Wylie:Gcod kyi tshogs las yon tan kun 'byung gsungs rgyun 'khrul med ltar bkod pa bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs
གཅོད་ཀྱི་ཚོགས་ལས་ཡོན་ཏན་ཀུན་འབྱུང་གསུངས་རྒྱུན་འཁྲུལ་མེད་ལྟར་བཀོད་པ་ ་ ་ ་
gcod kyi tshogs las yon tan kun 'byung gsungs rgyun 'khrul med ltar bkod pa bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs
Source of All Qualities: the Severance Feast Activities Arranged Unerringly According to the Teaching Tradition
This text is the Fourteenth Karmapa’s arrangement of the prayers and practices traditionally used in the Severance feast activities of the Zurmang tradition. The first part of the title is nearly identical to that of White Crystal Mirror in this volume; most likely Karmapa Thekchok Dorje (Theg mchog rdo rje, (1798/9–1868/9) wished to enhance that earlier text. Also found here are many sections from Pearl Rosary. And it is clear from the internal comments (yig chung) that to practice it one must draw on the liturgies of these earlier compositions. What is distinctive in this text is the addition of a number of the ancient supplications to the gurus of the lineage, particularly the beautiful prayers to Machik by her son and grandson. The most unusual feature of all is that Thekchok Dorje provides the authorship for each of the added prayers, a rarity in this Tibetan tradition of recycled liturgy.
Karmapa Thekchok Dorje was a contemporary of Jamgön Kongtrul and similarly played an integral part in the nonsectarian (ris med) activities of the times in Kham. They exchanged transmissions and teachings, and both of them counted the great Situ Pema Nyinje Wangpo (pad+ma nyin byed dbang po, 1774–1853) as a primary guru. Their close colleagues included Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo (1820–1892) and Tertön Chokgyur Lingpa (1829–1870), among many others.
In addition to this text, Thekchok Dorje is usually cited as the author of the most popular daily practice of Severance in the Kagyu tradition, The Concise Charity of the Body for Daily Practice (although the Fifteenth Karmapa and Karma Chakme have also been credited with it). Despite their close connection, Kongtrul did not actually receive the transmission of Source of All Qualities directly from Thekchok Dorje but through the Chöwang Tulku, according to the Catalog, which also mentions that Thekchok Dorje himself received it from Situ Pema Nyinje.
- Translator's notes
- Note from Ringu Tulku
- The Lineage Instructions on the Tsok of Chod Practice "Source of All Goodness" Written Down Word By Word.
- Other notes
- BDRC Link
- VolumeI1CZ3976
- BDRC Content Information
- No note on contents
Information about Unicode Tibetan and the digitization of this text
As the only available unicode Tibetan text at the time, Nitartha International's version of the Paro Edition of the gdams ngag mdzod is provided here. However, note that it has not been thoroughly edited and that there may also be mistakes introduced through the conversion process. Eventually we will provide a fully edited version of the entire Shechen Edition, entered and edited multiple times by Pulahari Monastery in Nepal, but as of fall 2017 that project has not been finished. Note that the folio numbers that appear throughout were added by Nitartha Input Center at the time of input.
Provided by Nitartha International Document Input Center. Many thanks to Lama Tenam and Gerry Wiener for help with fonts and conversion.