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Showing 20 pages using this property.
Ten Stanzas on Suchness  +
Three Statements That Hit on the Vital Points, by Garap Dorje  +
Tables of names for the elaborate empowerment  +
Essence of Maturing and Liberating An Offering Ritual and Self-Induction into the Mandala Based on the Principal Deities of the Five Tantras  +
Treasury of Dohās: Esoteric Instructions on Mahāmudrā  +
Dohā for the People: Song That Is a Treasury of Dohās  +
Medicinal Elixir of the Fortunate Bezoar: The Manual of Ḍombi Heruka's Accomplishing the Connate  +
Accomplishment of the Connate Composed by Ḍombi Heruka  +
Saṃvara of Great Bliss: The Maṇḍala Ritual for the Dakpo Aural Transmission Tradition of the Glorious Cakrasaṃvara  +
Net of Great Bliss: The Sādhana for the Dakpo Aural Transmission Tradition of the Glorious Cakrasaṃvara  +
Bloom of Great Bliss: The Maṇḍala Ritual for the Rechung Tradition of the Glorious Cakrasaṃvara  +
Bindu of Great Bliss-Wisdom: The Sādhana for the Rechung Tradition of the Glorious Cakrasaṃvara  +
Procedure for Preparing Barley Liquor from the Śrī Samvarodaya Tantra  +
The Condensed Essential Citations and Intimate Instructions of the Empowerment Rite of the Intimate Instruction Tradition of Śrī Hevajra  +
The Beautiful Ornament of the Great River of the Empowerment of Śrī Hevajra  +
The Beautiful Ornament of the Bali Rite of Śrī Hevajra  +
The Beautiful Ornament of the Six Limbs: The Medium-Length Activity of the Direct Realization of Śrī Hevajra  +