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- Wylie:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid kyi cha lag man ngag gser gyi thur ma rin po che'i sgron me + (The Luminous Golden Wand of Pith Instructions: An Appendix to the Instructions on Noble Avalokiteshvara’s Graded Path to Enlightenment)
- Wylie:Gsang skor gyi dbang gi lag len gsal ba'i sgron me + (The Luminous Lamp: An Empowerment Ritual for the Secret Cycle of the Great Perfection)
- Wylie:Bde mchog snyan brgyud kyi phyag rgya chen po ye shes gsal byed + (The Mahāmudrā instructions Shedding Light on Timeless Awareness)
- Wylie:'brog mi lo tsA bas mkhas pa sgo drug la gsan pa'i sgo drug chos 'brel du grags pa'i khrid yig + (The Manual Known as The Dharma Connection with the Six Gatekeepers Received by Drokmi Lotsāwa from the Six Paṇḍita Gatekeepers)
- Wylie:Brda' don gsal ba'i khrid yig bdag chen rdo rje 'chang gis mdzad pa + (The Manual That Clarifies Symbols and Meanings)
- Wylie:'phags pa mkha' 'gro ma rdo rje gur gyi rgyud kyi dgongs pa dag pa gsum gyi khrid yig + (The Manual of the Three Purities: The Intention of the ''Vajrapañjara Tantra'')
- Wylie:Khrid brgya'i sa 'grel ya mtshan 'phrul gyi lde mig + (The Marvelous Key Commenting on the Content of the Hundred and Eight Guidebooks)
- Wylie:Khrid brgya'i spyi chings rnam par spel ba ngo mtshar chos kyi sgo mang + (The Multiple Approaches of the Wondrous Doctrine, Enhancing the Summary of the One Hundred and Eight Guidebooks)
- Wylie:Rdzogs pa chen po chos nyid rang grol + (The Natural Openness and Freedom of the Dharmatā: A Teaching of the Great Perfection)
- Wylie:Rdzogs pa chen po mnyam nyid rang grol + (The Natural Openness and Freedom of the State of Equality: A Teaching of the Great Perfection)
- Wylie:Blo sbyong zhen pa bzhi bral gyi khrid yig byang sems kun dga' legs rin gyis mdzad pa'i 'chad thabs nor bu ke ta ka'i do shal + (The Necklace of Ketaka Gems: The Explanatory Method for the Manual of Parting from the Four Attachments Mind Training Composed by the Bodhisattva Kunga Lekrin)
- Wylie:Byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i 'khrid gser gyi yang zhun + (The Nectar That Is Like Highly Refined Gold: An Instruction Manual on the Stages of the Path to Enlightenment)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po sems nyid ngal gso’i ’khrid kyi ’chad thabs bla ma'i zhal lung bdud rtsi'i snang ba + (The Nectarous Light of the Words of the Teacher: A Guide for Teaching the Great Seal Text ''Resting in the Nature of Mind'')
- Wylie:Rab tu spros med kyi dbang chog 'od kyi dra ba + (The Net of Light: A Ritual for the Supremely Unelaborate Empowerment)
- Wylie:Shin tu spros med kyi dbang chog pad+ma'i drwa ba + (The Net of Lotuses: A Ritual for the Extremely Unelaborate Empowerment)
- Wylie:Spros med kyi dbang chog rin po che'i drwa ba + (The Net of Precious Gems: A Ritual for the Unelaborate Empowerment)
- Wylie:Spros bcas kyi dbang chog tshangs pa'i dra ba + (The Net of Purity: A Ritual for the Elaborate Empowerment)
- Wylie:Gsung ngag rin po che lam 'bras bu dang bcas pa'i gzhung rdo rje'i tshig rkang gi 'grel pa + (The Nyakma Commentary: A Commentary on The Vajra Verses, the Treatise of the Path with Its Result, the Precious Oral Instruction)
- Wylie:Khrid brgya'i sngon 'gro thun mong ba + (The Ordinary Preliminary Practices of the One Hundred and Eight Guidebooks)
- Wylie:Dga' rab rdo rje'i zhal chems tshig gsum gnad du brdeg pa + (The Parting Words of Garab Dorje to Mañjuśrīmitra: The Three Statements That Strike upon the Vital Points)
- Wylie:Ye shes mdo'i zhal chems bzhag thabs bzhi pa + (The Parting Words of Jñānasūtra to Vimalamitra: The Four Methods of Leaving Things as They Are)
- Wylie:'jam dpal bshes gnyen gyi zhal chems sgom nyams drug pa + (The Parting Words of Mañjuśrīmitra to Śrīsiṃha: The Six Meditation Experiences)
- Wylie:ShrI siM ha'i zhal chems gzer bu bdun pa + (The Parting Words of Śrīsiṃha to Jñānasūtra: The Seven Nails)
- Wylie:Slob dpon in+dra b+hU ti'i mdzad pa'i phyag rgya'i lam skor + (The Path Cycle of the Mudra Composed by Ācārya Indrabhūti)
- Wylie:Rgyud sde lnga'i lha lnga gtso bor bsdus pa'i man ngag bla ma gong ma'i phyag len + (The Practice of Past Gurus Esoteric Instructions on the Principal Five Deities of the Five Tantras)
- Wylie:Gsang sngags lam gyi rim pa rin po che gsal ba'i sgron me + (The Precious and Illuminating Lamp: A Gradual Path of the Secret Mantra)
