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- Wylie:Theg pa chen po'i man ngag bka' gdams glegs bam rin po che'i rtsa tshig byang chub sems dpa' nor bu'i phreng ba + (Bodhisattva’s Jewel Garland: A Root Text of Mahāyāna Instruction from the Precious Kadam Scripture)
- Wylie:Zab lam su kha chos drug gi brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs bde chen char 'bebs + (Bringing Down the Rain of Great Bliss A Lineage Supplication for the Profound Path of Sukha’s Six Dharmas)
- Wylie:Bde mchog gi skyabs sems + (Cakrasaṃvara Refuge and Awakening Mind [and Consecration of the Activity Vase])
- Wylie:Bde mchog thun mong ba'i dbang + (Chakrasaṃvara Empowerment)
- Wylie:Rje btsun rdo rje rnal 'byor ma snyan brgyud lhan cig skyes ma'i brda dbang zab mo'i sgrub thabs dbang bskur dang bcas pa zab gsang bde chen shing rta + (Chariot of Profound, Secret Great Bliss: The Sādhana and Abhiṣekas for the Profound Symbolic Abhiṣeka of the Sahajā in the Jetsun Vajrayoginī Aural Transmission)
- Wylie:Gsum tshan gsum gyi man ngag ces kyang bya gces pa'i snying po zhes bya ba snying dang 'dra ba'i man ngag + (Cherished Essence: The Most Precious Pith Instruction, Also Called The Three-by-Three Pith Instruction)
- Wylie:Rtsa ba chos drug gi tshig gsal + (Clarification of the Root Verses of the Six Dharmas)
- Wylie:Shangs lugs bde mchog lha lnga'i sgrub thabs kyi rnam par bshad pa zab don gsal byed + (Clarifying the Profound Meaning A Complete Explanation of the Five-Deity Cakrasaṃvara Sādhana in the Shangpa Tradition)
- Wylie:Zab lam ni gu chos drug gi bla ma brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs byin rlabs sprin phung + (Clouds of Blessing Supplication to the Guru Lineage of the Profound Path of Niguma’s Six Dharmas)
- Wylie:Myur mdzad ye shes kyi mgon po mthing dkar gnyis kyi mnga' gsol dge legs sprin phung + (Clouds of Virtue and Goodness The Investiture of Power for Deep-Blue and White Swift-Acting Awareness Protectors)
- Wylie:Ye shes mkha' 'gro ni gu ma'i chos drug gi khrid kyi gnad yig snying po kun 'dus + (Collection of Essentials Vital Words of Instruction on the Six Dharmas of Niguma, Ḍākinī of Timeless Awareness)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po gang+gA ma'i 'grel pa + (Commentary on the "Ganges Mahāmudrā")
- Wylie:Slob dpon nag po spyod pas mdzad pa'i gtum mo lam rdzogs + (Completing the Whole Path with Caṇḍālī Composed by Ācārya Kṛṣṇācārya)
- Wylie:Sgyu 'phrul drwa ba'i lam rnam par bshad pa chung ngu + (Concise Path)
- Wylie:Myur mdzad ye shes kyi mgon po phyag drug pa'i gtor chog nyer bsdus + (Concise Torma Ritual for Swift-Acting Six-Armed Awareness Protector)
- Wylie:Skye med zhang rin po ches mdzad pa'i phyag rgya chen po'i lam mchog mthar thug + (Consummate Sublime Path of Mahāmudrā, composed by Kyeme Zhang Rinpoche)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po sems nyid ngal gso’i rtsa ba mdo yi lung dang sbyar ba + (Correlations between the Root Verses of the Great Seal Text ''Resting in the Nature of Mind'' and the Scriptural Sources in the Sutras and Tantras)
- Wylie:Dam pa sangs rgyas kyi zhal gdams byang chub sems dpa' kun dga' la gsungs pa + (Dampa Sangye’s Advice to Bodhisattva Kunga)
- Wylie:Rten 'brel bdag gtod dam pa'i byin rlabs + (Dampa’s Blessings: The Self-Investiture of Interdependence)
- Wylie:Lam 'bras khrid yig 'bring po'i stag lung pa'i zin bris + (Dewar Shekpa Pal Taklung Chenpo’s Notes: The Oral Teaching of Pal Phakmo Dru on the Medium-Length Instruction on the Path with Its Result and Advice on the Intimate Instructions of the Four Experiences)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po ye shes gsal byed kyi gsang ba ngo sprod pa'i gdams ngag + (Direct Introduction to the Secret of “Shedding Light on Timeless Awareness,” the latter deriving from the oral lineage of Zurmang)
- Wylie:Zhi byed snga phyi bar gsum gyi khrid yig rnams phyogs gcig tu bsdebs pa bdud rtsi'i nying khu + (Distilled Elixir: A Unified Collection of the Guidebooks of the Early, Middle, and Later Pacification)
- Wylie:Do ha mdzod kyi glu + (Dohā for the People: Song That Is a Treasury of Dohās)
- Wylie:Gtum mo'i 'khrul 'khor bco brgyad pa + (Eighteen Trulkhors for Caṇḍālī)
