Gdams ngag mdzod problems page

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In general, use the Notes area in the Metadata for each Tibetan text to record problems and issues for further research. Use this page to record especially complicated issues we need to return to and research.

Questions for Sarah Harding

Volume 11, text 001 - ye shes kyi mkha' 'gro ni gu ma'i chos drug rdo rje'i tshig rkang - I've put Niguma down as the author for this text- the colophon lists who bought it back from India, and who translated it, and the title clearly attributes the text to Niguma. Is it safe to say that Niguma is the author?

Volume 11, text 002, 003 - dpal ldan shangs pa'i gser chos lnga'i rtsa tshig 'khrul med rdo rje'i rgya mdud - Should khyentse wangpo be listed as the author here? The colophon seems to begin by attributing the text to him.

Volume 11, text 006 - 'jam mgon bla ma gu Na'i mtshan gyi skyes rabs gsol 'debs lha yi rnga bo che'i sgra dbyangs - There are several people mentioned in the colophon- it looks like 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po requested this text along with blo gsal karma rin chen dar rgyas- I'm not quite sure what role gter chen chos kyi rgyal po smin gling 'gyur med rdo rje played here, or who this is.

Volume 11, text 008 - dpal rgyud sde lnga'i dkyil 'khor gyi cho ga don gsal rgyas byed - The report lists Lodro Thaye as an author as well, but the colophon seems to say that he helped to popularize this text, not that he was an author.

Volume 11, text 013 - ni gu lugs kyi bde mchog lha lnga'i dkyil chog - The colophon attributes this text to kun dga' grol mchog, and Taranatha may have only written the prayer at the end? Or he may be considered a redactor for this work?

Volume 11, text 014 - ni gu lugs kyi bde mchog lha lnga'i tshogs kyi 'khor lo'i cho ga phrin las yar 'phel - The colophon says that rmog lcogs pa's verses were composed based on a teaching by kun dga' grol mchog. Which one do you think should be listed as the author?

Volume 11, text 018 - rgyud sde lnga gtso bsdus kyi bsnyen yig zab don snying po - any idea who the two others mentioned in the colophon, grub dbang bla ma ngag dbang chos 'phel, and karma sgrub brgyud bstan 'dzin phrin las are? I found very limited info on the second one at TBRC, but could use more on them.

Volume 11, text 019 - zab lam ni gu chos drug gi bka' bcu'i phyag len bklags chog tu bkod pa bde chen myu gu'i phreng ba - The colophon also mentions that rje bla ma dge slong a wa d+hU ti gave this lung and instruction to the author. blo gsal bstan skyong is listed as the author in the kara chag, not in the colophon. Also, any ideas who the paN chen ngag chos is at the beginning of the colophon?

Volume 12, text 01-03 zab lam ni gu chos drug gi khrid yig zab don thang mar brdal ba zhes bya ba bklags chog ma The report lists Tāranātha as the author for this text, but the colophon says he is a redactor. I've listed him as both for now, but this needs to be checked.- The first three texts in this volume have this issue. Is Taranatha the author or a redactor for these texts?

Volume 12, text 05 - ni gu'i yan lag phyag chen ga'u ma'i khrid - I'm not quite sure if the phrase yi ge'i rkyen ni at the end of the colophon really qualifies bka' bcu pa blo gros rgyal mtshan as a scribe or not, so this needs to be checked.

Volume 12, text 012 - su kha sid+d+hi'i lo rgyus rgya gzhung gsang sgrub lte ba sprul 'khor dbang chog rnams - Authorship for this text is complicated- there are multiple colophons and multiple authors mentioned. Look at 4a4, 4b7, 6a3, 8b6. I've listed the author as 'jam mgon kong sprul, as it is in Chokyi Nyima's report.

Volume 12, text 013, 019, 020 - same authorship question, see - dpal ldan shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi zab chos lha bzhi dril sgrub kyi khrid yig ye shes 'od 'phro - Not quite sure who qualifies as the author here, but the colophon seems to say that the text is attributed to mkhyen brste'i dbang po, and was written down without any alterations or corruptions by Kongtrul. This is similar to the issue with Vol 12 text 20.

Volume 12, text 012 - su kha sid+d+hi'i lo rgyus rgya gzhung gsang sgrub lte ba sprul 'khor dbang chog rnams - It seems like chos kyi shes rab is actually a bkod pa po in the colophon, and authorship is attributed to the dakini (sukhasiddhi). However, I've put chos kyi shes rab down as the auther here.

Volume 12, text 016 - ni gu'i brgyud 'debs - The report lists Tāranātha as the author of this supplication, but I wasn't able to find him listed in the text. I've listed him as the author for now, but this may deserve another look.

RE: Volume 12, text 021 - brgyud pa'i rnam thar gsol 'debs u dum wa ra'i phreng ba - This text lists lodro thaye as the author in the colophon, but the report says the author is Tāranātha?

Volume 12, text 024 - zab chos ni gu chos drug gi brgyud 'debs nyung 'dus bde chen 'bebs pa - This text appears to have been spoken by rnal 'byor gyi dpyid grub pa 'jam pa'i dpal, and requested by bde ba'i rdo rje. Both of these authors need to be verified. TBRC lists a few different bde ba'i rdo rje's- I'm not sure which one this is, and none of the ones listed on TBRC have an obvious connection to the shangpa lineage. I've listed bde ba'i rdo rje as the only author for now, as I could not find anything on rnal 'byor gyi dpyid grub pa 'jam pa'i dpal- any ideas who this is?

