Person:Ma gcig lab sgron
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- ma gcig lab sgron
- ma gcig slab sgron
- ma gcig
- ma gcig lab kyi sgron ma
- ma gcig ye shes kyi mkha' 'gro lab kyi sgrol ma
- ma gcig jo mo
- jo mo lab kyi sgron ma
Other Transliterations in use:
- Machig Labdrön
- Machig
- Ma-gcig Lab-sgron
- Ma gcig Lab sgron
- Machig Labdron
- Ma.gcig Lab.sgron
- Ma Gcig Lab Sgron
1055 - 1149? (the source of dates are from The Crystal and the Way of Light by Namkhai Norbu, John Shane, Snow Lion Publications, 1999.)
Other Biographical Information
Main Students
rgyal ba don grub - her son
chos kyi seng+ge
Main Teachers
bsod nams bla ma
a ston
Writings About Ma gcig lab sgron
- gcod kyi tshogs las yon tan kun 'byung gsungs rgyun 'khrul med ltar bkod pa bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs (14, pp 297-334)
- ring brgyud kyi gsol 'debs ma gcig gis mdzad par ban sgar 'jam dpal bzang pos kha bskang ba (14, pp 335-336)
- shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag yang tshom zhus lan ma (14, pp 101-113)
- Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i zab don bdud kyi gcod yul gyi gzhung (, pp )
- zab mo bdud kyi gcod yul gyi khrid yig (14, pp 173-184)