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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Essential instructions on the three aspects of virtue, the three topics of the Great Perfection cycle Resting at Ease in Mind Itself  +
Great Perfection: Natural Freedom in Mind Itself  +
Meditation on Awakened Mind: Smelting Gold from Ore, a treatise on the heart essence by Mañjuśrīmitra  +
Eighty Pieces of Advice for the People of Dingri: Sung by the Great Indian Adept Called Dampa Gyagar or Dampa Sangye  +
The Required Liturgies on the Occasion of Master Tāranātha’s Severance Empowerment of Opening the Sky Door in the Gyaltang Tradition  +
The Unsullied State, A Monarch of Tantras  +
The Heart of Profound Meaning A Practice Manual for the Principal Deities of the Five Tantras  +
Five Tantras' Mandala Sādhana  +
The Practice of Past Gurus Esoteric Instructions on the Principal Five Deities of the Five Tantras  +
Supplication to the Long Lineage, Appended by Bengar Jampal Zangpo  +
The Three Cycles of Illumination and Other Instructions: Aural Transmissions Composed by Jetsun Milarepa  +
Instructions in verse on Parting from the Four Attachments by Jetsun Drakpa Gyaltsen  +
The pith instructions Four Scrolls of Heard Instructions that were conferred on Tsurtön by the lord Marpa  +
The Clarification of Ignorance  +
The Root Text for Mahāmudrā: The Illumination of Wisdom  +
The Purification of the Stains of Thoughts  +
Notes summarizing the meaning of the “sealed” teachings, by the fifth Zhamar (?)  +
The sources for the “nine cycles of the disembodied ḍākinī,” instructions from the lord Rechungpa that derive from the oral lineage of Zurmang  +