Volume 12, text 025 - ni gu ma'i smon lam bka' rgya ma - No author mentioned in the colophon- I have put Niguma down as the author from the title on the first page?

Volume 12, text 034 - mgon po phyag drug pa snying zhugs dang 'brel ba'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor - Not sure which lcang skya rol pa'i rdo rje this is, so the author's page doesn't have too much information on it. The author that matches this name on TBRC's website [1] is a kadampa and a gandenpa, which makes me think the lcan skya rol pa'i rdo rje who wrote this is a different person? There are also two colophons for this text, one that lists the above author and another that seems to say that this text was either received or taught (nos) by 'jam dbyangs nkhyen brtse'i dbang po.

Volume 14, text 19, lus mchod sbyin gyi zin bris mdor bsdus kun dga'i skyed tshal: Not sure who the 'jam dpal mkyen brtse on the colophon refers to. Is it mkhyen brtse'i dbang po?

Volume 14, text 16, gcod yul rgya mtsho'i snying po stan thog gcig tu nyams su len pa'i tshul zab mo'i yang zhun- do you have any idea who rgyal thang pa bsam gtan bod zer, mentioned in the colophon, is?

Volume 14, text 12, gcod kyi tshogs las yon tan kun 'byung gsungs rgyun 'khrul med ltar bkod pa bzhugs pa'i dbu phyogs - This text mentions a few different mdzad pa po's , among which are rnal 'byor blo gros rin chen, and thong smyon bsam 'grub. Any idea who they are?

Volume 14, text 10, gcod khrid zab mo 'dod dgu'i char 'bebs - gcod pa kun dga' dbang phyug, mentioned in the colophon, appears to have some connection to the fourth trungpa tulku, drung kun dga' rnam rgyal. There is one listing on TBRC's website for a kun dga' dbang phyug [2] but this person is listed as as Sakyapa. The dates matsh up (I think). Any idea who this is?

Volume 14, text 09, gcod kyi tshogs las yon tan kun ldan gyi dmigs rim bla ma'i gsung rgyun gyi zin bris shel dkar me long - Do you know which bstan 'dzin rnam bdag this is? Also, do you know which 'gyur med rdo rje this is in the colophon?

Volume 14, text 08, gcod yul zab mo'i khrid yig gnad don snying po - any thoughts on who bya bral rin chen bkra shis, who requested this text, is?

Volume 14, text 07, zab mo bdud kyi gcod yul gyi khrid yig - I'm not sure who three of the people listed in the lineage at the end of the colophon for this work are- namely dam pa rgya gar (pha dam pa sangs rgyas?) Jnanjvala, and gnam mthso ba -any idea who they are? Any alternate names that I could find them under at TBRC?

Volume 14, text 04, shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gcod kyi gzhung shes rab skra rtse'i sa gzhung spel ba rin po che'i gter mdzod - I think that machik is the author of this text, but can you verify that for me?

Volume 14, text 02, shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag gcod kyi gzhung 'grel zag med sbrang rtsi There appear to be several people that could be considered authors for this text- the colophon on 14b4 says that 'zal mo brag ba appears to have composed most of the various words and commentary on this text for the noble prince rin chen gsel of nyang,'(།དེ་ནས་རིམ་པར་བརྒྱུད་པ་ལས་ཟལ་མོ་བྲག་པས་ཉང་གྱི་ཇོ་སྲས་རིན་ཆེན་གསལ་གྱི་དོན་དུ། གཞུང་གི་དོན་འགྲེལ་དང་ཡིག་སྣ་མང་བར་མཛད་པར་སྣང་ལ།), but there appear to be others who contributed as well. Does this make zal mo brag ba the primary author? The next two lines say བདག་གི་བླ་མས་འགྲེལ་པ་འབྲིང་དུ་ལོང་བ་མཛད་ཅིང་། ཁོ་བོས་རྒྱས་བསྡུས་གཉིས་བྲིས་པ་ཡིན་ནོ། It's not clear who this second commentary author is here.

Volume 14, text 01, shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i zab don bdud kyi gcod yul gyi gzhung - There are multiple texts and authors here, but because it is a root text, someone from the gcod lineage must have compiled them? Any ideas as to who put this collection of texts together? Also, is Bram ze Ārya de ba considered to be the same person as Āryadeva (Nagarjuna's student)?

Q:Ring brgyud kyi gsol 'debs ma gcig gis mdzad par ban sgar 'jam dpal bzang pos kha bskang ba -
The colophon says: ། རིང་བརྒྱུད་ཀྱི་གསོལ་འདེབས་མ་གཅིག་གིས་མཛད་པར་བན་སྒར་འཇམ་དཔལ་བཟང་པོས་ཁ་ བསྐང་བ་ནི།

Colophon in Wylie: /ring brgyud kyi gsol 'debs ma gcig gis mdzad par ban sgar 'jam dpal bzang pos kha bskang ba ni/

Who is this: ban sgar 'jam dpal bzang po ? Is he this person ?

A: Here's what I got back from Sarah on this : the title actually means "the supplication to the long lineage by Machik, appended by Bengar Jampal Zangpo" Since a prayer may be, and usually is, appended much later than the time of the original, since the lineage has many more names by then, I don't see any problem about the dates. If you want to send me page numbers in volume 14, then I'll look at the actual colophon. Hope you guys are having fun. love, Sarah --DrlEditorOne 15:38, 14 August 2010 (UTC)

Questions for Cyrus Stearns

Volume 6 of gdams ngag mdzod (Shechen Edition)

Rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan and nag po pa and Ucitamara. - see below and note at Slob dpon nag po spyod pas mdzad pa'i gtum mo lam rdzogs.