- Wylie:Rgya gar gyi grub thob chen po dam pa rgya gar ram dam pa sangs rgyas zhes pa'i gsung mgur zhal gdams ding ri brgyad cu pa + (Eighty Pieces of Advice for the People of Dingri: Sung by the Great Indian Adept Called Dampa Gyagar or Dampa Sangye)
- Wylie:Dpal rgyud sde lnga'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga don gsal rgyas byed + (Elucidating the Meaning of the Glorious Five Tantras' Mandala Ritual)
- Wylie:So lugs bla ma'i byin rlabs + (Empowerment of the Guru’s Blessing in the So System)
- Wylie:Kha che lugs sgron ma rnam gsum gyi dbang + (Empowerment of the Three Lamps in the Kashmiri System)
- Wylie:Thugs dam bde gshegs bcu gnyis gyi dbang + (Empowerment of the Twelve Sugatas of Spiritual Practice)
- Wylie:Sgam po pa bkra shis rnam rgyal gyis mdzad pa sgrub pa'i zhal bskos + (Engraved Teachings on Accomplishment, by Tashi Namgyal)
- Wylie:Chos drug gi man ngag + (Esoteric Instructions on the Six Dharmas)
- Wylie:Dam chos sdug bsngal zhi byed dang gcod yul brgyud pa'i bla ma rnams chab gcig tu mchod cing gsol ba 'debs pa'i cho ga bkra shis grags pa'i snying po + (Essence of Auspicious Renown: A Ritual of Offering and Supplication to all the Gurus of the Sacred Dharma of Pacification and Object-Severance Together)
- Wylie:Nag po u tsi Ta 'chi ba med pa'i yon po srong ba'i khrid yig bkra shis zho'i snying po + (Essence of Fortunate Curd: The Manual of Straightening the Crooked by Kṛṣṇa Acyuta)
- Wylie:Dkyil chog bdag 'jug dang bcas pa smin grol snying po + (Essence of Maturing and Liberating An Offering Ritual and Self-Induction into the Mandala Based on the Principal Deities of the Five Tantras)
- Wylie:Gcod yul zab mo'i khrid yig gnad don snying po + (Essence of the Vital Meaning: A Practice Manual of Profound Object-Severance)
- Wylie:Bde mchog snyan brgyud ras chung lugs kyi thun mong phyi dkyil brgyad las yum bka' bsdus pa lhan cig skyes ma'i sgrub dkyil dbang chog dang bcas pa pad+ma rA ga'i bum bzang + (Excellent Padmarāga Vase: The Sādhana, Maṇḍala Ritual, and Abhiṣeka Rituals of the Sahajā, the Abbreviated Yum Ka from the Eight Common, Outer Maṇḍalas in the Rechung Tradition of the Saṃvara Aural Transmission)
- Wylie:'phags pa klu sgrub kyi mchod rten drung thob kyi khrid yig bkra shis bil+ba'i ljon bzang + (Excellent Tree of Fortunate Bilva: Ārya Nāgārjuna's Manual of Obtained in Front of a Stupa)
- Wylie:Dam pa kun dga'i lugs kyi lam lnga'i glegs bam gyis dbang rgyas pa + (Extensive Empowerment in the Five Paths by Means of the Book in Dampa Kunga’s System)
- Wylie:Chos drug gi khrid yig zung ’jug myur lam + (Fast Path of Integral Unity Awareness Ḍākinī Sukhasiddhi’s Profound Path of Creation and Guidance on the Six Dharmas)
- Wylie:Khyad 'phags kyi gdams pa bco lnga + (Fifteen Especially Exalted Instructions)
- Wylie:Shangs lugs rgyud sde lha lnga'i brgyud 'debs + (Five Tantras' Deities Lineage Supplication in the Shangpa Tradition)
- Wylie:Rgyud sde lnga'i dkyil 'khor sgrub pa'i thabs + (Five Tantras' Mandala Sādhana)
- Wylie:Ni gu lugs kyi bde mchog lha lnga'i dkyil chog + (Five-Deity Cakrasaṃvara Mandala Ritual in the Tradition of Niguma)
- Wylie:Ni gu lugs kyi bde mchog lha lnga'i sgrub thabs + (Five-Deity Cakrasaṃvara Sādhana in the Tradition of Niguma)
- Wylie:Rje btsun rin po che'i rnam thar gsol 'debs kha skong dad pa'i me tog + (Flowers of Faith A Supplement to Venerable Tāranātha Rinpoche’s Biographical Supplication)
- Wylie:Pad+ma badz+ra'i zab pa'i tshul dgu'i khrid yig bkra shis yungs kar gong bu + (Fortunate Mustard Seedpod: The Manual of the Nine Profound Methods of Padmavajra)
- Wylie:Tog rtse pa'i bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i khrid yig bkra shis dwangs shel me long + (Fortunate Pure Crystal Mirror: The Instruction Manual of Śrī Koṭalipa’s Inconceivable)
- Wylie:In+dra b+hU ti'i phyag rgya'i lam gyi khrid yig bkra shis dung dkar g.yas 'khyil + (Fortunate Right-Turning White Conch: The Manual of Indrabhūti's Path of the Mudra)
- Wylie:Ngag dbang grags pa'i phyag rgya chen po yi ge med pa'i khrid yig bkra shis dUrba'i myu gu + (Fortunate Shoot of Dūrva Grass: The Manual of Mahāmudrā without Syllables Composed by Ācārya Vāgīśvarakīrti)
- Wylie:Nag po pa'i gtum mo lam rdzogs kyi khrid yig bkra shis li khri'i thig le + (Fortunate Vermilion Ornament: Kṛṣṇācārya’s Manual of Completing the Whole Path with Caṇḍālī)
- Wylie:Phyag rgya chen po yi ge bzhi pa'i gdams pa + (Four Letters of Mahāmudrā)