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Instructions on the Eight Brief Instructions from the Drukpa Kagyu Tradition not Found Elsewhere. +
Some instructions on the meditation of Dupa-mdo called "The Crystal Rosary". +
Meditation Instructions Written by Phakmo Drupa. +
The Instructions on the Jambeyang Practice to Increase Wisdom Called: "The Wheel Ornament of Wisdom" (Rupa instructions) by Eupa Dorje. +
From the Oral Teachings of Chakrasamvara, the Instructions on How to Practice Karmamudra Called "The Lamp Illuminating the Wisdom". +
'phags ma sgrol ma la rtsa sngags dang sbyar ba'i sgo nas gsol ba 'debs pa don kun grub pa'i dbyangs snyan +
Based on the Guru Yoga of Three Deities of Long Life, a Ritual to Generate the Two Accumulations Called "The Celebration of Attaining Deathlessness". +
The Instructions on the Three Purities of the Tantra Dorje Gur. +
The text appears in several editions of the Tengyur, as well as in collections on Severance. It was known as the Fifty-Verse Poem (Tshigs su bcad pa lnga bcu pa), or the Grand Poem (Tshigs bcad chen mo). Apparently the name that we find here, Esoteric Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom, was attached by a later editor. This text attributed to the Brahmin Āryadeva (Bram ze A rya de ba). There is very little information on the Brahmin Āryadeva, though it is clear that this is not the same person as Ācārya Āryadeva, the famous disciple of Nāgārjuna, since both Āryadevas often appear in the same lineage of Severance. In the various complex lines of transmission, Brahmin Āryadeva is placed variously after Nāgārjuna and Ācārya Āryadeva, after Tārā and Sukhasiddhī, and after Mañjuśrī, all indicating his importance as an ancient source. In all cases, however, the direct recipient of his lineage is Dampa Sangye, said to be his nephew. It is Dampa Sangye (also called Pa Dampa, or “father” Dampa) who apparently brought the text from India to Tibet, having himself translated it, and gave it to the translator Zhama to edit, as stated in the colophon. The Chod Practice (Cutting the Maras), the Profound Meaning of the Prajnaparamita. +
The Practice of Chenrezik Called: "The Stream of Nectar" +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid yongs su sdud pa bdud rtsi'i dga' ston +
The Instructions on the Graded Path of Chenrezik Practice Called: 'The Festival of Nectar". +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi dbang chog rin chen 'od 'phro'i mchod bsgrig dkyil 'khor ston pa bcas +
Empowerment and Showing the Mandala Rituals of Chenrezik. +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi lam gyi rim pa'i mngon rtogs dbang bskur thugs rje chen po'i chu rgyun +
The Practice of Chenrezik with the Practice and Empowerment Manuals Called: "The Stream Of Great Compassion" By Naljorpa Eupa Dorje. +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid kyi cha lag man ngag gser gyi thur ma rin po che'i sgron me +
The Graded Path to Enlightenment on Chenrezik Practice, Some Branch Instructions Called: "Golden Scalpel Jewel Lamp". +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyis grub chen mi tra dzo ki la gsungs pa'i phyag rgya chen po sems nyid ngal gso'i gzhung 'grel snying po bsdus pa +
The Commentary to the Resting the Mind Mahamudra Instructions Given by Chenrezik to Mitra Yogi by Khyentse Wangpo. +
'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyis grub chen mi tra dzo ki la gsungs pa'i rang gi sems nyid ngal gso ba'i man ngag +
The Instructions Given by Chenrezik to Mitra Yogi on How to Rest the Mind. +
'phags yul gyi grub chen brgyad cu rtsa bzhi la mchod cing gsol ba gdab pa'i cho ga dngos grub kun 'byung +
The Prayer Offering to the Eighty-Four Siddhas of India Called: "The Source of All the Siddhis". +