ཌོམྦི་ཧེ་རུ་ཀས་མཛད་པའི་ལྷན་ཅིག་སྐྱེས་གྲུབ་ 7-17

Wylie: Dom+bi he ru kas mdzad pa'i lhan cig skyes grub, by rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan

Sources are split on who the author is. Is the author Dom+bi he ru ka or rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan?

སློབ་དཔོན་པདྨ་བཛྲ་གྱིས་མཛད་པའི་བསྐྱེད་རིམ་ཟབ་པའི་ཚུལ་དགུས་བརྒྱན་པ་ 19-41

Wylie: slob dpon pad+ma badz+ra gyis mdzad pa'i bskyed rim zab pa'i tshul dgus brgyan pa, by slob dpon pad+ma badz+ra (Padmavajra)

Most of these texts seem to have another author than who is listed in the title. Is the author of this text actually Padmavajra?

སློབ་དཔོན་ནག་པོ་སྤྱོད་པས་མཛད་པའི་གཏུམ་མོ་ལམ་རྫོགས་ 43-53

Wylie: slob dpon nag po spyod pas mdzad pa'i gtum mo lam rdzogs, by shAk+ya'i dge bsnyen theg pa mchog gi rnal 'byor pa grags pa rgyal mtshan (rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan)

Sources are split on who the author is. Is the author slob dpon nag po spyod pa or rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan?

ནག་པོ་ཨུ་ཙི་ཏ་འཆི་བ་མེད་པས་མཛད་པ་ཡོན་པོ་སྲོང་བའི་གདམས་པ་ 55-57

Wylie: nag po u tsi ta 'chi ba med pas mdzad pa yon po srong ba'i gdams pa, by rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan

Sources are split on who the author is. Is the author nag po u tsi ta 'chi ba or rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan?

སློབ་དཔོན་ཀླུ་སྒྲུབ་ཀྱིས་མཛད་པའི་མཆོད་རྟེན་དྲུང་ཐོབ་ 59-65

Wylie: slob dpon klu sgrub kyis mdzad pa'i mchod rten drung thob, by shAk+ya'i dge bsnyen grags pa rgyal mtshan (rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan)

Sources are split on who the author is. Is the author slob dpon klu sgrub or rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan?

སློབ་དཔོན་ངག་དབང་གྲགས་པས་མཛད་པའི་ཕྱག་རྒྱ་ཆེན་པོ་ཡི་གེ་མེད་པ་ 67-79

Wylie: slob dpon ngag dbang grags pas mdzad pa'i phyag rgya chen po yi ge med pa, by rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan

Sources are split on who the author is. Is the author slob dpon ngag dbang grags pa or rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan?

དཔལ་ཏོག་ཙེ་བའི་བསམ་མི་ཁྱབ་ཀྱི་གདམས་ངག་ 81-118

Wylie: dpal tog tse ba'i bsam mi khyab kyi gdams ngag, by tog tse pa (Kuddālapāda)

Most of these texts seem to have another author than who is listed in the title. Is the author of this text actually Kuddālapāda?

སློབ་དཔོན་ཨིནྡྲ་བྷཱུ་ཏིའི་མཛད་པའི་ཕྱག་རྒྱའི་ལམ་སྐོར་ 119-136

Wylie: slob dpon in+dra b+hU ti'i mdzad pa'i phyag rgya'i lam skor, by rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan

Sources are split on who the author is. Is the author slob dpon in+dra b+hU ti or rje btsun grags pa rgyal mtshan?

ཌོམྦི་ཧེ་རུ་ཀའི་ལྷན་ཅིག་སྐྱེས་གྲུབ་ཀྱི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་བཀྲ་ཤིས་གི་ཝཾ་སྨན་བཅུད་ 137-150

Wylie: Dom+bi he ru ka'i lhan cig skyes grub kyi khrid yig bkra shis gi waM sman bcud, by chos rgyal 'phags pa?

Sources are split on who the author is. Chökyi Nyima says author is Chos rgyal 'phag pa (from the lam 'bras pod dmar), but blo gros mtha' yas is in colophon.

པདྨ་བཛྲའི་ཟབ་པའི་ཚུལ་དགུའི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཡུངས་ཀར་གོང་བུ་ 151-180

Wylie: pad+ma badz+ra'i zab pa'i tshul dgu'i khrid yig bkra shis yungs kar gong bu, by chos rgyal 'phags pa?

Sources are split on who the author is. Chökyi Nyima says author is Chos rgyal 'phag pa (from the lam 'bras pod dmar), but blo gros mtha' yas is in colophon.

ནག་པོ་ཨུ་ཙི་ཊ་འཆི་བ་མེད་པའི་ཡོན་པོ་སྲོང་བའི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ཞོའི་སྙིང་པོ་ 181-188

Wylie: nag po u tsi Ta 'chi ba med pa'i yon po srong ba'i khrid yig bkra shis zho'i snying po, by chos rgyal 'phags pa?

Sources are split on who the author is. Chökyi Nyima says author is Chos rgyal 'phag pa (from the lam 'bras pod dmar), but blo gros mtha' yas is in colophon.

འཕགས་པ་ཀླུ་སྒྲུབ་ཀྱི་མཆོད་རྟེན་དྲུང་ཐོབ་ཀྱི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་བཀྲ་ཤིས་བིལྦའི་ལྗོན་བཟང་ 189-212

Wylie: 'phags pa klu sgrub kyi mchod rten drung thob kyi khrid yig bkra shis bil+ba'i ljon bzang, by chos rgyal 'phags pa?

