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- Wylie:Chos drug gi sgom khrid + (The General Clarification of the Six Yogas of Naropa with its Instructions.)
- Wylie:Zab lam nA ro chos drug gi gsal byed spyi chings khrid yig dang bcas pa + (The General Clarification of the Six Yogas of Naropa with its Instructions.)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po lhan cig skyes sbyor gyi khrid kyi spyi sdom rtsa tshig + (The General Outline of the Instructions of the Mahamudra (Sahajayoga).)
- Wylie:Phyi chos mdo sngags thun mong gi lam rim rin chen spungs pa + (The Graded Path Instructions of Sutra and Tantra in General by Guru Padmasambhava Called "The Heap of Jewels".)
- Wylie:Rdzogs pa chen po sems nyid rang grol gyi lam rim snying po'i don khrid + (The Graded Path Instructions of the Essence of Sem Nyid Rangdrol.)
- Wylie:Spyan ras gzigs kyi lam gyi rim pa rdo rje'i tshig rkang + (The Graded Path of Chenrezik Practice Vajra Verses.)
- Wylie:Byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i nyams len bsdus don gyi tshigs su bcad pa + (The Graded Path to Enlightenment Condensed in Verse Form, "Lam-rim Root Text".)
- Wylie:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid kyi cha lag man ngag gser gyi thur ma rin po che'i sgron me + (The Graded Path to Enlightenment on Chenrezik Practice, Some Branch Instructions Called: "Golden Scalpel Jewel Lamp".)
- Wylie:Mchog gsang lam khrid chen mo + (The Great Instructions of the Great Secret Path.)
- Wylie:Lag khrid snying po + (The Great Instructions of the Great Secret Path.)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po'i khrid yig chen mo gnyug ma'i de nyid gsal ba + (The Great Instructions on Mahamudra Called "Clarifying the Nature of the Primordial".)
- Wylie:Zab lam chos drug gi khrid yig chen mo gsang chen gyi de nyid gsal ba + (The Great Instructions on the Six Yogas Called "Clarifying the Nature of the Primordial".)
- Wylie:Grub mchog spyi la brten pa'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor rgya gar lugs dngos grub thig le 'khyil pa + (The Guru Yoga Based on the Siddhas from Indian Tradition Called: "Swirling of the Siddhis".)
- Wylie:Chos rgyal rigs ldan gtso bor gyur pa rdo rje'i rnal 'byor brgyud pa'i bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga rdo rje nyi ma'i snang ba chen po + (The Guru Yoga Offering Practice of the Lineage of Kalachakra Headed by Chogyal Rigden Called "The Great Light of Vajra Sun".)
- Wylie:Mnyam med dwags po bka' brgyud spyi khyab kyi bla mchod bkra shis grags pa'i sgra dbyangs + (The Guru Yoga Practice Common to All Dhakpo Kagyu Tradition Called "The Auspicious Melody".)
- Wylie:Dam chos sdug bsngal zhi byed dang gcod yul brgyud pa'i bla ma rnams chab gcig tu mchod cing gsol ba 'debs pa'i cho ga bkra shis grags pa'i snying po + (The Guru Yoga and Offering Practice to the Lineages of Shi-Je and Chod Combined Called "Auspicious Essence of Waves".)
- Wylie:Thugs kyi zhal chems pad mo brtsegs pa + (The Heart Advice Heap of Lotuses.)
- Wylie:Grub chen zhi ba sbas pa'i thugs bcud bka' babs bdun ldan gyi gzhung rdo rje'i lam bzang po + (The Heart Instructions of Drubchen Shiwa Bepa Coming From Seven Lineages Called "The Good Vajra Path".)
- Wylie:Dpal kyai rdo rje'i gtor chog mdzes rgyan + (The Hevajra Torma Offering Practice.)
- Wylie:Ras chen dpal 'byor bzang po nas brgyud pa'i 'pho ba'i lo rgyus gdams ngag dang bcas pa + (The History and Instructions of Powa from the Rechen Paljor Zangpo Tradition.)
- Wylie:Khrid brgya'i brgyud pa'i lo rgyus + (The History of the Lineage of the One Hundred and Eight Instructions.)
- Wylie:Gcod bka' tshoms chen mo'i sa bcad + (The Index of the Great Oral Teachings of Chod.)
- Wylie:Khrid brgya'i sa 'grel ya mtshan 'phrul gyi lde mig + (The Index of the One Hundred and Eight Instructions.)
- Wylie:Bcom ldan 'das phyag na rdo rje'i rjes gnang byin rlabs kyi 'byung gnas + (The Initiation of Chana Dorje Called: "The Source Of Blessings".)
- Wylie:Mgon po 'jam dpal dbyangs kyi rjes gnang + (The Initiation of Jambeyang.)
- Wylie:Bcom ldan 'das tshe dpag med kyi rjes gnang + (The Initiation of Tse-Pa-Me.)
- Wylie:Bka' srung e ka dzA Ti sde bdun gyi rjes gnang + (The Initiation of the Ekajati and Seven Groups of Dharma Protectors.)
- Wylie:Slob dpon nag po spyod pas mdzad pa'i gtum mo lam rdzogs + (The Inner-Heat (Tummo) Complete Path Written by Lopon Nagpo Chopa.)
