Wylie:Rgya gar gyi grub thob chen po dam pa rgya gar ram dam pa sangs rgyas zhes pa'i gsung mgur zhal gdams ding ri brgyad cu pa: Difference between revisions
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|titleintext=rgya gar gyi grub thob chen po dam pa rgya gar ram dam pa sangs rgyas zhes pa'i gsung mgur zhal gdams ding ri brgyad cu pa bzhugs so// | |titleintext=rgya gar gyi grub thob chen po dam pa rgya gar ram dam pa sangs rgyas zhes pa'i gsung mgur zhal gdams ding ri brgyad cu pa bzhugs so// | ||
|titleintexttib=རྒྱ་གར་གྱི་གྲུབ་ཐོབ་ཆེན་པོ་དམ་པ་རྒྱ་གར་རམ་དམ་པ་སངས་རྒྱས་ཞེས་པའི་གསུང་མགུར་ཞལ་གདམས་དིང་རི་བརྒྱད་ཅུ་པ་བཞུགས་སོ༎ | |titleintexttib=རྒྱ་གར་གྱི་གྲུབ་ཐོབ་ཆེན་པོ་དམ་པ་རྒྱ་གར་རམ་དམ་པ་སངས་རྒྱས་ཞེས་པའི་གསུང་མགུར་ཞལ་གདམས་དིང་རི་བརྒྱད་ཅུ་པ་བཞུགས་སོ༎ | ||
|titletrans=Eighty Pieces of Advice for the People of Dingri: Sung by the Great Indian Adept Called Dampa Gyagar or Dampa Sangye | |||
|collection=gdams ngag mdzod | |collection=gdams ngag mdzod | ||
|collectiontib=གདམས་ངག་མཛོད་ | |collectiontib=གདམས་ངག་མཛོད་ | ||
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|partialcolophonwylie=zhes ding ri ba rnams la zhal chems su bzhag go_rgya gar gyi grub thob dam pa rgya gar ram dam pa sangs rgyas kyi zhal gdams ding ri brgyad cu pa rdzogs so// | |partialcolophonwylie=zhes ding ri ba rnams la zhal chems su bzhag go_rgya gar gyi grub thob dam pa rgya gar ram dam pa sangs rgyas kyi zhal gdams ding ri brgyad cu pa rdzogs so// | ||
|partialcolophontib=ཞེས་དིང་རི་བ་རྣམས་ལ་ཞལ་ཆེམས་སུ་བཞག་གོ རྒྱ་གར་གྱི་གྲུབ་ཐོབ་དམ་པ་རྒྱ་གར་རམ་དམ་པ་སངས་རྒྱས་ཀྱི་ཞལ་གདམས་དིང་རི་བརྒྱད་ཅུ་པ་རྫོགས་སོ༎ | |partialcolophontib=ཞེས་དིང་རི་བ་རྣམས་ལ་ཞལ་ཆེམས་སུ་བཞག་གོ རྒྱ་གར་གྱི་གྲུབ་ཐོབ་དམ་པ་རྒྱ་གར་རམ་དམ་པ་སངས་རྒྱས་ཀྱི་ཞལ་གདམས་དིང་རི་བརྒྱད་ཅུ་པ་རྫོགས་སོ༎ | ||
|chokyigenre=Instruction manual | |||
|dkarchaggenre=rtsa ba | |||
|keywords=gdams mdzod zhi byed | |||
|tbrc=[http://tbrc.org/link?RID=W23605 VolumeI1CZ3975] | |||
|tbrccontents=No note on contents | |||
|volumeTranslator=Person:Harding, S. | |||
|introAuthor=Person:Harding, S. | |||
|translatorintro=Dampa Sangye imparted some ''Pieces of Advice'' to the residents of his monastery at Dingri Langkhor in a kind of farewell or final testament, with awareness of his own impermanence. It is perhaps the most famous and popular of his works. However, the versions that we have now share only a few verses with the earliest versions recorded in this distinctive style of couplets, all ending with “Dingriwa,” that is, “Dingrians” or “people of Dingri.” According to Dan Martin,<ref>2 See “The Tingri Hundred” on Tibeto-logic blog, December 9, 2008.</ref> Dampa was the first to pronounce such verses, and the second was his disciple Kunga, who repeated 118 verses a year before his own death, only seven years after his guru passed away. Then apparently this fairly easy compositional style was supplemented over the years by other lineage holders. Consequently, after so many versions, there are some issues with the exact list, as if that matters. In modern collections there are two conflicting titles: the ''Eighty Pieces'', as here in ''The Treasury of Precious Instructions'', and, more usually, the ''Hundred Pieces''. Some collections, such as the ''Dingri Volumes'', will have both versions. There is no evidence, however, that Dampa Sangye actually gave these teachings twice, and in fact most of the couplets or verses are present in both editions. It seems likely that a hundred (''brgya rtsa'') easily morphed into eighty (brgyad cu) at some point in its scribal history. Ninety-one made it into Dampa’s biography. Here the number turns out to be ninety-seven, although it may be noted that in some translations the second verse here is actually the first, which would make it ninety-six. | |||
