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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Ganges Mahāmudrā: Esoteric Instructions on Mahāmudrā  +
A Precious Necklace: Perfection Stage Teachings of the Eighty-Four Siddhas, the Root Text and a Commentary  +
Krodhīkālī Secret Practice Empowerment  +
The Luminous Lamp: An Empowerment Ritual for the Secret Cycle of the Great Perfection  +
The Precious and Illuminating Lamp: A Gradual Path of the Secret Mantra  +
Instructions for Meditation on the Gradual Path of the Secret Mantra Given in the Manner of an Introduction to the Nature of the Mind  +
The Essence of the Gradual Path of the Secret Mantra: A Pointing-Out Instruction in Five Parts through Which the Nature of the Mind Is Nakedly Shown  +
Cherished Essence: The Most Precious Pith Instruction, Also Called The Three-by-Three Pith Instruction  +
The Lineage Supplication of the Path with Its Result, the Precious Oral Instruction  +
The Vajra Verses: The Treatise of the Precious Oral Intimate Instruction of the Path with Its Result  +
The Nyakma Commentary: A Commentary on The Vajra Verses, the Treatise of the Path with Its Result, the Precious Oral Instruction  +
How to Give Instructions According to the Treatise: The Instructional Manual of the Path with Its Result, the Precious Oral Instruction  +
The Verse Summary of the Topics of the Commentary of the Precious Oral Intimate Instruction  +
Eighteen Trulkhors for Caṇḍālī  +
The Layout of the Ground, Path, and Result  +
The Summarized Topics of the Stages of the Path of the Three Tantras of the Versified Manual on How to Give the Instruction of the Path with Its Result in Accordance with the Treatise  +
Fortunate Right-Turning White Conch: The Manual of Indrabhūti's Path of the Mudra  +
The Story of Atiśa’s Voyage to Sumatra  +
How Atiśa Relinquished His Kingdom and Sought Liberation  +