Manual for cataloging the gdams ngag mdzod

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Gdams ngag mdzod DPL
Gdams ngag mdzod problems page
Gdams ngag mdzod Research Department Report
Gdams ngag mdzod cataloging stub
Gdams ngag mdzod Shechen Printing/Volume 1
Gdams ngag mdzod Outline from TBRC
Gdams ngag mdzod Outline from RyWiki
List of translations of texts in the gdams ngag mdzod
The DRL Manual
persons stub
Tibetan person name in Tibetan script:

See བོད་མི་ stub

Indian person name in Tibetan script:

See རྒྱ་གར་མི་ stub

Tibetan text title in Tibetan script:

See དཔེ་ཆ་ stub

Directions for cataloging the gdams ngag mdzod:

We will catalog the Shechen edition of the gdams ngag mdzod by creating a page for each text in the list here using the Gdams ngag mdzod cataloging stub, thus populating this category: Gdams ngag mdzod Catalog. For these directions I have cataloged the first text of the Shechen edition of the gdams ngag mdzod, Sgyu 'phrul drwa ba'i lam rnam par bshad pa chung ngu, which can be used as a template for the rest of the cataloging work.

From the Table of Contents for the whole gdams ngag mdzod, select the volume you are working on. Look at the next Tibetan title of the text to be cataloged. You will need to link the Wylie title as well as create a Tibetan script link. FIRST check the title in the text itself by finding the text in the PDF for the volume in question and check it against the title given on the wiki page. Use the spelling given at the beginning of the text itself. You do not need to keep the bzhugs so" in the title you link on this page. Link the title by adding two brackets around the Wylie. Then type out the Tibetan script title above it, following the example of other texts. Make sure there are double brackets around the Tibetan script as well and then save the page. If the title does not make a red link, but remains black, you will need to try to find a shorter title. Check the spelling given in the dkar chag at the beginning of the PDF and see if there is a shortened title given. If there is, use that for both the Tibetan script title on this volume page AND for the Wylie beneath it. The fact that the title comes from the dkar chag must be noted in the cataloging data in the page created from the Wylie title. Note the information given under "Short Title" in this example text: Zab don pad tshal 'byed pa'i nyi 'od. Check with Marcus if the title refuses to link properly. Open the new red link for the Wylie title in a new tab and paste the stub into it. For the Tibetan script title, you can wait until you have finished cataloging the text to use the དཔེ་ཆ་ stub and create the Tibetan script page. Next you will begin cataloging the text by filling in the stub. Use the example below as a guide.

  • Using the PDFs from TBRC for the gdams ngag mdzod, catalog each text.
    • At first it will probably be easier to enter the Cataloging data first, beginning with the titles, then add the rest of the information in the page. As you go you will find the fastest way on your own.

Example: the first full text listed in the TBRC Outline of the gdams ngag mdzod is listed online as sgyu 'phrul drwa ba'i lam rnam par bshad pa chung ngu. The actual title page of the Shechen edition has three lines of text, one in Lantsa, one in Sanskrit transliterated into Tibetan script and one standard Tibetan title in dbu chen script:

File:Title page of gdams ngag mdzod-W20877.jpg

Here are the other images you would need to complete such an example text:

File:Page 3 from first text of gdams ngag mdzod Volume 1.jpg
This one tells us what is on side A of most of the pecha pages.
File:Page 4 from first text of the gdams ngag mdzod Volume 1.jpg
This one tells us what is on side B of most of the pecha pages as well as the normal number of lines per page (7).
File:Last page from first text of the gdams ngag mdzod Volume 1.jpg
This is the last page and provides us with the information for finishing page and line and also contains a little colophon which we type in and from which we get author information.

For this entry we would write:

::<big>[[སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་དྲྭ་བའི་ལམ་རྣམ་པར་བཤད་པ་ཆུང་ངུ་|Click here for unicode Tibetan text]]</big><br>
<font size="+2">↩</font> [[Gdams ngag mdzod Shechen Printing/Volume 1|Back to volume 1 outline]]<br><font size="+2">↩</font> [[Gdams ngag mdzod Shechen Printing/Table of Contents|Back to catalog outline]]<br>
{{Tibetan Text Metadata
|title = [[sgyu 'phrul drwa ba'i lam rnam par bshad pa chung ngu]].
|collection = [[gdams ngag mdzod]].
|author = [[sangs rgyas gsang ba]].
|translator =
|scribe =
|editor = 
|redactor = 
|printer = Jayyed Press, Ballimaran, Delhi-6
|publisher = [[Shechen Publications]],
|place = New Delhi: 
|year = 1999.
|tibvol = ka
|volnumber = Volume 1,
|mastertextnumber = 0001
|totalpages = 15
|totalfolios = 8
|pagesinvolume = 1-15.
|beginfolioline = 1a1
|endfolioline = 8a6
|linesperpage = 7
|tbrc = [ VolumeI1CZ3963]
|notes = 
|topic = Instruction manual
|tibtopic =
|tibcategory = rnal 'byor chen po
|translation = None

