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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Lineage Instructions on the Tsok of Chod Practice "Source of All Goodness" Written Down Word By Word.  +
The Meditation Instructions on the Tsok Offering of Chod Practice "Possessing All the Qualities", the Exact Words of the Lama Called "Crystal Mirror".  +
The Empoweremnt of Chod Called "Opening the Sky".  +
How to Practice the Essence of the "Ocean of Chod Practice" in One-Sitting, Called "Cream of the Profound".  +
The Instructions on Chod Called "The Essential Crucial Point".  +
The Ritual of Offering the Four Word Mandala "Wish-Fulfilling Net".  +
No note on contents  +
The Instructions of the Mahamudra Way of Being.  +
The Instructions on the Five Paths of Shi-Je Originating from the Noble Siddha Pha Dampa Sangye Called "The Words of the Unstained Vision".  +
The six yogas essence of the great siddha Peme Tso tradition.  +
The Instructions on the Three Essential Points. The Vajra Root Text Given by Mitra Yogi.  +
The Main Text of Dorje Sum Gyi Nyen Drub, the Instructions of Drubchen Orgyenpa.  +
The Heart Instructions of Drubchen Shiwa Bepa Coming From Seven Lineages Called "The Good Vajra Path".  +
The Guru Yoga Based on the Siddhas from Indian Tradition Called: "Swirling of the Siddhis".  +
The Text of the Practice of the Six Syllable Mantra Which Has the Essence of the Great Siddhi Thangton Gyalpo's Actual Meeting with Chenrezi.  +
The Text of the Practice of the Six Syllable Mantra Which Has the Essence of the Great Siddhi Thangton Gyalpo's Actual Meeting with Chenrezi.  +
The Text of the Practice of the Six Syllable Mantra Which Has the Essence of the Great Siddhi Thangton Gyalpo's Actual Meeting with Chenrezi.  +
The Completion Stage on the Eighty-Four Siddhas Called: "The Jewel Rosary", the Root Text and the Commentary.  +
The Manual of the Empowerment of the Sangwa Nying-tik.  +