Sources are split on who the author is. Chökyi Nyima says author is Chos rgyal 'phag pa (from the lam 'bras pod dmar), but blo gros mtha' yas is in colophon.

ངག་དབང་གྲགས་པའི་ཕྱག་རྒྱ་ཆེན་པོ་ཡི་གེ་མེད་པའི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་བཀྲ་ཤིས་དཱུརྦའི་མྱུ་གུ་ 213-229

Wylie: ngag dbang grags pa'i phyag rgya chen po yi ge med pa'i khrid yig bkra shis dUrba'i myu gu, by chos rgyal 'phags pa?

Sources are split on who the author is. Chökyi Nyima says author is Chos rgyal 'phag pa (from the lam 'bras pod dmar), but blo gros mtha' yas is in colophon.

ཏོག་རྩེ་པའི་བསམ་གྱིས་མི་ཁྱབ་པའི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་བཀྲ་ཤིས་དྭངས་ཤེལ་མེ་ལོང་ 231-254

Wylie: tog rtse pa'i bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i khrid yig bkra shis dwangs shel me long, by chos rgyal 'phags pa?

Sources are split on who the author is. Chökyi Nyima says author is Chos rgyal 'phag pa (from the lam 'bras pod dmar), but blo gros mtha' yas is in colophon.

ཨིནྡྲ་བྷཱུ་ཏིའི་ཕྱག་རྒྱའི་ལམ་གྱི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་བཀྲ་ཤིས་དུང་དཀར་གཡས་འཁྱིལ་ 255-269

Wylie: in+dra b+hU ti'i phyag rgya'i lam gyi khrid yig bkra shis dung dkar g.yas 'khyil, by chos rgyal 'phags pa?

Sources are split on who the author is. Chökyi Nyima says author is Chos rgyal 'phag pa (from the lam 'bras pod dmar), but blo gros mtha' yas is in colophon.

ནག་པོ་པའི་གཏུམ་མོ་ལམ་རྫོགས་ཀྱི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་བཀྲ་ཤིས་ལི་ཁྲིའི་ཐིག་ལེ་ 271-287

Wylie: nag po pa'i gtum mo lam rdzogs kyi khrid yig bkra shis li khri'i thig le, by chos rgyal 'phags pa?

Sources are split on who the author is. Chökyi Nyima says author is Chos rgyal 'phag pa (from the lam 'bras pod dmar), but blo gros mtha' yas is in colophon.

འབྲོག་མི་ལོ་ཙཱ་བས་མཁས་པ་སྒོ་དྲུག་ལ་གསན་པའི་སྒོ་དྲུག་ཆོས་འབྲེལ་དུ་གྲགས་པའི་ཁྲིད་ཡིག་ 289-303

Wylie: 'brog mi lo tsA bas mkhas pa sgo drug la gsan pa'i sgo drug chos 'brel du grags pa'i khrid yig, by chos rgyal 'phags pa?

Chökyi Nyima says author is Chos rgyal 'phag pa (from the lam 'bras pod dmar), but could not find author in colophon.

Volume 08, text 011 - rje btsun ras chung pa'i khyad chos lus med mkha' 'gro'i chos skor dgu'i gzhung man ngag dang bcas pa - ras chung pa - the colophon uses bkod pa - redactor or author?

Volume 08, text 012 - lus med mkha' 'gro'i chos skor dgu ti l+li pa'i gdams pa - The colophon says that the teaching was requested by ras cung dorje from te phu pa, and also says that it was originally set down by Tilopa. Any more information on te phu pa would be great. The link for ti phu pa (which I think is a match) doesn't have mush information on it.

Volume 08, text 013 - lus med mkha' 'gro'i bsnyan brgyud kyi man ngag gi khrid yig - The colophon mentions that this text was written according to Gampopa's yig chung, but does this make Gampopa the author? The catalog page lists gampopa for now.

Volume 08, text 020 - sgam po pa bkra shis rnam rgyal gyis mdzad pa sgrub pa'i zhal bskos - Who is sgam po pa bkra shis rnam rgyal? Another name for Gampopa? or another name for dwags po bkra shis rnam rgyal?

Volume 8, text 023 - phyag rgya chen po sgom ma mo'i sngon 'gro dngos gzhi zhang rin po ches mdzad pa - The report lists de wa ku mA ra as another author for this text (mentioned in the colophon). Any ideas who this might be?

Volume 09, text 006 - rdo rje rnal 'byor ma lhan cig skyes ma'i bskyed rim gyi lha khrid rnam bshad zab mo rnam 'byed kyi snying po bsdus pa - It seems like gtsug lag 'phreng ba might be more reasonably considered a redactor here, and Marpa or Naropa considered the "authors."

Volume 09, text 007 - chos rje rang byung rdo rjes mdzad pa'i rlung sems gnyis med - It's clear from the title that Rangjung Dorje is the source for this text, but the lineage at the end of the text includes the fourth karmapa, and the regent who received the teachings from Rangjung Dorje and passed them on.

Volume 09, text 012 - rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas dpal karma pa'i zab chos sku gsum ngo sprod kyi gdams pa - Authorship for this text is an issue, judging from the colophon. Should karma chags med rin po che be listed as an author if this text was written according to his instructions? I've listed the 14th Karmapa as the author to match the report, but this needs to be verified.

Volume 09, text 013 - dpal nA ro pa chen po'i gegs sel gzer lnga'i man ngag - It looks like the colophon for this text cuts off at the end. Any ideas who the author of this text might be?