===Full Title===
Tibetan: <span class=TibetanUnicode20>༄༅།། སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་དྲྭ་བའི་ལམ་རྣམ་པར་བཤད་པ་ཆུང་ངུ་བཞུགས་སོ།། །།</span><br>
Wylie: @#/_sgyu 'phrul drwa ba'i lam rnam par bshad pa chung ngu bzhugs so//_//<br>

===Short Title(s)=== 

===Author ===
[[སངས་རྒྱས་གསང་བ་]] - [[sangs rgyas gsang ba]]
===Topic Information===
rnal 'byor chen po - Instruction manual

===Publication Information===
*Citation :<br>[[སངས་རྒྱས་གསང་བ་]]. [[སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་དྲྭ་བའི་ལམ་རྣམ་པར་བཤད་པ་ཆུང་ངུ་]]. [[གདམས་ངག་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་མཛོད།]], པོད་ ཀ་༽, ༡-༡༥. ཏེ་ལི་་་རྒྱ་གར་: [[ཞེ་ཆེན་དཔེ་མཛོད་ཁང་]], ༡༩༩༩.

*Citation (Wylie):<br>[[sangs rgyas gsang ba]]. [[sgyu 'phrul drwa ba'i lam rnam par bshad pa chung ngu]]. In [[Gdams ngag mdzod Shechen Printing|gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod]], Volume 1 (ka), 1-15. New Delhi: [[Shechen Publications]], 1999. Enlarged reprint of the 1979 edition published by [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] from prints from the ''dpal spungs'' xylographs.

====Additional Information====
*Editor :
*Printer : Jayyed Press, Ballimaran, Delhi-6
*[[Gdams ngag mdzod Shechen Printing]] - [ W23605] - Published in New Delhi in 18 volumes

=== Commentaries===



====Notes on the text====

====Notes on associated persons====

===Cataloging data===
'''Title Page (ཁ་ཤོག་):'''

:*Line 1: Lantsa title
:*Line 2: ༄༅། །མཱ ཡཱ ཛཱལ སྱཔ ཐོ བི བྷཱ ཥ སྟོཀ བིཧ ཏིསྨ། ༎
:*Line 3: ༄༅། སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་དྲྭ་བའི་ལམ་རྣམ་པར་བཤད་པ་ཆུང་ངུ་བཞུགས་སོ༎ ༎
:::@#/_sgyu 'phrul drwa ba'i lam rnam par bshad pa chung ngu bzhugs so//_//
:*Left side print: ཀ་ལམ་གཅིག་ཆུད་
::: ka lam gcig chud 
:*Right side print: 1

'''First Page Title(s):''' 
:* བོད་སྐད་དུ། No title.

'''Description of pages:'''
*'''Side A:''' 
:*གཡོན་:  ཀ་ལམ་(གྲངས་ཀ་)ཆུད་
::Left:  ka lam tibfolio# chud
:*གཡས་:  གདམས་ངག་མཛོད་རྙིང་མའི་སྐོར། #
::Right: gdams ngag mdzod rnying ma'i skor/ #

*'''Side B:'''
:*གཡོན་:  རྙིང་མ་བཀའ་མ་སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ།
::Left: rnying ma bka' ma sgyu 'phrul/
:*གཡས་:  #
::Right: #

'''Volume #:''' 001 (ཀ་)

'''Text # in volume:''' 001

'''Text # in edition:''' 0001

'''Master text #:''' 0001

'''Begin-End Pages (Western):''' 1-15

'''Begin Tibetan page and line #:''' 1b1

'''End Tibetan page and line #:''' 8a6

'''Total # of pages (Western):''' 15

'''Total # of pages (Tibetan):''' 8 folios

'''Number of lines per page:''' 7 (2 pages of 5, 1 page of 3)

'''Partial colophon in Tibetan:''' <span class=TibetanUnicode16>སྒྱུ་འཕྲུལ་དྲྭ་བའི་ལམ་རྣམ་པར་བཤད་པ་ཆུང་ངུ་ཞེས་བྱ་བ་སློབ་དཔོན་སངས་རྒྱས་གསང་བས་མཛད་པ་རྫོགས་སོ།།</span>