- Wylie:Chu'i bcud len gyi gdams pa 'chi med rig 'dzin sgrub pa'i chu rgyun + (The Instruction on Water Chu Len Called "The Stream of Accomplished Vidyadharas".)
- Wylie:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyis grub chen mi tra dzo ki la gsungs pa'i rang gi sems nyid ngal gso ba'i man ngag + (The Instructions Given by Chenrezik to Mitra Yogi on How to Rest the Mind.)
- Wylie:Rtog pa brjod pa sum bcu pa + (The Instructions Given by Chenrezik to Mitra Yogi on How to Rest the Mind.)
- Wylie:Su kha sid+d+hi'i zhal gdams kyi skor dang gzer gsum gdams pa rnams + (The Instructions from Sukha Siddhi and the Teachings on the Three Nails.)
- Wylie:Bsnyen sgrub kyi khrid yig + (The Instructions of the Nyen Drub.)
- Wylie:Rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas dpal karma pa'i zab chos sku gsum ngo sprod kyi gdams pa + (The Instructions on "Introduction to the Three Kayas" of the Fully Enlightened Karmapa.)
- Wylie:Gcod yul zab mo'i khrid yig gnad don snying po + (The Instructions on Chod Called "The Essential Crucial Point". I can't find any information on bya bral rin chen bkra shis, who requested this text. His name is listed on the catalog page without an active link.)
- Wylie:Rdzogs chen sems sde'i khrid yig + (The Instructions on Dzogchen Sem-de (from the Nyang tradition).)
- Wylie:Nag po u tsi ta 'chi ba med pas mdzad pa yon po srong ba'i gdams pa + (The Instructions on How to Straighten the Crooked Written by Narpo Utsita Chiwa Mepa.)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po ye shes gsal byed kyi gsang ba ngo sprod pa'i gdams ngag + (The Instructions on Introducing the Secret of the Mahamudra Called "Clarifying the Wisdom" from the Ngam Zong Tradition of Chakrasamvara)
- Wylie:Byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i 'khrid gser gyi yang zhun + (The Instructions on Lam-Rim Called "The Quintessence of Gold".)
- Wylie:Phyag chen lhan cig skyes kyi khrid yig gzhung chung rdo rje'i tshig rkang yid bzhin nor bu + (The Instructions on Mahamudra Lhenchig Chejor, the Small Text Vajra Words Called "Wishfulfilling Jewel".)
- Wylie:Khro phu bka' brgyud las byung ba'i phyag rgya chen po yi ge bzhi pa'i khrid yig + (The Instructions on Mahamudra Without Words from the Tradition of Trophu Kagyu.)
- Wylie:Kun mkhyen bo dong pa'i lugs kyi phyag rgya chen po'i khrid yig grub pa'i zhal lung bdud rtsi'i snying po + (The Instructions on Mahamudra from the Tradition of Kunkyen Bodongpa Called "The Nectar-Essence Words of the Accomplished".)
- Wylie:Sgrol ma 'jigs pa brgyad skyob phrin las kyi khrid 'khor ba'i 'phrang sgrol + (The Instructions on Tara Liberating from the Eight Fears Called: "Crossing the Abyss" (Activity Instructions) by Eupa Dorje.)
- Wylie:Dzam bha la ser po'i khrid dngos grub char 'bebs + (The Instructions on Yellow Dzambala Called: "The Rain of Siddhis" by Eupa Dorje.)
- Wylie:Grub chen dam pa sangs rgyas nas brgyud pa'i dam chos sdug bsngal zhi byed kyi lam lnga'i khrid yig dri med snang ba grub pa mchog gi zhal lung + (The Instructions on the Five Paths of Shi-Je Originating from the Noble Siddha Pha Dampa Sangye Called "The Words of the Unstained Vision".)
- Wylie:Khro phu bka' brgyud las byung ba'i phyag rgya chen po lnga ldan gyi khrid yig + (The Instructions on the Five Point Mahamudra from the Tradition of Trophu Kagyu.)
- Wylie:Phyag chen lnga ldan gyi khrid yig kun mkhyen chos kyi 'byung gnas kyis mdzad pa + (The Instructions on the Five Points (Nga Den) Mahamudra Teachings by Situ Chokyi Jungne.)
- Wylie:Chos rje lo ras pa las brgyud pa'i dpal ldan smad 'brug bka' brgyud kyi khyad chos thub pa lnga'i gdams khrid chos sku rang shar + (The Instructions on the Five Thubpa from the Lower Drukpa Kagyu Tradition Coming from Lorepa Called "Self-Arising Dharmakaya".)
- Wylie:Bka' gdams lha bzhi'i khrid kyi yi ge mdo sngags lam gyi bcud 'dus + (The Instructions on the Four Deities of the Kadampas Called "The Quintessence of Sutra and Tantra".)
- Wylie:'phags pa spyan ras gzigs dbang phyug gi byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid yongs su sdud pa bdud rtsi'i dga' ston + (The Instructions on the Graded Path of Chenrezik Practice Called: 'The Festival of Nectar".)
- Wylie:'jam dpal dbyangs sku'i khrid shes rab 'phel byed ye shes rgyan gyi 'khor lo + (The Instructions on the Jambeyang Practice to Increase Wisdom Called: "The Wheel Ornament of Wisdom" (Rupa instructions) by Eupa Dorje.)