Wylie:Sngon 'gro'i zin bris: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replace - ", |mastertextnumber =" to " |mastertextnumber =")
m (Text replace - "|year = 1999." to "|year = 1999")
Line 12: Line 12:
|publisher = Shechen Publications
|publisher = Shechen Publications
|place = New Delhi
|place = New Delhi
|year = 1999.
|year = 1999
|tibvol = tha
|tibvol = tha
|volnumber = 10
|volnumber = 10

Revision as of 14:16, 22 January 2015

[[Image:DNZVolume10_31-48_sngon 'gro'i zin bris..jpg|400x100px|alt=Upload a file|link=|Upload a file]]
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sngon 'gro'i zin bris.

Damngak Dzö Volume 10 ({{{VolumeLetterTib}}}) / Pages 31-48 / Folios 1a1 to 9b5

[[associatedpeople::Drukchen, 4th (pad+ma dkar po), gzhan phan bzang po.| ]] [[author::Drukchen, 4th (pad+ma dkar po).| ]][[Category:Drukchen, 4th (pad+ma dkar po).]]

[[titlefields::sngon 'gro'i zin bris. | ]] [[peoplefields::Drukchen, 4th (pad+ma dkar po). Drukchen, 4th (pad+ma dkar po), gzhan phan bzang po. | ]]

Full Title

Tibetan: ༄༅། །སྔོན་འགྲོའི་ཟིན་བྲིས་བཞུགས་སོ༎ ༎

Wylie: @#/_/sngon 'gro'i zin bris bzhugs so//_//

Short Title(s)


འབྲུག་ཆེན་པདྨ་དཀར་པོ་ - Drukchen, 4th (pad+ma dkar po)

Topic Information

'brug pa bka' brgyud - Instruction manual

sngon 'gro - 'brug lugs phyag chen

TBRC: No note on contents
Ringu Tulku: A note on the Ngondro.
TBRC: No note on contents
Ringu Tulku: A note on the Ngondro.

Publication Information

Additional Information

Full Tibetan Text





Notes on the text

Notes on associated persons

Cataloging data

Title Page (ཁ་ཤོག་):

  • Line 1: ༄༅། །སྔོན་འགྲོའི་ཟིན་བྲིས་བཞུགས་སོ༎ ༎
@#/_/sngon 'gro'i zin bris bzhugs so//_//
  • Left side print: སྔོན་ གཅིག་ འགྲོ་
sngon gcig 'gro
  • Right side print: 31/ གདམས་ངག་མཛོད་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད།
gdams ngag mdzod bka' brgyud/

First Page Title(s):

  • བོད་སྐད་དུ། No title

Description of pages:

  • Side A:
  • གཡོན་: ཐ སྔོན་ (གྲངས་ཀ་) འགྲོ་
Left: tha sngon (tibfolio#) 'gro
  • གཡས་: གདམས་ངག་མཛོད་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད་
Right: gdams ngag mdzod bka' brgyud
  • Side B:
  • གཡོན་: འབྲུག་ལུགས་ཕྱག་ཆེན་
Left: 'brug lugs phyag chen
  • གཡས་: #
Right: #

Volume #: 010 (ཐ་)

Text # in volume: 004

Text # in edition:

Master text#:

Begin-End Pages (Western): 31-48

Begin Tibetan page and line #: 1a1

End Tibetan page and line #: 9b5

Total # of pages (Western): 18

Total # of pages (Tibetan): 9 folios

Number of lines per page: 7 (3 pages of 5)

Partial colophon in Tibetan: །དེ་ལྟར་ཁྲིད་མཐའ་དག་གི་སྔོན་དུ་འགྲོ་བའི་ཡི་གེ་འདི་ཡང་། པདྨ་དཀར་པོས་ལྷ་བཙུན་གཞན་ཕན་བཟང་པོར་གདམས་པའོ༎ ༎

Partial colophon in Wylie: /de ltar khrid mtha' dag gi sngon du 'gro ba'i yi ge 'di yang /_pad+ma dkar pos lha btsun gzhan phan bzang por gdams pa'o//_//

Author: pad+ma dkar po

Translator: None given

Scribe: None given

Redactor: None given

People associated with this text: instructions given to lha btsun gzhan phan bzang po.

Text lineage: None given