'''Partial colophon in Wylie:''' sgyu 'phrul drwa ba'i lam rnam par bshad pa chung ngu zhes bya ba slob dpon sangs rgyas gsang bas mdzad pa rdzogs so//

'''Author:''' [[sangs rgyas gsang ba]]

'''Translator:''' none given

'''Scribe:''' none given

Description of each entry in the stub:

{{Tibetan Text Metadata
|title = - enter the full title found in the text itself in brackets with period at the end.
|collection = - enter collection name in brackets, for instance, [[gdams ngag mdzod]]. or [[shes bya mdzod]]., etc.
|author = - enter author's name in brackets. This name should accord with the category name used at the bottom of this page. In other words, it should be the spelling of the main author page for this author in the DRL wiki. If no author write: Author not found. If unsure of the author enter ? after the author name, outside of the brackets.
|translator = - enter translator's name in brackets as found in the text itself.
|scribe = - enter scribe's name in brackets as found in the text itself.
|editor = - enter editor's name in brackets as found in the text itself.
|redactor = - enter redactor's name in brackets as found in the text itself.
|printer = - printer's name if available.
|publisher = publisher in brackets [[]],
|place = place of publication with colon: Ex.: New Delhi:
|year = year of publication with period. Ex.: 1999.
|tibvol = - for the Tibetan volume letter written in Wylie
|volnumber = - for the Western volume number. Ex: Volume 1,
|mastertextnumber = - for the Master Text Number in our system
|totalpages = - for the total number of western pages
|totalfolios = - for the total folios for the whole text
|pagesinvolume = - for the pages of the text in the volume, Ex.: 1-15.
|beginfolioline = - beginning folio number, side, line. Ex.: 1a1
|endfolioline = - end folio number, side, line. Ex.: 8b2
|linesperpage = - usual lines per page, often 7 or 5
|tbrc = - link the TBRC Work ID here. Simply add the volume citation from the TBRC page, which will look something like this: VolumeI1CZ3963. This line then will end up looking like this: [ VolumeI1CZ3963]
|notes = - This is for unique notes about the text, including problems found when cataloging such as confusion over author's names or spelling of the title, or if other texts appear but are not clearly identifiable, etc.
|topic = For gdams ngag mdzod: Instruction manual, Liturgy, or Empowerment manual, according to Chokyi's classification scheme.
|tibtopic = Leave blank for now - Will be used for Tibetan script བོད་ཡིག་.
|tibcategory = rnal 'byor chen po, rdzogs chen sems sde, rdzogs chen klong sde, etc., according to the gdams ngag mdzod dkar chag's classification scheme (also found in Chokyi's report in black colored headings).
|translation = If there is a known translation of the text, add Yes-[[BOOKTITLE]]. Example: Yes-[[You Are the Eyes of the World]] Make sure to add a full Chicago style bibliographic reference to this book in the "Translations" area on the page. If there is no translation, write: None }}

===Full Title===

Tibetan: <span class=TibetanUnicode20>ENTER THE TIBETAN FOR THE FULL TITLE HERE</span><br>


===Short Title(s)===


===Author ===



===Publication Information===

*Citation : <br>[[AUTHORNAMETIBETAN]]. [[TEXTTITLETIBETAN]]. [[གདམས་ངག་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་མཛོད།]], པོད་ VOLUMELETTERTIBETAN༽, WESTERNPAGESTARTTIBETAN-WESTERNPAGEENDTIBETAN. ཏེ་ལི་་་རྒྱ་གར་: [[ཞེ་ཆེན་དཔེ་མཛོད་ཁང་]], ༡༩༩༩.

*Citation (Wylie):<br>[[AUTHORNAMEWYLIE]]. [[TEXTTITLEWYLIE]]. In [[Gdams ngag mdzod Shechen Printing|gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod]], Volume VOLUMENUMBER (TIBETANVOLUMELETTERWYLIE), PAGENUMBER-PAGENUMBER. New Delhi: [[Shechen Publications]], 1999. Enlarged reprint of the 1979 edition published by [[Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche]] from prints from the ''dpal spungs'' xylographs.

====Additional Information====



YOU CAN ALSO LIST OTHER KEY PRINTING INFORMATION HERE, SUCH AS: *[[Gdams ngag mdzod Shechen Printing]] - [ W23605] - Published in New Delhi in 18 volumes

=== Commentaries===



THIS AREA IS FOR LISTING TRANSLATIONS OF THIS TEXT IN ANY LANGUAGE. Add a Chicago Style bibliographic citation for the book or books where a translation appears separated with * before each entry. If there is information here, it should also be added to the "translation" parameter in the metadata above. If only part of the text is translated in the book cited, make a note of that after the bibliographic citation.



