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Initiation of Dzambala  +
Tse-Pa-Me Instructions Called: " Accomplishing the Deathless Vajra Body" (Quality Instructions) by Eupa Dorje.  +
Chana Dorje Instructions Called: "Dispelling the Forces of Demon Radiation of Light" (Mind Instruction) by Eupa Dorje.  +
The Initiation of Chana Dorje Called: "The Source Of Blessings".  +
The Initiation of Tse-Pa-Me.  +
The Five Stages Instruction on Chu Len (Living on Extracted Essence).  +
The Refuge and Bodhicitta Etcetera From Chakrasamvara.  +
The Dakini Oral Teaching of Chakrasamvara Concise Form from the Ngam Zom Tradition Called "The Joy of Heruka" and Empowerment.  +
Prayer to the Lamas of the Precious Lineage of the Oral Teachings of Chakrasamvara Called "Bestowing the Glory of Blessings".  +
From the Oral Teachings of Chakrasamvara, the Instructions on the Great Bliss of Od Rig.  +
From the Oral Teachings of Chakrasamvara, the Profound Instructions on the Introduction to the Bardo.  +
From the Oral Teachings of Chakrasamvara, the Mahamudra Instructions Called "Clarifying the Wisdom".  +
The Completion Stage of Oral Teachings of Chakrasamvara on the Six Yogas Liberating From Above.  +
Out of Eight Outer Practices of Chakrasamvara from the Oral Teachings of Rechungpa's Tradition, the Brief Sadhana of Yumka with Empowerment Manual.  +