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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Mahāmudrā: Pointing-Out Instructions Illuminating Wisdom  +
Four Letters of Mahāmudrā  +
a word-by-word commentary on the Four Letters of Mahāmudrā  +
Shedding Light on the Suchness of the Genuine State, a major instruction manual on Mahāmudrā by Dakpo Tashi Namgyal  +
Summary Verses on Mahāmudrā  +
A Heap of Jewels: An Outer Presentation of the Common Gradual Path of Sutra and Mantra  +
The Net of Light: A Ritual for the Supremely Unelaborate Empowerment  +
Vajrachaṇḍālī Vase-Elixir Ḍākinī Empowerment  +
Vajravārāhī Outer Practice Empowerment  +
Sukhasiddhi’s Indian Source Text: Secret Sādhana of Vajravārāhī  +
In Praise of Vajrayoginī, the Especially Exalted Praise  +
Vajrayoginī Inner Practice Empowerment  +
The Summarized Topics of The Vajra Verses  +
An Ornament for Samantabhadra’s Display: A Ritual of Homage Addressed to the Lineage Teachers of the Pith-Instruction Class of the Heart Essence of the Great Perfection  +
The fourth chapter from the tantra the Supremely Vast Range of the Great Expanse, including interlinear notes  +
Supplication prayer to the lineage by Sokdokpa Lodrö Gyaltsen, with supplementary verses by Minling Terchen  +
Manual of instruction according to the Nyang tradition, by Sokdokpa Lodrö Gyaltsen  +
The Natural Openness and Freedom of the Dharmatā: A Teaching of the Great Perfection  +