- Wylie:Snyan brgyud yid bzhin nor bu'i gzhung gi bsdus don rnam par bshad pa + (The Presentation of the Summary of Topics for "The Short Text: The Wish-Fulfilling Gems of the Aural Transmission")
- Wylie:Zab khrid brgya dang brgyad kyi yi ge + (The Profound One Hundred and Eightfold Guidebooks)
- Wylie:Lam dri ma med pa shel sgong dag pa'i skor + (The Pure Crystal Egg of the Stainless Path)
- Wylie:Lam dri ma med pa gser sgong dag pa'i skor + (The Pure Golden Egg of the Stainless Path)
- Wylie:Lam dri ma med pa dngul sgong ngag pa'i skor + (The Pure Silver Egg of the Stainless Path)
- Wylie:Rje btsun mi la'i rnam rtog dri ma dag byed + (The Purification of the Stains of Thoughts)
- Wylie:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyis grub chen mi tra dzo ki la gsungs pa'i phyag rgya chen po sems nyid ngal gso'i gzhung 'grel snying po bsdus pa + (The Quintessence: A Commentary on the Root Text of the Great Seal ''Resting in the Nature of Mind'' That Noble Avalokiteshvara Taught the Mahāsiddha Mitrayogin)
- Wylie:Rgyal thang lugs kyi gcod dbang nam mkha' sgo 'byed kyi cho ga + (The Required Liturgies on the Occasion of Master Tāranātha’s Severance Empowerment of Opening the Sky Door in the Gyaltang Tradition)
- Wylie:Rje btsun mi la'i phyag rgya chen po ye shes gsal byed kyi rtsa ba + (The Root Text for Mahāmudrā: The Illumination of Wisdom)
- Wylie:Theg pa chen po'i gdams ngag blo sbyong don bdun ma'i rtsa ba + (The Root Text of the Mahāyāna Instruction Known as "The Seven Point Mind Training")
- Wylie:Grub chen mi tra dzo kis mdzad pa'i snying po don gsum gyi man ngag gi rtsa ba rdo rje'i tshig rkang + (The Root Vajra Verses of the Pith Instruction on the ''Three Quintessential Points'' Composed by the Great Siddha Mitrayogin)
- Wylie:Lta ba 'khor 'das dbyer med kyi gzhung rin chen snang ba'i rtsa ba + (The Root Verses of the Illuminating Jewel: The View of the Inseparability of Samsara and Nirvana)
- Wylie:Dpal ldan shangs pa'i gser chos lnga'i rtsa tshig 'khrul med rdo rje'i rgya mdud + (The Sealed-Knot Vajra An Authentic Basic Liturgy for the Five Golden Dharmas of the Glorious Shangpa)
- Wylie:Sangs rgyas kyi 'das rjes gnyis pa + (The Second Testament of the Buddha)
- Wylie:Rje btsun ras chung pa'i lugs kyi dpal 'khor lo sdom pa snyan brgyud gyi gzhung chung til+li pas mdzad pa + (The Short Text: The Wish-Fulfilling Gems of the Glorious Cakrasaṃvara Aural Transmission from the Tradition of Jetsun Rechungpa)
- Wylie:Rtsa ba ni gu chos drug gi khrid bsdus stan thog gcig ma'i nyams len ye shes DA ki'i zhal lung + (The Single Sitting, Words of the Ḍākinī of Timeless Awareness A Concise Guide to Niguma’s Six Dharmas, the Root of the Golden Dharmas of Glorious Shangpa)
- Wylie:'phags yul gyi grub chen brgyad cu rtsa bzhi la mchod cing gsol ba gdab pa'i cho ga dngos grub kun 'byung + (The Source of Accomplishments: An Offering and Prayer Ritual to the Eighty-Four Mahāsiddhas of India)
- Wylie:Sgrub brgyud shing rta chen po brgyad kun 'dus kyi bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga byin rlabs dngos grub yon tan kun gyi 'byung gnas + (The Source of All Blessings, Accomplishments, and Qualities: A Ritual for Venerating the Teachers Who Embody the Eight Great Chariots of the Practice Lineage)
- Wylie:Bcom ldan 'das phyag na rdo rje thugs kyi khrid bdud dpung 'joms byed 'od zer rgyas pa + (The Spreading Rays of Light That Vanquish the Hordes of Demons: The Instructions of Lord Vajrapāṇi, the Deity Related to Enlightened Mind)
- Wylie:Jo bo mnyam med gser gling pa dang mjal ba'i rnam thar + (The Story of Atiśa’s Voyage to Sumatra)
- Wylie:Bla ma rdo rje 'chang grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i byin rlabs lhan cig tu bya ba'i tshul dngos grub chu rgyun + (The Stream of Accomplishment: A Method for Combining the Blessings of the Teacher Vajradhara and the Eighty-Four Siddhas)
- Wylie:Rdo rje'i tshigs rkang gi bsdus don + (The Summarized Topics of The Vajra Verses)
- Wylie:Gzhung ji lta ba bzhin dkri ba'i khrid yig tshigs bcad ma rgyud gsum lam gyi rim pa'i bsdus don + (The Summarized Topics of the Stages of the Path of the Three Tantras of the Versified Manual on How to Give the Instruction of the Path with Its Result in Accordance with the Treatise)
- Wylie:Khrid brgya'i brgyud pa'i lo rgyus kha skong + (The Supplement to the Historical Anecdotes of the Lineage of the One Hundred and Eight Guidebooks)
- Wylie:Khrid brgya'i brgyud 'debs kha skong + (The Supplement to the Supplication of the Lineage of the One Hundred and Eight Guidebooks)