There are a few histories of the setting for the teachings as well. The most often repeated seems to be as follows. Dampa Charchen, one of Dampa Sangye’s four main disciples known as the four gatekeeper yogins<ref>3 ''sgo ba’i rnal ’byor bzhi''. Dam pa ’char chen, also spelled phyar chen—stories of his escapades are found in many places in Dampa’s life story. The other three “gatekeepers” are Dam pa phyar chung, Vajrakrodha, and Byang chub sems dpa’ (Bodhisattva) Kun dga’.</ref> of the later transmission, came before Dampa and said, “Dampa, you are getting very old! You yourself will surely pass from happy states on to happy states. But think of the people of Dingri. What shall we do?” In some versions, this leads directly to the verses of advice, but in our version there is a short reflection in response that clearly affirms Dampa’s premonition of his death. The final verse also returns to the personal with the straightforward “I will leave.” | |||
But there is another interesting twist on the story in a commentary called ''Storehouse of Jewels'',<ref>4 ''Pha dam pa sangs rgyas kyi zhal chems ding ri brgya rtsa ma’i don ’grel man ngag rin po che’i gan mdzod'', ''DV'', vol. ''nga'', pp. 586–87.</ref> based on explanations of Ngawang Gyaltsen, where the scene is Bodhisattva Kunga’s “last words” to the people of Dingri. As Bodhisattva Kunga approaches nirvana (d. 1124), he speaks the opening verses from “''namo guru''” through the first verse ending with “it will be so hard to regain a human life, people of Dingri.” Then, the commentary says, he goes on to repeat the hundred (or so) pieces of advice from Dampa Sangye’s last words, beginning with the above story of Dampa Charchen’s request. One version does not obviate the other, except in that the opening words would be Kunga’s rather than Dampa’s. | |||
There are also any number of translations and commentaries available in Western languages, beginning perhaps with Evans-Wentz’s version (really Lama Kazi-Samdup’s translation) in 1954, to the wonderful translations with their oral commentaries by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (2006) and Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche (2015). And because these pieces of advice are so worth repeating, there will be many more—perhaps eighty or a hundred. | |||
'''Notes''' | |||
<references/> | |||
|tibvol=pa | |tibvol=pa | ||
|topic=Instruction manual | |topic=Instruction manual | ||
|tibcategory=rtsa ba | |tibcategory=rtsa ba | ||
|pechaside1=rtsa ba | |pechaside1=rtsa ba | ||
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= Wylie Text = | = Wylie Text = | ||
<div class="folio"><span class="shoglhe">31</span> | |||
rgya gar gyi grub thob chen po dam pa rgya gar ram dam pa sangs rgyas zhes pa'i gsung mgur zhal gdams ding ri brgyad cu pa bzhugs so//_//na mo gu ru/_skal ldan ding rir tshogs pa'i rnal 'byor kun/_/ji ltar dug po gsar par mi 'gyur bzhin/_/tshe zad nad pa sman pas phan mi 'gyur/_/cis kyang 'gro dgos 'jig rten sa steng mi/_/chu bran thams cad rgya mtshor snyogs pa bzhin/_/sems can thams cad 'gro ba 'di rang yin/_/ljon shing kha nas bye'u byi'uchung 'phur ba bzhin/_/yun ring mi sdod kho bos skyas shig 'dega'adegs_/da res don med stong log byas gyur na/_/mi lus phyi nas dka'o ding ri ba/_/lus ngag yid gsum dam pa'i chos la 'bungs/_/las kyi rab tu 'gyur ro ding ri ba/_/</div> | |||
