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- Wylie:Sgrub brgyud shing rta chen po brgyad kyi smin grol snying po phyogs gcig bsdus pa gdams ngag rin po che'i mdzod kyi dkar chag bkra shis grags pa'i rgya mtsho + (The Content of the Treasury of Instructions, the Essence of the Empowerments and Instructions of the Eight Practice Lineages Collected Together Called "The Ocean of Auspicious Waves".)
- Wylie:Slob dpon pad+ma badz+ra gyis mdzad pa'i bskyed rim zab pa'i tshul dgus brgyan pa + (The Creation Stage with Nine Profound Ways Written by Lopon Padmavajra.)
- Wylie:Bde mchog mkha' 'gro snyan brgyud bsdus pa ngam rdzong lugs kyi sgrub dkyil dbang chog dang bcas pa he ru ka dgyes pa'i thig le + (The Dakini Oral Teaching of Chakrasamvara Concise Form from the Ngam Zom Tradition Called "The Joy of Heruka" and Empowerment.)
- Wylie:Blo sbyong gyer bsgom rdo rje'i glu + (The Direct Meditation of Lojong Called "The Song of the Vajra".)
- Wylie:Ring brgyud kyi gsol 'debs ma gcig gis mdzad par ban sgar 'jam dpal bzang pos kha bskang ba + (The Distant Lineage Prayer)
- Wylie:Bo dong lugs kyi phyag rgya chen po zab gsal gyi ring brgyud gsol 'debs ye shes mchog stsol + (The Distant Lineage Prayer of Mahamudra Zab Sal Nyi Me from the Bodongpa Tradition Called "Bestowing the Supreme Wisdom".)
- Wylie:Dam chos dgongs pa gcig pa'i khog dbub snying por dril ba + (The Drikung Gong Chig Essential Teachings with General Introduction.)
- Wylie:Spros bcas kyi dbang chog tshangs pa'i dra ba + (The Elaborate Empowerment Manual "The Net of Brahma".)
- Wylie:Theg chen shin tu rgyas pa'i sems bskyed dang sdom pa'i cho ga byang chub sems dpa'i lam bzang + (The Elaborate Mahayana Way of Granting the Bodhisattva Vows Called "The Good Path of Bodhisattvas".)
- Wylie:Dkyil 'khor spros bcas ming gi rim pa gsal bar byed pa + (The Elaborate Mandala Clarifying the Levels of Names.)
- Wylie:Dus 'khor lha dgu'i sgrubs thabs rgyas pa + (The Elaborate Sadhana of Nine Deity Kalachakra)
- Wylie:Phyag drug gtor chog rgyas pa'i kha skong dmigs rim bcas gu Na'i gsung + (The Elaborate Torma Offering Practice to Wisdom Protector Six-Armed Mahakala with Additions and Instructions Called "Spontaneously Accomplishing Four Activities".)
- Wylie:Gcod yul gyi dbang nam mkha' sgo 'byed du grags pa + (The Empoweremnt of Chod Called "Opening the Sky".)
- Wylie:Dpal kyai rdo rje man ngag lugs kyi dbang chog lung dang man ngag gi snying po bsdus pa + (The Empowerment Manual of Hevajra of Pith Instructions Tradition Called "The Concise Essence of Teaching and Instructions".)
- Wylie:Zhi byed snga phyi bar gsum gyi dbang chog rnams phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa bklags pas grub pa + (The Empowerment of Earlier, Middle and Later Shi-Je Put Into One Text Called "Accomplished By Reading".)
- Wylie:Skam lugs sher phyin ma'i rjes gnang + (The Empowerment of Earlier, Middle and Later Shi-Je Put Into One Text Called "Accomplished By Reading".)
- Wylie:Dpal kyai rdo rje'i dbang gi chu bo chen mo mdzes par byed pa'i rgyan + (The Empowerment of Hevajra Called "Glorifying the Great River of Empowerment".)
- Wylie:Sgrol ma 'jigs pa brgyad skyob 'khor ba 'phrang sgrol gyi rjes gnang + (The Empowerment of Tara Liberating from the Eight Fears.)
- Wylie:Bla ma rdo rje 'chang grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i byin rlabs lhan cig tu bya ba'i tshul dngos grub chu rgyun + (The Empowerment of the Eighty-Four Siddhas Called: "The Stream of Siddhas" Composed by Jamgon Kongtrul Based on the Sonangpa Masters.)
- Wylie:Rje btsun sgrol ma yid bzhin 'khor lo'i zab khrid thun mong ma yin pa'i yi ge bde ldan mgon po'i zhal lung ring 'tsho'i bsil sbyin + (The Especially Profound Instructions on White Tara Yi Shin Khorlo Called "Words of the Blissful Lord Giving the Fresh Breeze of Long Life".)
- Wylie:Bla med sngags chos kyi snying po'i bcud len lam zab bdud rtsi'i thig le + (The Essence of the Peerless Mantra Dharma Called "Profound Path of Extracting the Essence".)
- Wylie:Byang chub lam gyi rim pa nyams su len tshul gyi phyag bzhes snying por dril ba + (The Essence of the Tradition of Practicing the Lam-Rim.)
- Wylie:Byang chub kyi sems kun byed rgyal po'i don khrid rin chen gru bo + (The Essential Explanation of the Bodhicitta Kunje Gyalpo Called "The Precious Vessel".)
