Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po sems nyid ngal gso’i khrid kyi nyams glu dran pas snying gi gdung sel zla ba’i zil dngar
ཕྱག་རྒྱ་ཆེན་པོ་སེམས་ཉིད་ངལ་གསོའི་ཁྲིད་ཀྱི་ཉམས་གླུ་དྲན་པས་ ་ ་ ་
phyag rgya chen po sems nyid ngal gso’i khrid kyi nyams glu dran pas snying gi gdung sel zla ba’i zil dngar
Nectarous Moonbeams: A Song of Experience of the Great Seal Instructions Resting in the Nature of Mind, the Thought of Which Dispels the Anguish of the Heart
This song of experience was composed by Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo’s teacher in the lineage of Resting in the Nature of Mind, Rinchen Losal Tenkyong (b. 1804). It testifies to the fact that some eight hundred years after Mitrayogin gave this teaching to Tropu Lotsawa, the lineage was still very much alive and the teachings were still being practiced. Rich in metaphor, with an unusual twelve-syllable meter and other poetic devices, it sadly loses much of its impact in English translation.
- Other notes
- Genre from Richard Barron's Catalog
- Instruction manual
- Genre from dkar chag
- khrid phran
- BDRC Link
- VolumeI1CZ3979
Information about Unicode Tibetan and the digitization of this text
As the only available unicode Tibetan text at the time, Nitartha International's version of the Paro Edition of the gdams ngag mdzod is provided here. However, note that it has not been thoroughly edited and that there may also be mistakes introduced through the conversion process. Eventually we will provide a fully edited version of the entire Shechen Edition, entered and edited multiple times by Pulahari Monastery in Nepal, but as of fall 2017 that project has not been finished. Note that the folio numbers that appear throughout were added by Nitartha Input Center at the time of input.
Provided by Nitartha International Document Input Center. Many thanks to Lama Tenam and Gerry Wiener for help with fonts and conversion.