<div class="folio"><span class="shoglhe">32</span> | |||
glo snying brang gsum dkon mchog gsum la gtod/_/byin rlabs shugs las 'byung ngo ding ri ba/_/tshe 'di blos thongs phyi ma don du gnyer/_/'dun ma'i rtse mor 'gyur ro ding ri ba/_/bza' tshang mi rtag tshong dus mgron po 'dra/_/ngan shag 'thab mo ma byed ding ri ba/_/nor rdzas sgyu ma lta bu'i bslu brid la/_/ser sna'i mdud pas ma bcings ding ri ba/_/phung po bomi gtsang rdzas kyi rkyal pa bal/_/bzang 'dod phyi bdar ma che ding ri ba/_/gnyen bshes sgyu ma lta bu'i bden med la/_/gdung sems 'khri ba ma che ding ri ba/_/yul zhing 'brog pa'i zhing sa lta bu la/_/zhen cing chags par ma byed ding ri ba/_/pha ma rigs drug sems can drin can la/_/nga dang bdag tu ma bzung ding ri ba/_/skye ba'i nang par 'chi ba'i bya byung bas/_/long med rgyud la khol cig ding ri ba/_/'khrul pa bgazhi la med de glo bur gyur/_/byed mkhan mtshan nyid ltos shig ding ri ba/_/yengs pa med par dam pa'i chos la 'bungs/_/shi nas lam sna 'dren no ding ri ba/_/las kyi rnam smin rgyu 'bras bden par nges/_/mi dge sdig la 'dzems shig ding ri ba/_/byas pa'i las rnams rmi lam yul bzhin bzhag_/byar dbyeramed nyams su long zhig ding ri ba/_/gang la zhen pa byung na de yang thongs/_/cis kyang dgos pa med do ding ri ba/_/'jig rten 'di ru gtan du mi sdod pas/_/'gro chis da lta gyis shig ding ri ba/_/brel don tshar nas chos la phyin pa med/_/dran pa'i tshe na rgyugs shig ding ri ba/_/nags kyi nang du spre'u'i spre'uskyid 'dod na/_/nags mtha' me yis 'khor ro ding ri ba/_/skye rga na 'chi'i chu la rab zam med/_/gru gzings tshags su tshud dam ding ri ba/_/skye 'chi bar do' sgug 'phrang dam po la/_/nyon mongs dug lnga'i jag </div> | |||
<div class="folio"><span class="shoglhe">33</span> | |||
pas bsgug par nges/_/skyel ma bla ma tshol cig ding ri ba/_/skyabs gnas bslu ba med pa bla ma yin/_/'bral med gtsug tu khur cig ding ri ba/_/bla mar skyabs na gar 'dod sa ru slebs/_/rkang glar mos gus skyed cig ding ri ba/_/gang la nor yod de la ser sna yod/_/sbyin pa phyogs med thongs shig ding ri ba/_/su la dbang yod de la sdig pa yod/_/sor bcu brang la zum cig ding ri ba/_/'jig rten mi yi yul la gnyen bshes med/_/blo gtad chos la gyis shig ding ri ba/_/yengs ma palam la dal 'byor mi tshe zad/_/gros thag da lta chod cig ding ri ba/_/yeng ba'i bar la 'chi bdag bdud kyis zin/_/da lta nyid nas sgrubs shig ding ri ba/_/'chi bdag bdud ni nam 'ong cha med pas/_/mgo thon 'phral du gyis shig ding ri ba/_/shi ba'i nang par sus kyang mi skyobs pas/_/rang mgo rang gis 'don cig ding ri ba/_/nyi ma nub pa'i grib so ji bzhin du/_/'chi bdag bdud ni mi sngod tshur tshur 'ongs/_/de la mgyogs par bros shig ding ri ba/_/me tog snga lo yag kyang phyi lo skam/_/lus la blo gtad med do ding ri ba/_/gson pa'i dus su lha yi bu 'dra yang /_/gshin gyi dus su bdud kyi dmag las 'jigs/_/sgyu ma'i lus 'dis bslu'o dang dingari ba/_/tshong dus mgron po tshong zin nang par gyes/_/grogs kyis 'bor bar nges so ding ri ba/_/sgyu ma'i tho yor brtsigs kyang 'gyel bar nges/_/'bral med da lta sgrigs shig ding ri ba/_/sems kyi bya rgod nam yang 'phur bar nges/_/gnam 'phang da lta chod cig ding ri ba/_/rigs drug pha ma sems can drin can la/_/byams dang snying rje sgoms shig ding ri ba/_/dgra sdang 'khor ba las kyi 'khrul snang la/_/zhe sdang gdug sems skyur cig ding ri ba/_/bzlas brjod skyabs 'gros ngag gi sgrib pa 'dag_/tha mal long gtam spangs shig </div> | |||
