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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Multiple Approaches of the Wondrous Doctrine, Enhancing the Summary of the One Hundred and Eight Guidebooks  +
Fifteen Especially Exalted Instructions  +
The Eight Special Appendices  +
Ocean of Timeless Awareness, a clear arrangement of yoga of four spiritual practices and the activity ritual for Ngönzok Gyalpo, from the Vajra Bridge cycle of the Category of Expanse  +
The Heart of Practical Instructions  +
Increasing the Two Accumulations: A Systematic Arrangement of the Offering Rite to the Gurus of the Path with Its Result  +
The Complete Clarification of the Hidden Meaning: The Instructional Manual on How to Give Instructions According to the Treatise of the Path with Its Result  +
Dewar Shekpa Pal Taklung Chenpo’s Notes: The Oral Teaching of Pal Phakmo Dru on the Medium-Length Instruction on the Path with Its Result and Advice on the Intimate Instructions of the Four Experiences  +
The Versified Instructional Manual on How to Give the Instruction of the Path with Its Result in Accordance with the Treatise  +
The Pure Silver Egg of the Stainless Path  +
The Pure Golden Egg of the Stainless Path  +
The Pure Crystal Egg of the Stainless Path  +
Notes on the Intimate Instruction, the Explanation of the Concealed Path  +
Supplication to the Lineage of the Eight Ancillary Path Cycles  +
Subsequent Authorization Ritual for the Three Deities  +
The Wish-Fulfilling Net: An Offering Ritual of the Five Mandalas of the Five Offering Substances  +
The Root Verses of the Illuminating Jewel: The View of the Inseparability of Samsara and Nirvana  +
The Beloved Garden: Brief Notes on the Offering and Gift of the Body  +
The instructions that derive from the oral lineage of Rechung  +
'Mamos' Sphere of Activity  +