====Notes on the text====


====Notes on associated persons====


===Cataloging data===

Title Page (ཁ་ཤོག་): This is the title given on the actual "Title page" for the text, if there is no real separate title page, write "No title page." If there is a title page, you will describe it line by line. It will be fastest if you write out the titles in Wylie first and use the conversion tool to create the Tibetan script. For Lantsa, simply write, "Lantsa title". Pay close attention to the format using the colons to indent lines as necessary. Remember to record any and all lines on the title page as precisely as possible using extended Wylie transliteration.

Left side print: - This is for whatever is printed vertically on the left side of the pecha page. Type whatever appears here, in Tibetan and Wylie. If blank, type "blank".

Right side print: - This is for whatever is printed vertically on the right side of the pecha page. Type whatever appears here, in Tibetan and Wylie, or if only a number appears, type the number. If blank, type "blank" where you would normally write the Tibetan script. You can then leave the area for Wylie entirely blank.

First Page Title(s): This is for the title that may appear on the first full page of text (i.e., the actual beginning of the text). If there is no other title given in this area, simply write: "No title". If there is a title, give it in Sanskrit, Tibetan and Wylie for both as necessary.

Description of pages: This area is for a general description of what appears on most pages after the title page, which is always unique (often the first pecha page has less lines than all the rest).

  • Side A: This is for the first side of a pecha page. The title page is 1a, the start of the text is 1b, etc.
    • Left: This is the Wylie of whatever is written on the left side of side A. In the example we have the Wylie written with "tibfolio#" entered where the Tibetan number appears. This stands for the "Tibetan folio number".
    • Right: note the use of # to indicate a Hindu-Arabic numeral as opposed to the tibfolio#
  • Side B:
    • Left: This is the Wylie of whatever is written on the left side of side B
    • Right: note the use of # to indicate a Hindu-Arabic numeral as opposed to the tibfolio#

Volume #: 001 (ka) This is the volume # for the edition given in numerals and in Tibetan.

Text # in volume: Begin with two zeros before the number. 001. 010. This is for the number in the present volume the text appears in for the Shechen Edition. This number may be 04, but the 054th text in the whole edition.

Text # in edition: Start with three zeros before the number. 1 = 0001, 10 = 0010, 100 = 0100, 999 = 0999 This is for the number of the text in the whole Shechen edition.

Master text #: Start with three zeros before the number. 1 = 0001, 10 = 0010, 100 = 0100, 999 = 0999 This number will correlate with this specific text and will be matched with any edition. So if there are some texts missing from one edition that appear in another, they will be tallied as well so that the last "Master Text Number" accounts for all possible texts in the gdams ngag mdzod.

Begin-End Pages (Western): Simply put the numbers of the pages where the text begins and ends.

Begin Tibetan page and line #: 1b1 . The first number is the pecha page number, the letter is the side of the folio and the last number is the line number (usually 1-7). End Tibetan page and line #: 8a6 . The first number is the pecha page number, the letter is the side of the folio and the last number is the line number (usually 1-7).

Total # of pages (Western): The number of pages counts each side as 1.

Total # of pages (Tibetan): This is what the Tibetan says, almost always one half of the above "Western" number.

Number of lines per page: Usually printed at 7 lines per page, with the title page having 3 and the first two actual pages of the text having 5 lines each. Usually you will be able to simply copy this example: 7 (2 pages of 5, 1 page of 3)

Partial colophon in Tibetan: - Use <span class=TibetanUnicode16> </span> for this so it appears in a more legible manner. NOTE that it will be faster if you type the Wylie first and use the converter to turn it into Tibetan unicode font, then paste it back here.

Partial colophon in Wylie: Type out the ending colophon on the last page of the text here in Wylie. Look for the title to be repeated, which usually indicates the end of the text and the colophon. Sometimes the colophon will appear after this title, sometimes a little before. Or sometimes there will only be the title and nothing else.

Author: [[ ]] - give the author in Wylie as it is given in the text. Do not include the agentive particle or other indicators or verbs, just the name will do. If no author is listed simply write: none given.

Translator: [[ ]] - give the Translator(s) in Wylie as they are given in the text. Simply put a comma and add more names as necessary. Do not include the agentive particle or other indicators or verbs, just the name will do. If no translator is listed simply write: none given.

Scribe: [[ ]] - give the scribe(s) names(s) in Wylie as they are given in the text. Do not include the agentive particle or other indicators or verbs, just the name will do. If no scribe is listed simply write: none given.