Wylie:Mdo rgyud kyi don nyams su longs gsungs: Difference between revisions

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m (Text replace - ", |mastertextnumber =" to " |mastertextnumber =")
m (Text replace - "|publisher = Shechen Publications," to "|publisher = Shechen Publications")
Line 10: Line 10:
|redactor =  
|redactor =  
|printer = Jayyed Press, Ballimaran, Delhi-6
|printer = Jayyed Press, Ballimaran, Delhi-6
|publisher = [[Shechen Publications]],
|publisher = Shechen Publications
|place = New Delhi:  
|place = New Delhi:  
|year = 1999.
|year = 1999.

Revision as of 14:11, 22 January 2015

[[Image:DNZVolumeVolume 006_290-293_mdo rgyud kyi don nyams su longs gsungs..jpg|400x100px|alt=Upload a file|link=|Upload a file]]
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mdo rgyud kyi don nyams su longs gsungs.

Damngak Dzö Volume Volume 006 ({{{VolumeLetterTib}}}) / Pages 290-293 / Folios 1b1 to 3a5

[[associatedpeople::Śāntipa,'brog mi lo tsA ba.| ]]

Property "Author" has a restricted application area and cannot be used as annotation property by a user.

[[titlefields::mdo rgyud kyi don nyams su longs gsungs. | ]] [[peoplefields::Author not found. Śāntipa,'brog mi lo tsA ba. | ]]

Full Title

Tibetan: མདོ་རྒྱུད་ཀྱི་དོན་ཉམས་སུ་ལོངས་གསུངས།[1]

Wylie: mdo rgyud kyi don nyams su longs gsungs/

Short Title(s)


Author not found

Topic Information

grol byed khrid - Instruction manual

khrid yig - gdams mdzod sa skya'i skor/_sgo drug chos

TBRC: No note on contents
Ringu Tulku:

Publication Information

Additional Information

Full Tibetan Text





Notes on the text

Notes on associated persons

Cataloging data

Title Page (ཁ་ཤོག་):

No title page

First Page Title(s):

  • བོད་སྐད་དུ། མདོ་རྒྱུད་ཀྱི་དོན་ཉམས་སུ་ལོངས་གསུངས།
mdo rgyud kyi don nyams su longs gsungs/

Description of pages:

  • Side A:
  • གཡོན་: ཆ་ ཁྲིད་ (གྲངས་ཀ་) ཡིག་
Left: cha khrid (tibfolio#) yig
  • གཡས་: (#)
Right: (#)
  • Side B:
  • གཡོན་: གདམས་མཛོད་ས་སྐྱའི་སྐོར། སྒོ་དྲུག་ཆོས་
Left: gdams mdzod sa skya'i skor/_sgo drug chos
  • གཡས་: (#)
Right: (#)

Volume #: 006 (ཆ་)

Text # in volume:

Text # in edition:


Begin-End Pages (Western): 290-293

Begin Tibetan page and line #: 1b1

End Tibetan page and line #: 3a5

Total # of pages (Western): 4

Total # of pages (Tibetan): 3

Number of lines per page: 7 (2 pages of 6, 1 page of 5)

Partial colophon in Tibetan: །མཇུག་དགེ་བ་བསྡུས་ལ། མཉམ་གཞག་གི་རྒྱུན་རྗེས་ཐོབ་ཏུ་ཡང་ཡང་དྲན་པར་བྱའོ། །བླ་མ་ཤཱནྟི་པའི་མན་ངག་མདོ་རྒྱུད་བསྲེ་བའི་ཉམས་ལེན་ཞེས་ཀྱང་བྱ། སྙིང་པོ་དོན་གྱི་རང་འགྲོས་ཞེས་ཀྱང་བྱ། སྣང་སྲིད་བྱིན་གྱིས་རློབ་བའི་མན་ངག་ཅོས་ཀྱང་བྱ་སྟེ། ཟབ་པའི་ལམ་མོ། །ཤུ་བྷཾ།

Partial colophon in Wylie: /mjug dge ba bsdus la/_mnyam gzhag gi rgyun rjes thob tu yang yang dran par bya'o/_/bla ma shAn+ti pa'i man ngag mdo rgyud bsre ba'i nyams len zhes kyang bya/_snying po don gyi rang 'gros zhes kyang bya/_snang srid byin gyis rlob ba'i man ngag cos kyang bya ste/_zab pa'i lam mo/_/shu b+haM/

Author: Author not found

Translator: None given

Scribe: None given

Redactor: None given

People associated with this text: bla ma shAn+ti pa, rje 'brog mi

Text Lineage: None given

  1. Title for this text taken from p 290, 1b2.