<div class="folio"><span class="shoglhe">34</span> | |||
ding ri ba/_/phyag dang bskor bas lus kyi sgrib pa 'dag_/'jig rten bya byed spongs shig ding ri ba/_/mos gus gdung bas yid kyi bag chags 'dag_/bla ma spyi bor sgoms shig ding ri ba/_/lhan cig skyes pa'i sha rus 'bral bar nges/_/tshe la rtag par ma 'dzin ding ri ba/_/yul gyi dam pa gnyug ma'i gtan yul zungs/_/de la 'pho 'gyur med do ding ri ba/_/nor gyi dam pa sems nyid gter chen spyod/_/de la zad pa med do ding ri ba/_/zas kyi dam pa ting 'dzin ro mchog myong /_/bkres pa'i gdung ba chod do ding ri ba/_/skom gyi dam pa dran pa'i bdud rtsi 'thung /_/de la rgyun chad med do ding ri ba/_/grogs kyi dam pa rig pa'i ye shes brten/_/de la 'bral ba med do ding ri ba/_/sras kyi dam pa rig pa'i khye'u chung tshol/_/de la skye shi med do ding ri ba/_/stong pa'i ba'ingang du rig pa'i mdung skor gyis/_/lta ba thogs rdugs med do ding ri ba/_/shugs 'byung ngang nas 'gags med rtsal sbyong gyis/_/spyod pa spang blang med do ding ri ba/_/dran med ngang du yengs med bya ra thongs/_/sgom la bying rgod med do ding ri ba/_/sku bzhi dbyer med rang gi sems la rdzogs/_/'bras bu re dogs med de ding ri ba/_/'khor 'das rtsa ba rang gi sems la thug_/sems la dngos po med do ding ri ba/_/chags sdang snang ba bya lam rjes med 'dra/_/nyams la zhen pa med do ding ri ba/_/chos sku skye med nyi ma'i snying po bo'adra/_/'od zer gsal 'grib med do ding ri ba/_/rnam rtog rgyun lam khang stong rkun ma 'dra/_/don la thob shor med do ding ri ba/_/tshor ba rjes med chu yi ri mo 'dra/_/'khrul snang rjes 'dzin med do ding ri ba/_/chags sdang dran pa nam mkha'i 'ja' tshon 'dra/_/zhen chags ngos bzung med do ding ri ba/_/'gyu ba rang sangs bar snang sprin dang 'dra/_/sems la gza' gtad med do ding ri ba/_/'dzin med rang grol skyi </div> | |||
<div class="folio"><span class="shoglhe">35</span> | |||
ser lhag pa 'dra/_/yul la zhen pa med do ding ri ba/_/rig pa 'dzin med nam mkha'i 'ja' tshon 'dra/_/nyams la thogs pa med do ding ri ba/_/chos nyid don rtogs lkugs pa'i rmi lam 'dra/_/tshig dang tha snyad med do ding ri ba/_/rtogs pa gzhon nu ma yi bde ba bzhin/_/dga' bde brjod du med do ding ri ba/_/gsal stong zung 'jug chu zla shar ba 'dra/_/gang la chags thogs med do ding ri ba/_/snang stong dbyer med nam mkha' stong pa ba'adra/_/sems la mtha' dbus med do ding ri ba/_/dran med yengs med sgag mo' me long 'dra/_/de la grub mtha' med do ding ri ba/_/rig stong dbyer med me long gzugs brnyan 'dra/_/de la skye 'gags med do ding ri ba/_/bde stong dbyer med gangs la nyi shar 'dra/_/de la ngos bzung med do ding ri ba/_/'khrul gtam rjes med brag cha lab pa 'dra/_/sgra la 'dzin pa med do_/bde sdug 'khrul 'khor pi waM khog brgyud 'dra/_/mthun rkyen las kyis sbyor ro_/'khor 'das rang grol byis pa'i rtsed mo 'dra/_/sems la gtad so med do_/phyi yi spros pa nang gi sems la 'dus/_/'khyag ram chu ru zhu'o_/ma rig 'khrul 'khor spang gi chu rdol 'dra/_/bkag pas kheg khegasapa med do_/'khor 'das 'khrul pa bdag zin 'phrad pa 'dra/_/ra mda' dge ba sgrubs shig_/sku lnga rang gsal gser gling brdal ba 'dra/_/re dogs spang blang ma byed_/dal 'byor mi lus rin chen gling dang 'dra/_/mdo med stong log ma byed_/theg chen chos spyod yid bzhin nor bu 'dra/_/btsal yang rnyed par dka'o_/tshe 'di'i lto gos ji ltar byas kyang phyid/_/mdo don chos la dril cig_/gzhon pa'i dus na dka' thub nyams len gyis/_/rgas nas 'byung bas mi 'chun ding _/nyon mongs skyes nas gnyen pos slebs par gyis/_/mtshan ma rang sar grol lo_/skabs su 'khor ba'i nyes dmigs dran par gyis/_/</div> | |||