Volume 09, text 014, 015 - dpal karma pa chen po la brten pa'i thun bzhi'i bla ma'i rnal 'byor dmigs khrid dang bcas pa - I'm not sure if the mthar pyin mentioned in the colophons of texts 015 and 014 is karma phrin las mthar phyin, or ogyen mthar phyin. Any thoughts on this?

Volume 09, text 017 - ri chos bai DUrya'i phreng ba zhes bya ba thar 'dod kyi mgul rgyan - From the colophon, it looks like this is actually an aspiration prayer composed by pad+ma rnam rgyal (not sure which one), which disagrees with the report(which says this text was composed by the 4th Trungpa). Any ideas about this?

Volume 10, text 007 - spyod pa chos kyi glu zhes bya ba 'byung ba ro snyoms kyi gdams ngag - The dkar chag says this text was taken from gtsang pa rgya ras' collection. The report attributes the text to him as well, but the title and the colophon suggest that Naropa may actually be the author (particularly because the colophon lists the name of the translator as well). Any ideas on who this text should be attributed to?

Volume 10, text 011 - bla ma phyi nang gsang bar sgrub pa'i gzhung - I have listed pad+ma dkar po as the author for this text as it is listed in the kar chag. However, the colophon says the text was actually written by klu sgrub snying po, and also lists Tilopa and Aryadeva in the lineage (Chokyi Nyima's report includes Naropa, but I did not find him listed in the colophon). I'm not sure how we want to assign authorship for this text. This also brings up the 'which Nagarjuna' issue. Does it make sense to make two pages for klu grub rnal 'byor pa and 'phags pa'i klu grub if they are considered to be the same person by the authors of these texts?

Volume 10, text 027 - phyag bzhi pa sku regs ma'i rgya gzhung dang 'khor lo gnyis ma'i khrid yig - I have this text listed without an author. Any ideas who the kun seng pa at the end of the lineage/colophon is here?

Volume 10, text 028 - thugs rje chen po dang bde mgon sbrags sgrub nag po gzi mdangs kyi sgrub pa zhes bya ba dpal chen rgwa lo tsA ba'i snyan brgyud - I've cataloged this text with karma chags med as the author (smras mkhan) and pad+ma thabs mkhas (bris mkhan) as the scribe, according to the colophon. this needs to be checked.

Volume 13, text 002, 004 - zhi byed snga phyi bar gsum gyi dbang chog rnams phyogs gcig tu bsgrigs pa bklags pas grub pa - is smin gling lo chen d+harma shrI an author or redactor for these texts? or both?

Volume 13, text 005 - grub chen dam pa sangs rgyas nas brgyud pa'i dam chos sdug bsngal zhi byed kyi lam lnga'i khrid yig dri med snang ba grub pa mchog gi zhal lung - I am entering in many+dzu g+ho Sha as a redactor for this work, following the line in the colophon that says : many+dzu g+ho Shas gong gshom gyi tshigs bcad gsar bsnan dar bcas te lung gi rgyun spel ba. Usually, a redactor is entered into the system if they are referred to as a bkod pa po, but in this case I think it is also appropriate. It also seems that bsod nams dpal and pad+mo ngal 'tsho ba, (one of bsod nams dpal's students?) may have authored this work. The kar chag only mentions the former, so I've enteres bsod nams dpal as the author for this text. Any thoughts on this?

Volume 13, text 007 - thugs kyi zhal chems pad mo brtsegs pa - Is a tsa ra sprang po the author for this text?

Volume 15, text 011 - dpal dus kyi 'khor lo'i sbyor drug gi sngon 'gro chos spyod kyi ngag 'don zung 'jug them skas - I have listed the author for this text as mkhyen gzigs rin po che, as it is in the colophon, but am not sure exactly who this is- so the author page for mkyen gzigs rin po che doesn't have much information on it right now. Could it be the 14th Karmapa? Also, the kar chag lists the 9th Situ Rinpoche as the author for this text. It has him listed as a mdzad pa po, and the colophon has mkhyen gzigs rin po che listed as the mdzad pa po, and the 9th Situ as the bris pa po.

Volume 15, text 019 - chos rgyal rigs ldan gtso bor gyur pa rdo rje'i rnal 'byor brgyud pa'i bla ma mchod pa'i cho ga rdo rje nyi ma'i snang ba chen po - It seems Kongtrul mentioned kun mkhyen dol po pa sangs rgyas in the colophon:(17a3 middle). Not sure if this means that Dol po pa should be listed as an author, or if Kongtrul is the appropriate author.

Volume 16, text 005 - grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i rdzogs rim rin chen phreng ba rtsa 'grel - The colophon says that this text was taught by the 84 mahasiddhas, and specifically Tilopa. This needs to be verified.

Volume 16, text 017 - 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyi byang chub lam gyi rim pa'i khrid kyi cha lag man ngag gser gyi thur ma rin po che'i sgron me - is the author of this text also 'od dpag rdo rje?

Volume 16, text 018, 019, 020, 021, 022, 023 etc. - the texts in this volume attributed to 'od dpag rdo rje all have a similar issue re: authorship- is 'od dpag rdo rje considered and author here, or a redactor, or both? All of the texts that are attributed to rnal 'byor pa 'od dpag rdo rje have him listed as a bkod pa po, which we are translating as 'redactor' in the catalog. I have also put him down as a, author, but am not sure if he really qualifies as such.

Volume16, text 025'phags pa spyan ras gzigs kyis grub chen mi tra dzo ki la gsungs pa'i rang gi sems nyid ngal gso ba'i man ngag - Who is the author of this text? This 'author name' seems to be very general and is not listed by TBRC.

