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Showing 20 pages using this property.
A Shower of Accomplishments: Instructions of the Yellow Jambhala  +
titletrans  +
The Great Bundle of Precepts on Severance<br>Outline and Commentary by Lord Rangjung Dorje  +
Rainfall of Desirables: A Profound Guide on Severance Instruction  +
Pearl Rosary: A Liturgy for the Donation of the Body in Severance  +
The Fulfillment Rituals of Profound Object-Severance  +
Source of All Qualities: the Severance Feast Activities Arranged Unerringly According to the Teaching Tradition  +
White Crystal Mirror: Notes on the Guru’s Teaching Tradition of the Visualization Sequence for Severance Feast Activities “Endowed with all Qualities”  +
Object-Severance Empowerment Known as Opening the Sky-Door  +
A Distillation of the Profound: The Way to Practice the Essence of the Vast Object-Severance in a Single Sitting  +
Essence of the Vital Meaning: A Practice Manual of Profound Object-Severance  +
The Adornment of the Four Continents: An Offering Ritual of the Five Mandalas  +
The Threefold Instruction: The Instruction through Eleven Key Points, The Instruction through Six Key Points, and The Instruction through the Trio of Best, Medium, and Average Capacity  +
Three Essential Introductions: A Pith Instruction That Is Like Distilled Ambrosia  +
Manual of Key Points: The Meaning of the Symbolism of the Vase  +
Aparājita Yakṣha or Benefactor Maṇibhadra Authorization Ritual  +
Vajra Song Summarizing the Essence of the Holy Dharma Pacification of Suffering: Instructions for the Mighty Yogin Milarepa by the Great Adept Dampa Sangye  +
Stainless Appearance—Words of the Supreme Adept: A Guidebook to the Five Paths of the Holy Dharma Pacification of Suffering from the Lineage of the Adept Dampa  +
The Root Vajra Verses of the Pith Instruction on the ''Three Quintessential Points'' Composed by the Great Siddha Mitrayogin  +
Authoritative Texts in Verse: Mahāsiddha Nāropa’s Cycle on the Six Dharmas  +