<div class="folio"><span class="shoglhe">36</span> | |||
dad pa'i gsal 'debs yin no ding ri ba/_/da res brtson 'grus bskyed la rang sa zung /_/shi nas lam sna 'dren no_/da res mi khoms khoms dus nam zhig yod/_/dus brgya za ma gcig yin_/che la ltos med rtswa kha'i zil pa ba'adra/_/le lo snyoms las ma byed_/da res 'di nas rdog sna 'dred gyur na/_/mi lus phyi nas dka'o_/sangs rgyas bstan pa sprin bar nyi ma 'dra/_/da res gcig pu yin no_kha mkhas mi la gtong zhing lag len rang la med/_/skyon mtshangs rang la yod do_/dad pa rkyen gyis bsgyur ba laM nye bas/_/'khor ba'i nyes dmigs soms shig ding /_/grogs ngan brten la spyod ngan shugs la 'gro/_/dpang po sems la chol cig_/ma rig 'khrul pa baphung 'dre'i rtsa ba yin/_/shes bzhin dran pa zung zhig_/dug lnga dug gsum zhen med lam thag nye/_/gnyen po stobs ldan bskyed cig_/brtson 'grus mthu stobs chung bas 'chor bar skyen/_/go chas slebs par gyis shig_/bag chags 'grogs yun ring bas phyir snyegs 'ongs/_/'das pa'i rjes 'jug ma byed_/go rtogs chung na rje la gsol ba thob/_/ting 'dzin rgyud la skye'o_/phyi ma bde ba 'dod na da lta sdug bsran byed/_/sangs rgyas rtsa na yod do_/a tsA ra ni ding rir mi sdod 'gro/_/sgro 'dogs da lta chod cig ding ri ba/_/nga la yengs pa med do ding ri ba/_/khyed kyang rjes su zhugs shig ding ri ba/_/zhes ding ri ba rnams la zhal chems su bzhag go_/rgya gar gyi grub thob dam pa rgya gar ram dam pa sangs rgyas kyi zhal gdams ding ri brgyad cu pa rdzogs so/ </div> | |||
== Footnotes == | == Footnotes == |
Latest revision as of 14:31, 5 October 2020
རྒྱ་གར་གྱི་གྲུབ་ཐོབ་ཆེན་པོ་དམ་པ་རྒྱ་གར་རམ་དམ་པ་སངས་རྒྱས་ཞེས་པའི་གསུང་མགུར་ ་ ་ ་
rgya gar gyi grub thob chen po dam pa rgya gar ram dam pa sangs rgyas zhes pa'i gsung mgur zhal gdams ding ri brgyad cu pa
Eighty Pieces of Advice for the People of Dingri: Sung by the Great Indian Adept Called Dampa Gyagar or Dampa Sangye
Dampa Sangye imparted some Pieces of Advice to the residents of his monastery at Dingri Langkhor in a kind of farewell or final testament, with awareness of his own impermanence. It is perhaps the most famous and popular of his works. However, the versions that we have now share only a few verses with the earliest versions recorded in this distinctive style of couplets, all ending with “Dingriwa,” that is, “Dingrians” or “people of Dingri.” According to Dan Martin,[1] Dampa was the first to pronounce such verses, and the second was his disciple Kunga, who repeated 118 verses a year before his own death, only seven years after his guru passed away. Then apparently this fairly easy compositional style was supplemented over the years by other lineage holders. Consequently, after so many versions, there are some issues with the exact list, as if that matters. In modern collections there are two conflicting titles: the Eighty Pieces, as here in The Treasury of Precious Instructions, and, more usually, the Hundred Pieces. Some collections, such as the Dingri Volumes, will have both versions. There is no evidence, however, that Dampa Sangye actually gave these teachings twice, and in fact most of the couplets or verses are present in both editions. It seems likely that a hundred (brgya rtsa) easily morphed into eighty (brgyad cu) at some point in its scribal history. Ninety-one made it into Dampa’s biography. Here the number turns out to be ninety-seven, although it may be noted that in some translations the second verse here is actually the first, which would make it ninety-six.