Volume 17, text 001 - thugs rje chen po'i dmar khrid skyer sgang lugs kyi brgyud 'debs - This is a root text from the instructions of the four [main] Kadampa deities- there is no author listed in the colophon, any idea who it should be attributed to?

Volume 17, text 003 - thugs rje chen po'i smar khrid - Is it smar khrid or dmar khrid? Both spellings are used here.

Volume 17, text 004 - thugs rje chen po'i dmar khrid zla rgyal lugs kyi brgyud 'debs - There are 12 zla ba rgyal mtshans listed at TBRC- which one is this?

Volume 017, text 008 - kun mkhyen bo dong pa'i lugs kyi phyag rgya chen po lhan cig skyes sbyor dang zab gsal dbyer med zung du 'jug pa'i sngon 'gro'i ngag 'don ma rig mun sel - Again, the author for this text needs to be clarified- the colophon mentions kun mkhyen bo dong pa as the source for this text.

Volume 17, text 009 - bo dong lugs kyi phyag rgya chen po zab gsal gyi ring brgyud gsol 'debs ye shes mchog stsol - TBRC lists 27 different sangs rgyas ye shes'- not sure which one this is.

Volume 17, text 011, 012 - thub pa chen po'i gcod khrid kyi khrid yig zab don yang snying - I'm not sure who to assign authorship to for this text. There is no kun mkhyen bo dong pa chen po listed as a person at TBRC. However, this does seem like the appropriate author listing for this text. This needs to be looked into further. For now, I've created a page for kun mkhyen bo dong pa chen po without a TBRC link.

Volume 17, text 010 - bo dong ras chen dpal 'byor bzang po'i lugs kyi gtum mo zhag bdun ma'i khrid yig bla ma'i zhal lung - After looking at the colophon here again, it seems less likely that ras chen dpal 'byor wrote this, but the colophon does say that this text was written down exactly as it was taught by ras chen dpal 'byor, which makes me think it is ok to list him as an author here?

Volume 17, text 015 - thams cad mkhyen pa rong ston chen pos yum la gnang ba'i zab lam 'pho ba'i gdams skor - Byams pa 'phrin las yon tan clearly wrote this text, but it may also be appropriate to put rong ston down as an author, as this text is based on his instructions.

Volume 17, - kun mkhyen bo dong pa chen po? - is this an author or are these titles simply indicating that the texts are the lineage of Bo dong? See Gdams ngag mdzod DPL

Volume 18, text 002 - khrid brgya'i brgyud 'debs kha skong - btsun pa blo gsal bstan skyon definitely wrote this down, but the colophon seems to attribute the text to 'jam dbyangs mkyen brtse dbang po. this needs to be looked at.

Volume 18, text 006 - khrid brgya'i brgyud pa'i lo rgyus kha skong - Authorship- line 1b2 mentions that the text follows a composition by kun dga' grol mchog.

Volume 18, text 005, 007, 008 - khrid brgya'i sngon 'gro thun mong ma yin pa - Author? No colophon, but TBRC has kun dgaʼ grol mchog listed as the author in its catalog of the Paro printing.

Volume 18, text 012 - khrid brgya'i pod dbang byed tshul bla ma'i zhal shes yi ger bkod pa byin rlabs kyi za ma tog - From what I can tell, this text also lists kun dga' grol chog as a redactor (bkod pa), though I'm not 100% sure that the redactor wasn't a student of kun dga' grol mchog based on the material that precedes the 'de ltar' at the beginning of the colophon.

Missing or Hidden Texts

Volume 09, text 005 - sngon 'gro bzhi sbyor sogs kyi ngag 'don 'phags lam bgrod pa'i shing rta - this text contains another text by the 5th Shamarpa at the end, starting on 9a.

New Texts Found

Volume 8, text 021 - skye med zhang rin po ches mdzad pa'i phyag rgya chen po'i lam mchog mthar thug - This text contains a second title on 9b6 ('pho ba don gyi grong 'jug bzhugs/) It also looks like it starts with the lo rgyus, and then the root text begins on 5b3 (/sems khrid yid bzhin nor bu bzhugs so/)?

Volume 10, text 001 - phyag chen lhan cig skyes kyi khrid yig gzhung chung rdo rje'i tshig rkang yid bzhin nor bu - The end of 3a1 contains a different title - dpal nA ro chos drug gi khrid yig yid bzhin gyi nor bu zhes bya ba bzhugs/ - not sure where we want to note this on the catalog page.

Volume 10, text 018 - rgyal ba yang dgon pa'i khyad chos ri chos yon tan kun 'byung gi snying po ma drug gi gdams zab - I'm not sure that these qualify as 'separate texts,'- the colophons don't have much information in them, so they're probably all attributed to the same redactor, rgyal mtshan dpal, who I've also listed as an author for this work for now. Here's the note for this text - There appear to be separate colophons on 24b6, 15b4 (which is followed by a group of six subject headings?), a new section of the text (or a new text) that starts on 10b1.

Volume 12, text 012 - su kha sid+d+hi'i lo rgyus rgya gzhung gsang sgrub lte ba sprul 'khor dbang chog rnams - there are multiple colophons and multiple authors mentioned. Look at 4a4, 4b7, 6a3, 8b6. I've listed the author as 'jam mgon kong sprul, as it is in Chokyi Nyima's report.

Volume 12, text 026 - shangs pa bka' brgyud kyi mgur mtsho - There are a few different colophons throughout this text, some that attribute the material to lodro thaye and some that do not. not sure if we want to list them individually on the catalog page.