- Wylie:Snyan brgyud rde'u bcud len dang me tog bcud len gyi 'don khrid sbrags ma + (The Essential Instructions on the Oral Tradition of Pebble Chu Len and Flower Chu Len.)
- Wylie:Thig le bcu drug gi sgom bzlas nyams su len tshul snying por dril ba + (The Essential Ways of Practicing the Sixteen Circles of the Kadampas.)
- Wylie:Bcud len gyi gdams pa rim pa lnga pa + (The Five Stages Instruction on Chu Len (Living on Extracted Essence).)
- Wylie:Dpal ldan shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi zab chos lha bzhi dril sgrub kyi nyams len ye shes rang gsal + (The Four Deities into One Practice from Sukha Siddhi's Tradition Called "Self-Illuminating Wisdom".)
- Wylie:Dwags po rin po che'i chos bzhi mdor bsdus pa + (The Four Dharmas of Gampopa.)
- Wylie:Rje btsun lho brag pa'i khyad par gyi gdams pa snyan gyi shog dril bzhi'i lo rgyus gzhung lhan thabs dang bcas pa + (The Four Scrolls of Marpa on his Special Instructions, the Text, the Story and Manual.)
- Wylie:Dpal karma pa chen po la brten pa'i thun bzhi'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor dmigs khrid dang bcas pa + (The Four Session Guru Yoga Based on the Glorious Karmapa.)
- Wylie:Thun bzhi’i dmigs rim zin bris + (The Four Session Guru Yoga Based on the Glorious Karmapa.)
- Wylie:Gcod kyi skong ba rnams bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs + (The Fulfilment Rituals of the Chod Practices.)
- Wylie:Chos drug gi sgom khrid + (The General Clarification of the Six Yogas of Naropa with its Instructions.)
- Wylie:Zab lam nA ro chos drug gi gsal byed spyi chings khrid yig dang bcas pa + (The General Clarification of the Six Yogas of Naropa with its Instructions.)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po lhan cig skyes sbyor gyi khrid kyi spyi sdom rtsa tshig + (The General Outline of the Instructions of the Mahamudra (Sahajayoga).)
- Wylie:Phyi chos mdo sngags thun mong gi lam rim rin chen spungs pa + (The Graded Path Instructions of Sutra and Tantra in General by Guru Padmasambhava Called "The Heap of Jewels".)
- Wylie:Rdzogs pa chen po sems nyid rang grol gyi lam rim snying po'i don khrid + (The Graded Path Instructions of the Essence of Sem Nyid Rangdrol.)
- Wylie:Spyan ras gzigs kyi lam gyi rim pa rdo rje'i tshig rkang + (The Graded Path of Chenrezik Practice Vajra Verses.)
- Wylie:Byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i nyams len bsdus don gyi tshigs su bcad pa + (The Graded Path to Enlightenment Condensed in Verse Form, "Lam-rim Root Text".)
- Wylie:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid kyi cha lag man ngag gser gyi thur ma rin po che'i sgron me + (The Graded Path to Enlightenment on Chenrezik Practice, Some Branch Instructions Called: "Golden Scalpel Jewel Lamp".)
- Wylie:Mchog gsang lam khrid chen mo + (The Great Instructions of the Great Secret Path.)
- Wylie:Lag khrid snying po + (The Great Instructions of the Great Secret Path.)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po'i khrid yig chen mo gnyug ma'i de nyid gsal ba + (The Great Instructions on Mahamudra Called "Clarifying the Nature of the Primordial".)
- Wylie:Zab lam chos drug gi khrid yig chen mo gsang chen gyi de nyid gsal ba + (The Great Instructions on the Six Yogas Called "Clarifying the Nature of the Primordial".)
- Wylie:Grub mchog spyi la brten pa'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor rgya gar lugs dngos grub thig le 'khyil pa + (The Guru Yoga Based on the Siddhas from Indian Tradition Called: "Swirling of the Siddhis".)
- Wylie:Chos rgyal rigs ldan gtso bor gyur pa rdo rje'i rnal 'byor brgyud pa'i bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga rdo rje nyi ma'i snang ba chen po + (The Guru Yoga Offering Practice of the Lineage of Kalachakra Headed by Chogyal Rigden Called "The Great Light of Vajra Sun".)
- Wylie:Mnyam med dwags po bka' brgyud spyi khyab kyi bla mchod bkra shis grags pa'i sgra dbyangs + (The Guru Yoga Practice Common to All Dhakpo Kagyu Tradition Called "The Auspicious Melody".)
- Wylie:Dam chos sdug bsngal zhi byed dang gcod yul brgyud pa'i bla ma rnams chab gcig tu mchod cing gsol ba 'debs pa'i cho ga bkra shis grags pa'i snying po + (The Guru Yoga and Offering Practice to the Lineages of Shi-Je and Chod Combined Called "Auspicious Essence of Waves".)
- Wylie:Thugs kyi zhal chems pad mo brtsegs pa + (The Heart Advice Heap of Lotuses.)
- Wylie:Grub chen zhi ba sbas pa'i thugs bcud bka' babs bdun ldan gyi gzhung rdo rje'i lam bzang po + (The Heart Instructions of Drubchen Shiwa Bepa Coming From Seven Lineages Called "The Good Vajra Path".)
- Wylie:Dpal kyai rdo rje'i gtor chog mdzes rgyan + (The Hevajra Torma Offering Practice.)