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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Four Scrolls of Marpa on his Special Instructions, the Text, the Story and Manual.  +
The Seven Branch Instructions on Mahamudra from the Tradition of Rechungpa.  +
The Nine Circles of Teachings of the Formless Dakinis from the Special Tradition of Rechungpa Along with the Pith Instructions.  +
Chakrasamvara Oral Teachings Text Written by Tilopa from the Rechung Tradition.  +
The Practice of the Sign Empowerment of Vajrayogini from the Co-Emergent Oral Tradition with Empowerment Manual Called "The Chariot of Profound and Secret Bliss".  +
The Additions to the Prayer Based on the Life Story of Jetsun Rinpoche Called "Flower of Devotion".  +
The Especially Profound Instructions on White Tara Yi Shin Khorlo Called "Words of the Blissful Lord Giving the Fresh Breeze of Long Life".  +
The Text of the Practice of the Six Syllable Mantra Which Has the Essence of the Great Siddhi Thangton Gyalpo's Actual Meeting with Chenrezi.  +
Mahamudra Instruction From the Surmong Kagyu by Mase Drubchen Lodro Rinchen.  +
The Note on the Signs For Evaluation of the Six Yogas of Jor Drug.  +
The Sadhana of Namgyalma Nine Deities with Bumpa Practice.  +