Processing error list

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 Has improper value for"Has improper value for" is a predefined property that tracks input errors for irregular value annotations and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.Processing error message"Processing error message" is a predefined property containing a textual description of an error and is provided by <a target="_blank" rel="nofollow noreferrer noopener" class="external text" href="">Semantic MediaWiki</a>.
Dbang bzhi'i lam stan thog gcig tu bsgom pa'i rnal 'byor pasExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dbang bzhi'i lam stan thog gcig tu bsgom pa'i rnal 'byor pasMastertextnumber"NUMBERINOURSYSTEM" is not a number.
Dbang bzhi'i lam stan thog gcig tu bsgom pa'i rnal 'byor pasExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dbang bzhi'i lam stan thog gcig tu bsgom pa'i rnal 'byor pasHas query"strong class="error">Expression error: Unrecognized punctuation character "{"." is not a number.
De kho na nyid bcu paExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
De kho na nyid bcu paTranslationProperty "Translation" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
De kho na nyid bcu paExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
De kho na nyid bcu paExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dga' rab rdo rje'i zhal chems tshig gsum gnad du brdeg paExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dga' rab rdo rje'i zhal chems tshig gsum gnad du brdeg paExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dga' rab rdo rje'i zhal chems tshig gsum gnad du brdeg paExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dge ldan bka' brgyud kyi bka' srol phyag rgya chen po'i rtsa ba rgyas par bshad pa yang gsal sgron meExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dge ldan bka' brgyud kyi bka' srol phyag rgya chen po'i rtsa ba rgyas par bshad pa yang gsal sgron meExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dge ldan bka' brgyud kyi bka' srol phyag rgya chen po'i rtsa ba rgyas par bshad pa yang gsal sgron meExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dge ldan bka' brgyud rin po che'i phyag chen rtsa ba rgyal ba'i gzhung lamExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dge ldan bka' brgyud rin po che'i phyag chen rtsa ba rgyal ba'i gzhung lamExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dge ldan bka' brgyud rin po che'i phyag chen rtsa ba rgyal ba'i gzhung lamExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dge sbyor bdun pa'i nyams len sgang du bsgril baExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dge sbyor bdun pa'i nyams len sgang du bsgril baExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dge sbyor bdun pa'i nyams len sgang du bsgril baExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dgongs gcig rtsa ba lhan thabs dang bcas pa'i gzhung chings khog dbub dang bcas paExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dgongs gcig rtsa ba lhan thabs dang bcas pa'i gzhung chings khog dbub dang bcas paExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dgongs gcig rtsa ba lhan thabs dang bcas pa'i gzhung chings khog dbub dang bcas paExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dkyil 'khor spros bcas ming gi rim pa gsal bar byed paExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dkyil 'khor spros bcas ming gi rim pa gsal bar byed paExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dkyil 'khor spros bcas ming gi rim pa gsal bar byed paExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dkyil chog bdag 'jug dang bcas pa smin grol snying poExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dkyil chog bdag 'jug dang bcas pa smin grol snying poExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dkyil chog bdag 'jug dang bcas pa smin grol snying poExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Do ha mdzad ces bya ba phyag rgya chen po'i man ngagExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Do ha mdzad ces bya ba phyag rgya chen po'i man ngagTranslationProperty "Translation" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Do ha mdzad ces bya ba phyag rgya chen po'i man ngagExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Do ha mdzad ces bya ba phyag rgya chen po'i man ngagExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Do ha mdzod kyi gluExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Do ha mdzod kyi gluExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Do ha mdzod kyi gluExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dom+bi he ru ka'i lhan cig skyes grub kyi khrid yig bkra shis gi waM sman bcudExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dom+bi he ru ka'i lhan cig skyes grub kyi khrid yig bkra shis gi waM sman bcudTranslationProperty "Translation" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dom+bi he ru ka'i lhan cig skyes grub kyi khrid yig bkra shis gi waM sman bcudExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dom+bi he ru ka'i lhan cig skyes grub kyi khrid yig bkra shis gi waM sman bcudExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dom+bi he ru kas mdzad pa'i lhan cig skyes grubExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dom+bi he ru kas mdzad pa'i lhan cig skyes grubTranslationProperty "Translation" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dom+bi he ru kas mdzad pa'i lhan cig skyes grubExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dom+bi he ru kas mdzad pa'i lhan cig skyes grubExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dpal 'khor lo bde mchog dwags po snyan brgyud lugs kyi dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga bde chen sdom paExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dpal 'khor lo bde mchog dwags po snyan brgyud lugs kyi dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga bde chen sdom paTranslationProperty "Translation" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dpal 'khor lo bde mchog dwags po snyan brgyud lugs kyi dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga bde chen sdom paExif:KeywordsProperty "Keywords" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dpal 'khor lo bde mchog dwags po snyan brgyud lugs kyi dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga bde chen sdom paExif:ArtistProperty "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dpal 'khor lo bde mchog dwags po snyan brgyud lugs kyi sgrub thabs bde chen drwa baExif:Dc-publisherProperty "Publisher" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.
Dpal 'khor lo bde mchog dwags po snyan brgyud lugs kyi sgrub thabs bde chen drwa baTranslationProperty "Translation" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.