There are a few histories of the setting for the teachings as well. The most often repeated seems to be as follows. Dampa Charchen, one of Dampa Sangye’s four main disciples known as the four gatekeeper yogins[2] of the later transmission, came before Dampa and said, “Dampa, you are getting very old! You yourself will surely pass from happy states on to happy states. But think of the people of Dingri. What shall we do?” In some versions, this leads directly to the verses of advice, but in our version there is a short reflection in response that clearly affirms Dampa’s premonition of his death. The final verse also returns to the personal with the straightforward “I will leave.”
But there is another interesting twist on the story in a commentary called Storehouse of Jewels,[3] based on explanations of Ngawang Gyaltsen, where the scene is Bodhisattva Kunga’s “last words” to the people of Dingri. As Bodhisattva Kunga approaches nirvana (d. 1124), he speaks the opening verses from “namo guru” through the first verse ending with “it will be so hard to regain a human life, people of Dingri.” Then, the commentary says, he goes on to repeat the hundred (or so) pieces of advice from Dampa Sangye’s last words, beginning with the above story of Dampa Charchen’s request. One version does not obviate the other, except in that the opening words would be Kunga’s rather than Dampa’s.
There are also any number of translations and commentaries available in Western languages, beginning perhaps with Evans-Wentz’s version (really Lama Kazi-Samdup’s translation) in 1954, to the wonderful translations with their oral commentaries by Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (2006) and Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche (2015). And because these pieces of advice are so worth repeating, there will be many more—perhaps eighty or a hundred.
- ↑ 2 See “The Tingri Hundred” on Tibeto-logic blog, December 9, 2008.
- ↑ 3 sgo ba’i rnal ’byor bzhi. Dam pa ’char chen, also spelled phyar chen—stories of his escapades are found in many places in Dampa’s life story. The other three “gatekeepers” are Dam pa phyar chung, Vajrakrodha, and Byang chub sems dpa’ (Bodhisattva) Kun dga’.
- ↑ 4 Pha dam pa sangs rgyas kyi zhal chems ding ri brgya rtsa ma’i don ’grel man ngag rin po che’i gan mdzod, DV, vol. nga, pp. 586–87.
- Other notes
- Genre from Richard Barron's Catalog
- Instruction manual
- Genre from dkar chag
- rtsa ba
- BDRC Link
- VolumeI1CZ3975
- BDRC Content Information
- No note on contents
Information about Unicode Tibetan and the digitization of this text
As the only available unicode Tibetan text at the time, Nitartha International's version of the Paro Edition of the gdams ngag mdzod is provided here. However, note that it has not been thoroughly edited and that there may also be mistakes introduced through the conversion process. Eventually we will provide a fully edited version of the entire Shechen Edition, entered and edited multiple times by Pulahari Monastery in Nepal, but as of fall 2017 that project has not been finished. Note that the folio numbers that appear throughout were added by Nitartha Input Center at the time of input.
Provided by Nitartha International Document Input Center. Many thanks to Lama Tenam and Gerry Wiener for help with fonts and conversion.