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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Very Unelaborate Empowerment Called "Lotus Net".  +
The Instructions on the View of Madhyamika According to the Two Great Traditions Called "The Essence of the Nectar".  +
The Empowerment of Earlier, Middle and Later Shi-Je Put Into One Text Called "Accomplished By Reading".  +
Introduction to the Three Kayas.  +
The Mahamudra Written by Kyeme Zhang Rinpoche Called "Ultimate Path".  +
The Pith Instructions for the Three Types of People to Enter the Path of the Buddha.  +
The Profound Treasure Aithi of Je Lodro Chopel.  +
The Text Written by Nagarjuna Called "Found Near the Stupa".  +
The Inner-Heat (Tummo) Complete Path Written by Lopon Nagpo Chopa.  +
Mahamudra Without Words Written by Lopon Ngawang Drakpa.  +
The Creation Stage with Nine Profound Ways Written by Lopon Padmavajra.  +
The Practice Manual of the Four Preliminaries of Mahamudra Lhenchig Chejor called "The Chariot that Takes the Path of the Realised".  +