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Welcome to the Tsadra Foundation Catalog of the gdams ngag mdzod.

༈ གདམས་ངག་རིན་པོ་ཆེའི་མཛོད།

gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod


'jam mgon kong sprul blo gros mtha' yas

Tsadra Foundation is pleased to provide a detailed catalog of the entire Treasury of Precious Instructions (gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod), one of Jamgön Kongtrül's most important contributions to Tibetan literature. The website you are currently viewing is a collaborative wiki, created using MediaWiki software. If you are interested in editing or contributing to the catalog, please request login information from the director of the Tsadra Research Department by emailing:

The catalog, referred to as the "DNZ," is a database of information covering the eighteen volumes of the 1999 Shechen Printing of the gdams ngag mdzod, including detailed information about each text, such as size, location, lists of people associated with each text, lineage data, lists of translations available, and comparisons with previous catalogs. All colophons, text titles, and author names are recorded in both Extended Wylie and Unicode Tibetan. For more information about Tsadra Foundation and the creation of the DNZ, see the About the DNZ Project page.

Search and Navigation

To navigate within the catalog use the links to the left of any page below the search box. These links provide an outline of each volume and include some simple statistics. You can also search for a particular author (in Extended Wylie transliteration) or text title, phrase, or topic in the search box (More on searching here). For detailed information on the cataloging process and statistics collected about the mdzod as a whole, see the Research Department Report. Also note the list of resources available below. There is a set of sortable tables presenting information about the entire collection here: Gdams ngag mdzod DPL.


Cataloging data

*gsang sngags rnying ma གསང་སྔགས་རྙིང་མ།
*bka' gdams བཀའ་གདམས།
*sa skya lam 'bras ས་སྐྱ་ལམ་འབྲས།
*mar pa bka' brgyud མར་པ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད།
*shangs pa bka' brgyud ཤངས་པ་བཀའ་བརྒྱུད།
*zhi byed dang gcod ཞི་བྱེད་དང་བཅོད།
*dus 'khor dang o rgyan bsnyen sgrub དུས་འཁོར་དང་ཨོ་རྒྱན་བསྙེན་སྒྲུབ།
*khrid skor sna tshogs ཁྲིད་སྐོར་སྣ་ཚོགས།
  • jo nang khrid brgya dang dkar chag brgyud yig    ཇོ་ནང་ཁྲིད་བརྒྱ་དང་དཀར་ཆག་བརྒྱུད་ཡིག