategory = jo nang khrid brgya |pechaside1 = sa 'grel |pechaside2 = jo nang khrid brgya |translation = |tbrccontents = short annotations on each of the one hundred and eight instruction lineages |ringutulkunote = The Index of the One Hundred and Eight Instructions. |fulltibtext = ཁྲིད་བརྒྱའི་ས་འགྲེལ་ཡ་མཚན་འཕྲུལ་གྱི་ལྡེ་མིག་ }}

Full Title

Tibetan: ༄༅། ཁྲིད་བརྒྱའི་ས་འགྲེལ་ཡ་མཚན་འཕྲུལ་གྱི་ལྡེ་མིག་བཞུགས།

Wylie: @#/_khrid brgya'i sa 'grel ya mtshan 'phrul gyi lde mig bzhugs/

Short Title(s)


ཀུན་དགའ་གྲོལ་མཆོག་ - kun dga' grol mchog

Topic Information

jo nang khrid brgya - Instruction manual

sa 'grel - jo nang khrid brgya

TBRC: short annotations on each of the one hundred and eight instruction lineages
Ringu Tulku: The Index of the One Hundred and Eight Instructions.

Publication Information

Additional Information

Full Tibetan Text





Notes on the text

Notes on associated persons

Cataloging data

Title Page (ཁ་ཤོག་):

  • Line 1: ༄༅། ཁྲིད་བརྒྱའི་ས་འགྲེལ་ཡ་མཚན་འཕྲུལ་གྱི་ལྡེ་མིག་བཞུགས།
@#/_khrid brgya'i sa 'grel ya mtshan 'phrul gyi lde mig bzhugs/
  • Left side print: ཚ ས་ གཅིག་ འགྲེལ་
tsha sa gcig 'grel
  • Right side print: 355

First Page Title(s):

  • བོད་སྐད་དུ། No title

Description of pages:

  • Side A:
  • གཡོན་: ཚ ས་ (གྲངས་ཀ་) འགྲེལ་
Left: tsha sa (tibfolio#) 'grel
  • གཡས་: གདམས་མཛོད་ཁྲིད་སྐོར་
Right: gdams ngag mdzod khrid skor
  • Side B:
  • གཡོན་: ཇོ་ནང་ཁྲིད་བརྒྱ་
Left: jo nang khrid brgya
  • གཡས་: #
Right: #

Volume #: 018 (ཚ་)

Text # in volume: 010

Text # in edition:

Master text#:

Begin-End Pages (Western): 355-361

Begin Tibetan page and line #: 1a1

End Tibetan page and line #: 4a2

Total # of pages (Western): 7

Total # of pages (Tibetan): 4 folios

Number of lines per page: 7 (2 pages of 5, 1 page of 2)

Partial colophon in Tibetan: །ཅེས་ཁྲིད་བརྒྱའི་ས་འགྲེལ་ཡ་མཚན་འཕྲུལ་ཀྱི་ལྡེ་མིག་འདི་ཡང་། ཆོས་ལུང་བྱང་རྩེའི་རི་ཁྲོད་དུ་གྲོལ་མཆོག་གི་བློ་གྲོས་ཀྱི་རྒྱ་མཚོ་ལས་ཕྱུང་བའི་ཡི་གེ་པ་ནི་ཀུན་དགའ་ལེག་རྒྱལ་ཞེས་བྱ་བས་བགྱིས་བའོ༎

Partial colophon in Wylie: /ces khrid brgya'i sa 'grel ya mtshan 'phrul kyi lde mig 'di yang /_chos lung byang rtse'i ri khrod du grol mchog gi blo gros kyi rgya mtsho las phyung ba'i yi ge pa ni kun dga' leg rgyal zhes bya bas bgyis ba'o//

Author: kun dga' grol mchog

Translator: None given

Scribe: kun dga' legs rgyal

Redactor: None given

People associated with this text: None given

Text Lineage: None given