Volume 13, text 001 - dam chos sdug bsngal zhi byed kyi gzhung gsang ba bsam gyis mi khyab pa'i rgyud sde'i dum bu rin po che'i snying po - after looking at the text a bit more, it definitely contains multiple colophons, and multiple authors. I originally cataloged it as authored by mi bskyod rdo rje, but he is only the final author of one of the stotras at the end. I've entered in the phrase 'Contains multiple colophons' and 'Mutliple authors' in the appropriate fields for now.

Volume 17, text 006 - grub pa'i dbang phyug thang stong rgyal po la thugs rje chen pos dngos su gnang ba'i snying po yi ge drug pa'i nyams len gyi gzhung gsal byed dang bcas pa - There appears to be another text that begins on 10a4 of this work. The first colophon, which directly precedes the title for this separate text, is attributed to blo gros mtha' yas.

Volume 17, text 022 - tshe sgrub zhag bdun ma'i nyams len gyi rim pa 'chi med bdud rtsi'i bcud len - New text on pg.336 (3ba). Looks like this text was requested by 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse dbang po. I haven't listed him as an author here.

Volume 17, text 027 - rje btsun sgrol ma yid bzhin 'khor lo'i zab khrid thun mong ma yin pa'i yi ge bde ldan mgon po'i zhal lung ring 'tsho'i bsil sbyin - There appears to be a colophon on 12b1 and a new text title that begins on 12b4.

Volume 17, text 029 - bla ma tshe lha rnam gsum gyi rnal 'byor dang rjes su 'brel bar tshogs gnyis spel ba'i cho ga 'chi med grub pa'i dga' ston - There appears to be a colophon on 9b4 in addition to the one at the end of the text. As far as I can tell, this one attributes the text to 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po also. I'm not sure if we want to record it in the catalog.

Volume 18, text 015 - 'dul ba'i las chog mthong ba don ldan - check 32b6- it looks like this is the beginning of a new text. There is a colophon here, and possibly a second title.

Colophon Problems

Volume 8, text 016 - sngon 'gro'i khrid yig thun bzhi'i rnal 'byor - Colophon question: The khan ma thob med par in the first line needs to be checked. Also I think the ri pa pa in the second line should probably be ri pa po, and have left a footnote in the colophon material on the cataloging page.

Volume 10, text 027 - phyag bzhi pa sku regs ma'i rgya gzhung dang 'khor lo gnyis ma'i khrid yig - this text has a long lineage listed as its colophon. I've already put the text on the colophon page- do we want to catalog the lineage somehow?

Volume 12, text 014 - su kha sid+d+hi'i zhal gdams kyi skor dang gzer gsum gdams pa rnams - The colophon for this text has several notes in the pecha that I've tried to recreate here using footnotes.Also, I believe the last line of the colophon should read gcig las med na instead of gcig las mad na, but this needs to be verified.

Volume 15, text 001 - rdo rje'i rnal 'byor yan lag drug pa'i rgyud dang man ngag gi snying po'i gzhung - I'm not sure who actually wrote this text down, but judging from the colophon, Shavari seems like the first one to teach it. It seems to have been requested "from the three followers of lha mtsho" which is probably guru lha mtsho [3]? The kar chag lists Śavaripa as the source for this teaching as well.

Volume 15, text 007, 008 - sbyor drug gegs sel - The second line 'brgyud pa'i bla ma gong ma so so'i man ngag gi yi ge bzhin du phyogs gcig tu bsdus pa yin' in the colophon makes me think that Taranatha could also be considered a redactor for this work instead of/in addition to being an author?

Volume 15, text 014 - dpe med mtsho'i lugs kyi rnal 'byor yan lag drug pa'i khrid rdo rje'i tshig 'byed - The first line of the colophon is problematic - la stod byang nas rje btsun kun dga' chos kyi sgron mas gsol ba btab pa'i ngor - does this refer to [4] or to [5]. I think it refers to the former because of the note on TBRC's website. however, the fact that there is a nas following the la stod byang makes this confusing. Did this kun dga' chos gron request the teaching from someone named la stod byang? Or did this kun dga' chos kyi sgron ma request this teaching from Padma dkarpo (which is what I've gone with for this page).

Volume 15, text 015 - snying po rdo rje'i tshig ces bya ba lce rtse rkan sbyar gyi gdams ngag gi rtsa ba - It seems like ri khrod zhabs, mentioned in the colophon, should be a person's name, but it doesn't come up on TBRC's website. It could just be a general name for the inhabitants of the hermitages from whom nags kyi rin chen received this teaching?

Volume 15, text 021 - grub chen o rgyan pa'i gdams ngag rdo rje gsum gyi bsnyen sgrub kyi gzhung - The colophon ends with a 'skyugs pa yin,' which either means the text was 'vomited by Orgyen pa,' or this is a spelling error- (of course, it is entirely likely that the text was 'vomited up,' but the word choice seems a bit strange:). I'm not sure what word this is supposed to be. Also, Chokyi Nyima's report has a ? next to the o rgyan pa, so this may deserve another look.

Volume 15, text 022 - bsnyen sgrub kyi 'brel bshad yid bzhin nor bu - Colophon quesion: TBRC begins the last line of this colophon with spen- I think it is spe na (in pe- a place in Tibet), but this should be verified.

Volume 16, text 002 - bla ma rdo rje 'chang grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i byin rlabs lhan cig tu bya ba'i tshul dngos grub chu rgyun - Colophon question: I'm not sure about the spelling for grub mchog grwa pa'i na bza' can in the second line of the colophon. The pecha scan is difficult to read. This needs to be checked- it's on pdf pg 108 of Volume 16.

