Wylie:Rje sgam po pa'i phyag rgya chen po lam gcig chod
Mahāmudrā: Path of a Single Stride is not included in Gampopa’s Collected Works and nothing seems to be known of its provenance other than that its colophon says that Gampopa transmitted it to Dusum Khyenpa.[1] This text, in a few words, describes, as its title says, “the path of a single stride,” a phrase often used in mahāmudrā texts to refer to the everpresent, indivisible quality of mahāmudrā, the nature of mind. Dakpo Tashi Namgyal explains:
Mahāmudrā, the essence of dharmatā, is a path of a single stride. Since dharmatā cannot be divided in terms of its essence, it is said that on the level of the definitive meaning, it is not possible to delineate the stages of bhūmis and paths.[2]
Thus, the phrase also refers to how the instantaneous type of practitioner attains realization all at once based on mahāmudrā pith instructions. The concise and often paradoxical style of the text, while clear on its own, lends itself well to being the basis for commentary, oral or written.
Transmission lineage received by Jamgön Kongtrul. Gampopa to Dusum Khyenpa, and then the same as previously stated for the Ganges Mahāmudrā.[3]
- Other notes
- Genre from Richard Barron's Catalog
- Instruction manual
- Genre from dkar chag
- gzhung rtsa 'grel
- BDRC Link
- VolumeI1CZ3969
- BDRC Content Information
- No note on contents
Information about Unicode Tibetan and the digitization of this text
As the only available unicode Tibetan text at the time, Nitartha International's version of the Paro Edition of the gdams ngag mdzod is provided here. However, note that it has not been thoroughly edited and that there may also be mistakes introduced through the conversion process. Eventually we will provide a fully edited version of the entire Shechen Edition, entered and edited multiple times by Pulahari Monastery in Nepal, but as of fall 2017 that project has not been finished. Note that the folio numbers that appear throughout were added by Nitartha Input Center at the time of input.
Provided by Nitartha International Document Input Center. Many thanks to Lama Tenam and Gerry Wiener for help with fonts and conversion.