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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Instructions on Mahamudra Without Words from the Tradition of Trophu Kagyu.  +
The Sadhana of the Four Yogas of Long-de Dorje Zampa and Heruka Ngon Zog Gyalpo Called "The Ocean of Wisdom".  +
The Practice Text of Chod of the Great Muni (Sutrayana Chod) from the Bodongpa Tradition.  +
The Ngondro Prayer Text of the Mahamudra Lhenchig Chejor and Mahamudra Zab Sal Nyi Me Together Called "Dispelling the Darkness" from the Bodongpa Tradition.  +
The Instructions on Mahamudra from the Tradition of Kunkyen Bodongpa Called "The Nectar-Essence Words of the Accomplished".  +
The Great Instructions of the Great Secret Path.  +
The Sadhana of Offerings to the Lam-Dre Lineage Called "Immensely Developing the Two Accumulations".  +
The Instructions on the Lam-Dre Teachings and its Views Called "Clarifying the Hidden Meaning".  +
The Instructions on the Lam-Dre by Phakmo Drupa and Notes on it by the Great Palden Taklungpa.  +
The Three Principles of the Path.  +
A Brief Word By Word Commentary of the Three Principle of the Path Called "The Entrance of the Fortunate to Liberation".  +
Note on the Pith Instructions of the Teachings on the Hidden Path.  +