Volume 16, text 024 - chos skyong brag lha mgon po'i mngon rtogs - Colophon question: I'm not sure if the third line in the colophon says 'ris su sdeb tu med pa la' or 'ris su sde pa tu med pa la.' Also, the colophon mentions rje btsun grags pa rin chen and g+hi rti rat+na- who I believe are the same person here, but this needs to be confirmed.

Volume 16, text 028 - sems nyid ngal gso'i brgyud 'debs gnas sbyar ma - Chokyi Nyima's report also has bco brgyad khri chen listed as an author, but I didn't see him in the colophon, so I left him out.

Volume 17, text 002 - spyan ras gzigs dpal mo lugs kyi brgyud 'debs - There are two short colophons in this text- the first is a supplication on 1b4 by 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po, and the second does not appear to list any author, though it may also be 'jam dbyangs mkhyen brtse'i dbang po. I entered both colophons into the cataloging data. The title for the second text, also found on 1b4, reads: thugs rje chen po'i dmar khrid dpal mo lugs kyi nyams len snying por dril gzung 'jug myur lam bzhugs so/

Volume 17, text 016 - grub chen zhi ba sbas pa'i thugs bcud bka' babs bdun ldan gyi gzhung rdo rje'i lam bzang po - This text has a lot of colophon material that lists off several different redactors. Taranatha is mentioned as a translator, and the end of the colophon seems to qualify him as an author as well. This could use another look though to see if there's any more information in the colophon that we want to include on the catalog page.

Volume 17, text 019 - bcud len gyi gdams pa rim pa lnga pa - The colophon has bya bral ba dge 'dun rgya mtsho dpal bzang po listed as a redactor- I've put him down as and author here too, though this is a written manual from an oral instruction lineage- not sure if we want to keep him as an 'author,' but we should probably put him down as a redactor in the cataloging data on the page if he doesn't qualify as an author. Also, there is a very clear lineage given at the end that might be interesting to include in the catalog somehow.

Volume 17, text 028 - sgrol dkar yid bzhin 'khor lo'i tshe khrid zla ba'i chu rgyun gyi nyams len snying po bsdus pa - Colophon issues: on 5b1 of this text there is a syllable 'dzug (part of tshe grub 'dzug 'dun) that didn't come up in my dictionary.

Volume 18, text 001 - Khrid brgya'i brgyud 'debs brjod bde brgyud pa'i mtshan sdom cung zad gsal bar bkod pa - There appears to be some colophon material on 18b2 in addition to what I've put on the cataloging page. As far as I can tell, it does not list any other source for the text than kun dga' grol mchog, so it may not be necessary to include this.

Issues in cataloging formats

all of the texts that I've cataloged don't have anything written in the cataloging data under scribe, etc., when they aren't given in the colophon, and Tim's pages all have 'None given' written in these fields. -A

Volume 10, text 008 - dpal mkha' spyod dbang pos mdzad pa'i ro snyoms skor drug gi khrid yig - this text lists a lineage at the end that we may want to include in the catalog somehow.

As I've been entering in scribes, redactors, editors, translators, etc. into the category fields of each page, I've realized that we may want to change the way the category link on the author page reads. Right now it reads "works by ... in the research library," which is most appropriate for authors, but might have to be revised for scribes, redactors, editors, and people associated with the text (like someone who requested the teaching).

Volume 10, text 021 - chos drug rdo rje'i gzhung - I have rgyal mtshan dpal bzang po listed as a redactor and as an author for this text for now. The colophon says he's a bkod mkhan- do we want to have him listed as both?

Some pages have rgya gar skad du: no title, some don't have any rgya gar skad du: but do have bod skad du: even if no titles.

Volume 15, text 015 - shangs lugs bde mchog lha lnga'i sgrub thabs kyi rnam par bshad pa zab don gsal byed - The colophon contains a detailed transmission lineage for this text, which may be useful to include in the cataloging data.

Volume 15, text 016 - lce rtse rkan sbyar gyi khrid rdo rje 'dzin pa'i nye lam - There are a few issues here with identifying who the members of the lineage listed at the end of this text are and assigning them person pages in the catalog. I have left two of the names without a link because they are The people who have been linked to this page need to be verified.

Volume 15, text 025 - bsnyen sgrub kyi khrid yig - zla ba seng ge wrote this down just as he received the instructions from rje grub thob chen po (o rgyan pa?). Again, maybe this should be included somehow.

Volume 16, text 013 - chos skyong brag lha mgon po'i rjes gnang bgegs dpung 'joms byed - The tibetan transliteration of this author's name appears to be a misspelling of Kīrtiratna, as the tibetan rendering of the name later in the colophon (rnal 'byor pa grags pa rin chen) suggests. I'm not sure if we want to keep the (prakrit?) transliteration or not.

Volume 17, text 017 - bka' babs drug ldan gyi 'khrid yig 'phags yul grub pa'i zhal lung - There are many colophons like this one, that mention that the text was written down according to another person's teachings 'just as it was spoken.' Maybe we should include the source of the teaching as well as the author of the text in the catalog? I am also not sure which 'kun dga' snying po' this is, which needs to be clarified if we're going to include him in the cataloging data.

Volume 17, text 026 - sgrol dkar yid bzhin 'khor lo'i bla ma brgyud pa'i gsol 'debs - There is a short colophon on 1a7 that attributes the opening verses to pan+de blo gsal. Not sure if we want to record this, or where.

Volume 17, text 028 - sgrol dkar yid bzhin 'khor lo'i tshe khrid zla ba'i chu rgyun gyi nyams len snying po bsdus pa - Author issue: The colophon here lists a long lineage, going back to Atisa. This might be useful information to include in the cataloging data.