Volume 14

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Revision as of 19:04, 29 October 2012

Volume #: {{{VolumeNumber}}} ({{{VolumeLetterTib}}})
Volume {{{VolumeNumber}}} Statistics and Dkar Chag:
Volume Statistics
*Relative size of volume: {{{RelativeVolumeSize}}}
  • Number of texts in volume: {{{TotalTextsInVolume}}}
  • Total number of pecha pages: {{{TotalFolios}}}
  • Total number of Western pages: {{{TotalPages}}}
  • Largest text: {{{LargestTextInVol}}}
  • Smallest text: {{{SmallestTextInVol}}}
Dkar Chag according to Shechen Edition
{{:Wylie:{{{KarchagTitleWylie}}} }}
[[Image: DNZ Shechen Tsadra Scan Cover Volume {{{VolumeNumber}}}.jpg|2000px|link=|Click the picture above to view the original manuscript.]]

[[Category: Gdams ngag mdzod Volume {{{VolumeNumber}}}]]

DNZ Shechen Tsadra Scan Cover Volume 14.jpg

Title Author Pages
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i zab don bdud kyi gcod yul gyi gzhung Multiple authors
'phags pa shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag Bram ze Ārya de ba (Āryadeva the Brahmin), translated by zhwa ma lo tsA ba 2-7.
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa zab mo gcod kyi man ngag gi gzhung bka' tshoms chen mo ma gcig ye shes kyi mkha' 'gro lab kyi sgrol ma 7-17.
The Great Bundle of Precepts. The Source Esoteric Instruction on Severance, the Profound Perfection of Wisdom Translated from the Tibetan by Sarah Harding.
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa gcod kyi gzhung dang man ngag mtha' dag gi yang bcud zab don thugs kyi snying po 17-22.
Heart Essence of Profound Meaning: The Quintessence of all Source Texts and Esoteric Instructions of Severance, the Perfection of Wisdom Translated from the Tibetan by Sarah Harding.
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gcod kyi gzhung 'grel zag med sbrang rtsi Drung Sarupa Kunga Namgyal
Pure Honey: A Commentary on the Source Text of Severance, "Esoteric Instructions on the Perfection of Wisdom" Translated by Sarah Harding.
gcod bka' tshoms chen mo'i sa bcad rje rang byung rdo rje
The Great Bundle of Precepts on Severance Outline by Lord Rangjung Dorje Translated from the Tibetan by Sarah Harding.
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gcod kyi gzhung shes rab skra rtse'i sa gzhung spel ba rin po che'i gter mdzod ma gcig lab sgron
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag yang tshom zhus lan ma ma gcig lab sgron
shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag bdud kyi gcod yul las nying tshom jo mo lab kyi sgron ma 116-130.
thun mong gi le lag brgyad pa 130-140.
thun mong ma yin pa'i le'u lag brgyad pa a ma jo mo 140-155.
khyad par gyi le lag brgyad pa ma gcig jo mo 155-164.
rgyal thang lugs kyi gcod dbang nam mkha' sgo 'byed kyi cho ga Tāranātha
zab mo bdud kyi gcod yul gyi khrid yig rang byung rdo rje (Karmapa, 3rd)
gcod yul zab mo'i khrid yig gnad don snying po Tāranātha
gcod kyi tshogs las yon tan kun ldan gyi dmigs rim bla ma'i gsung rgyun gyi zin bris shel dkar me long bstan 'dzin rnam dag
gcod khrid zab mo 'dod dgu'i char 'bebs karma chags med
gcod kyi lus sbyin gyi ngag 'don mu tig phreng ba
gcod kyi tshogs las yon tan kun 'byung gsungs rgyun 'khrul med ltar bkod pa bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs rgyal dbang bcu bzhi pa (Karmapa, 14th)
ring brgyud kyi gsol 'debs ma gcig gis mdzad par ban sgar 'jam dpal bzang pos kha bskang ba ma gcig lab sgron, and ban sgar ba 'jam dpal bzang po
bka' brgyud tshogs las
DA ki ma rnams kyi gtor 'bul
gcod yul rgya mtsho'i snying po stan thog gcig tu nyams su len pa'i tshul zab mo'i yang zhun 'jam mgon kong sprul
gcod yul gyi dbang nam mkha' sgo 'byed du grags pa Tāranātha
gcod kyi skong ba rnams bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs dpal ldan rin chen
lus mchod sbyin gyi zin bris mdor bsdus kun dga'i skyed tshal 'jam mgon kong sprul
phyag rgya chen po gcod kyi gdams pa nam mkha' sgo 'byed rin chen seng+ge
dam chos sdug bsngal zhi byed dang gcod yul brgyud pa'i bla ma rnams chab gcig tu mchod cing gsol ba 'debs pa'i cho ga bkra shis grags pa'i snying po 'jam mgon kong sprul