Volume 3
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Volume 3 Contents[1]
1. Primary Sources
- Lamp on the Path to Enlightenment, authored by the Noble Lord, Atīśa[2]
- ཐེག་པ་ཆེན་པོའི་ལམ་གྱི་རིམ་པའི་གཞུང་བྱང་ཆུབ་ལམ་གྱི་སྒྲོན་མ་ pp 1–8 (1b1-4b6)
- theg pa chen po'i lam gyi rim pa'i gzhung byang chub lam gyi sgron ma - Translated: Many Times by various people, but not by Thupten Jinpa.
- Source Verses for the Seven Points of Mental Training in the Mahāyāna Approach, by ཐོགས་མེད་བཟང་པོ་དཔལ་
- A Bodhisattva’s Garlands of Gems: Source Verses for the Precious Volumes of the Kadampa Pith Instructions in the Mahāyāna Approach
- ཐེག་པ་ཆེན་པོའི་མན་ངག་བཀའ་གདམས་གླེགས་བམ་རིམ་པོ་ཆེའི་རྩ་ཚིག་བྱང་ཆུབ་སེམས་དཔའ་ནོར་བུའི་ཕྲེང་བ་ pp 11–14 (6a4-7b1)
- theg pa chen po'i man ngag bka' gdams glegs bam rin po che'i rtsa tshig byang chub sems dpa' nor bu'i phreng ba - Translated: Jinpa, Thupten, trans. "Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland." In The Book of Kadam: The Core Texts, Volume 2, 61-64. The Library of Tibetan Classics. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2008. Jinpa, Thupten, trans. "Bodhisattva's Jewel Garland." In Mind Training: The Great Collection, Volume 1, 21-25. The Library of Tibetan Classics. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2006. Also Berzin, Alexander, trans. A Bodhisattva's Garland of Gems - Atisha. Online at Berzin Archives)
- Utterly Clear Illumination of the Path to Enlightenment, a commentary on the Lamp by Jamgön Kongtrül Lodrö Tayé
- The graduated path according to the tradition of Gampo, authored by Tokden Kachö Wangpo[3]
- Verses on the Concise Meaning of the Graduated Path, authored by the Precious Lord Lozang Drakpai Pal (Tsong kha pa)
- A supplication to the direct lineage of blessings, authored by the Precious Lord Tsong kha pa
- Refined Gold, Instruction on the Graduated Path authored by Gyalwa Sönam Gyatso (Dalai Lama, 3rd)
- Blissful Path That Leads to Omniscience, a definitive instruction on the graduated path authored by Paṇchen Lozang Chökyi Gyaltsen[4] (Paṇchen Lama, 1st)
- བྱང་ཆུབ་ལམ་གྱི་རིམ་པའི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་ཐམས་ཅད་མཁྱེན་པར་བགྲོད་པའི་བདེ་ལམ་ pp 111–160 (a-b)
- byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid yig thams cad mkhyen par bgrod pa'i bde lam - Translated: Jinpa, Thubten, trans. Path to Bliss: A Practical Guide to the Stages of Meditation. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion Publications, 1991.
- Practical Means of Implementing the Graduated Path, authored by Jamyang Khyentse ('jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po)
- Quintessence of Nectar, a manual of instruction on the graduated paths of the three spiritual models, authored by Jetsun Tāranātha[5]
- Main Pathway to Enlightenment, a ritual for the arousal of bodhicitta according to the Middle Way tradition of the Mahāyāna approach
- Noble Path of the Bodhisattva, a ritual for the arousal of bodhicitta according to the tradition of extensive conduct in the Mahāyāna approach, authored by Jamyang Khyentse ( 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po).
2. Advice
- ཇོ་བོ་རྗེས་རྒྱལ་སྲིད་སྤངས་ནས་ཐར་པ་སྒྲུབ་པའི་རྣམ་པར་ཐར་པ་ pp 379–404 (a-b)
- jo bo rjes rgyal srid spangs nas thar pa sgrub pa'i rnam par thar pa - Translated: Jinpa, Thupten, trans. "How Atiśa Relinquished His Kingdom and Sought Liberation." In Mind Training: The Great Collection, Volume 1, 27-55. The Library of Tibetan Classics. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2006.
- ཇོ་བོ་མཉམ་མེད་གསེར་གླིང་པ་དང་མཇལ་བའི་རྣམ་ཐར་ pp 405–420 (a-b)
- jo bo mnyam med gser gling pa dang mjal ba'i rnam thar - Translated: Jinpa, Thupten, trans. "The Story of Atiśa's Voyage to Sumatra." In Mind Training: The Great Collection, Volume 1, 57-70. The Library of Tibetan Classics. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2006.)
- The source verses for the Seven Points of Mental Training by Ja Chekhawa Yeshe Dorje, together with interlinear notes
- ཐེག་པ་ཆེན་པོའི་བློ་སྦྱོང་གི་རྩ་ཚིག་མཆན་བཅས་ pp 421–426 (a-b)
- theg pa chen po'i blo sbyong gi rtsa tshig mchan bcas - Translated: Jinpa, Thupten, trans. "Annotated Root Lines of Mahayana Mind Training." In Mind Training: The Great Collection, Volume 1, 75-82. The Library of Tibetan Classics. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2006.)
- ཐེག་པ་ཆེན་པོའི་བློ་སྦྱོང་གི་རྩ་ཚིག་མཆན་མེད་ pp 427–428 (a-b)
- theg pa chen po'i blo sbyong gi rtsa tshig mchan med - Translated: Jinpa, Thubten, trans. "Root Lines of Mahayana Mind Training." In Mind Training: The Great Collection, Volume 1, 71-73. The Library of Tibetan Classics. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2006.
Volume Karchak
Note that this is the dkar chag present in the first few pecha pages of the volume and does NOT always accord with Kongtrul's dkar chag(The Catalog), translated by Richard Barron.
You can Search All Volume dkar chags Here
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- ↑ All English titles reported here are from Richard Barron's 2013 translation of Kongtrul's catalog of the gdams ngag mdzod, p. 89-90
- ↑ Barron, The Catalog, Note 141. Theg pa chen po’i lam gyi rim pa’i gzhung byang chub lam gyi sgron ma, vol. 3, pp. 1–8. This text, which is the source for the branch based on primary sources, is combined in volume 3 of The Treasury of Precious Instructions with the two texts that are, respectively, the sources for the branches based on spiritual advice and pith instructions and that are not mentioned at this point in Kongtrul’s catalog: Source Verses for the Seven Points of Mental Training in the Mahāyāna Approach (Theg pa chen po’i gdams ngag blo sbyong don bdun ma’i rtsa ba), which includes an interlinear structural analysis, vol. 3, pp. 8–11; and A Bodhisattva’s Garlands of Gems: Source Verses for the Precious Volumes of the Kadampa Pith Instructions in the Mahāyāna Approach (Theg pa chen po’i man ngag bka’ gdams glegs bam rin po che’i rtsa thig byang chub sems dpa’i nor bu’i ’phreng ba), vol. 3, pp. 11–14.
- ↑ Barron, The Catalog, Note 143. This text is not contained in the available editions of The Treasury of Precious Instructions.
- ↑ Barron, The Catalog, Note 148. In his catalog, Kongtrul gives the abbreviated title of this work as Blissful Path to Primordial Unity (Zung ’jug bde lam).
- ↑ This entry is given in a different order, before Tsonkhapa's first text above in Kongtrul's The Catalog.