
From gDams Ngag mDzod
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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Four Dharmas of Gampopa.  +
The Instructions on Yellow Dzambala Called: "The Rain of Siddhis" by Eupa Dorje.  +
The Index of the Great Oral Teachings of Chod.  +
The Profound Chod Instructions Called "Showering of All Wishes".  +
The Chod Series Giving the Body Away Practice Called "The String of Pearls".  +
The Fulfilment Rituals of the Chod Practices.  +
The Lineage Instructions on the Tsok of Chod Practice "Source of All Goodness" Written Down Word By Word.  +
The Meditation Instructions on the Tsok Offering of Chod Practice "Possessing All the Qualities", the Exact Words of the Lama Called "Crystal Mirror".  +
The Empoweremnt of Chod Called "Opening the Sky".  +
The Instructions on Chod Called "The Essential Crucial Point". I can't find any information on bya bral rin chen bkra shis, who requested this text. His name is listed on the catalog page without an active link.  +
The Ritual of Offering the Four Word Mandala "Wish-Fulfilling Net".  +
No note on contents  +
The Instructions on the Five Paths of Shi-Je Originating from the Noble Siddha Pha Dampa Sangye Called "The Words of the Unstained Vision".  +