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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Hevajra Torma Offering Practice.  +
The Story of the Glorious Guru Called "Tree of Devotion".  +
The Practice of All the Later Texts of the Shangpa Kagyu Oral Teachings Combined Together Called "Joyful Sheaf of Harvest".  +
The Instructions on the Practices of the Four Deities into One from Sukha Siddhi's Tradition Called "Radiating Wisdom".  +
The Four Deities into One Practice from Sukha Siddhi's Tradition Called "Self-Illuminating Wisdom".  +
The Root Text of five Golden Teachings of the Shangpas Called "The Unblemished Vajra Knot".  +
The Prayers to the Lamas of the Blessed Oral Tradition of Profound Vajra Yoga, the Pith Instructions of the Primordial Buddha.  +
Instructions on the Six Equal Taste Teachings by Pal Kacho Wangpo.  +
The Pith Instructions on the Five Nails to Dispel the Obstructions as Given by Naropa.  +
An Essential Path of Liberation Through Dorje Sempa's "Juntrul Trawa".  +
The Sadhana of the Five Tantras Called "Clear Meaning, Wide Opening".  +
The Instructions of Six Yogas from the Peme Tso Tradition Called "Opening Vajra Words".  +
The Elaborate Sadhana of Nine Deity Kalachakra  +
The Four Dharmas of Gampopa.  +
The Instructions on Yellow Dzambala Called: "The Rain of Siddhis" by Eupa Dorje.  +
The Index of the Great Oral Teachings of Chod.  +
The Profound Chod Instructions Called "Showering of All Wishes".  +
The Chod Series Giving the Body Away Practice Called "The String of Pearls".  +
The Fulfilment Rituals of the Chod Practices.  +